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Youth and Environment Europe - News

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When: 22nd to 24th of July 2011

Where: Toulcuv Dvur, Prague, Czech Republic

Who: Youth and Environment Europe

YEE Annual Meeting is a meeting of representatives of YEE member organisations.

As part of this year's programme of the Annual Meeting you can look forward to:

  • the elaboration of the 2011/2012 working plan of the federation with new interesting environmental projects and activities,
  • the election of the new YEE executive board,
  • the discussion about the short term strategies of YEE,
  • and a lot more about YEE, international cooperation, etc.

Agenda of YEE Annual Meeting 2011

If you have any questions please contact YEE office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Remember, you and your organization can create the future of YEE!!!
We are looking forward to meeting you during the most important YEE meeting.

Some word from the participants:

projectAM2 MP3:

Opinions from participants

"Annual meeting of YEE member organisations was a new and novel experience to me as I got the chance to know more about the work of YEE office and other organisations. It was very interesting and inspiring to watch how future projects were created, discussed and organised, to see how many people have similar views in the subject of ecology and are able to make their own unique projects and that other participants were ready to support them in their ideas. I also appreciated the fact that all the organisational work and all future projects are done by young people who are not afraid to take responsibility and are ready to help each other."
Natalya Luchko (EcoCenter Zapovedniks, Russia)

"During the Annual Meeting, I've received complete and thorough information about YEE's functioning and activities it undergoes, about its structure and future plans. Also, I found out how important YEE's involvement in environment protection is and learned about the ways how it is promoted.
In conclusion, I have to say that the whole project was greatly supportive and valuable from experience gaining standpoint. The information got and skills developed will help me in my everyday work and even deepen the enthusiasm for future endeavors."

Irine Elisabedashvili (ASA, Georgia)

"During Annual Meeting we were able to get to know YEE really deeply. To be honest, formal procedures were not exactly funny, although there were plenty of energizing games. Nevertheless the meeting became truly exciting when we started planning ahead. The next year will be engrossing, so much new projects and activities! I am looking forward and I hope that I will be engaged in them.
And what I took back home from Annual Meeting? Faces. Of all participants and all organizers, full of enthusiasm and with shining eyes. It was great to see so many avid people at one place, each of them willing to devote his or her time to meaningful activities."

Tomas Protivinsky (Hnuti Brontosaurus, Czech Republic)

"It was a really great experience to 'see' how big international organization works - the plans until the next annual meeting - how they were structured, prioritized... It was fascinating that I could find out more about the ideas of all these young people and try to find how my ideas could be connected with those of the others in such a way that they could form a whole project for the next year!"
Stoycho Mihov (EO Rhodope , Bulgaria)

Datum: Dienstag, 16. Februar 2011, 16 - 19 Uhr
Ort: IHK Berlin, Mendelssohn Saal, Fasanenstraße 85, 10623 Berlin


In Zeiten knapper werdender Ressourcen und einer wachsenden Anzahl umweltbewusster Kundinnen und Kunden sollten auch kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen aus dem produzierenden Gewerbe sich ihrer Verantwortung gegenüber der Umwelt und nachfolgenden Generationen bewusst werden. Umweltmanagementsysteme bieten die geeigneten Rahmenbedingungen dafür.

Umweltmanagementsysteme sind ein planvoller und strukturierter – und somit systematischer – Umgang mit den Umweltthemen einer Organisation. Die Kenntnis der eigenen Umweltauswirkungen und die Einhaltung der einschlägigen Vorschriften bilden die Basis. Die Organisation muss eine geeignete Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation zu allen Umweltthemen festlegen und umsetzen. Eigene Überwachungsinstrumente, wie z.B. das interne Audit oder die Kontrolle aller wesentlichen Verbräuche, zeigen regelmäßig Verbesserungspotenziale auf. Die Organisation legt darüber hinaus Umweltziele fest, um den betrieblichen Umweltschutz kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Eine Zertifizierung durch eine akkreditierte Stelle bestätigt der Organisation die Einhaltung der Vorgaben und kann öffentlichkeitswirksam verwendet werden.

Ein Umweltmanagementsystem auf der Basis der ISO 14001 oder der EMAS ist eine systematische Herangehensweise an Umweltfragen, die ein allgemeines systematisches Management der Organisation ergänzt und stärkt. Organisationen mit einem guten Management weisen im Allgemeinen durch eine proaktive und umfassende Herangehensweise eine höhere Leistung auf.

Ein Umweltmanagementsystem bietet Ihnen und Ihrem Unternehmen folgende Vorteile:
  • Kosteneinsparungen
  • Risikoverringerung im Sinne der Umwelthaftung
  • Vorbereitung der Organisation auf die zukünftigen Märkte
  • verbesserte Beziehungen zu Behörden
  • bessere Motivation von MitarbeiterInnen sowie
  • bessere Leistungen in den Bereichen Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz

In dieser Veranstaltung informieren wir Sie über die Aufwand und Nutzen bei der Einführung eines Umweltmanagementsystems.

  • Wie kann Ihr Unternehmen von der Umsetzung eines Umweltmanagementsystems profitieren?
  • Welcher Aufwand entsteht bei der Einführung eines Umweltmanagement-systems und welche Fördermittel stehen Ihrem Unternehmen bezüglich dieses Anliegens zur Verfügung?


Eröffnung und Begrüßung
Wendy Wolff, Ansprechpartnerin der IHK Berlin für den Bereich Umweltmanagementsysteme
Anne Kollien, Koordinatorin des Projektes „Environmental Audit", Youth and Environment Europe
Einführung in die Thematik von Umweltmanagementsystemen
Julian Gröger, Student im 3. Semester des Masterstudienganges Öffentliches und betriebliches Umweltmanagement, FU Berlin
16:45 Branchenspezifische Informationen zu Umweltmanagementsystemen
Peter Fischer, Geschäftsführer Peter Fischer Managementberatung, Schwanstetten
17:00 Erfahrungen mit Umweltmanagementsystemen
Martina Fuchs-Buschbeck, Geschäftsführerin und Umweltmanagementverantwortliche, Oktoberdruck AG, EMAS-zertifiziert seit 1995
17:15 Kaffeepause
17:30 Zertifizierung und Validierung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Uwe Lieback, leitender Umwelt- und Qualitätsauditor, Umweltgutachter; Geschäftsführer, GUTcert
18:00 Vorstellung des Clustering-Ansatzes zur Kostenminimierung
Peter Fischer, Geschäftsführer Peter Fischer Managementberatung, Schwanstetten
18:15 Vorstellung von ausgewählten Fördermitteln für Unternehmensberatungen
Edgar Paul, Edgar Paul, Ansprechpartner Bearbeitungsstelle für Gewerbe- fördermittel des Bundes, DIHK Service GmbH
18:45 Fragen und Abschluss




TCEAP1020221Czech_Flag Pro českou verzi článku klikněte SEM

YEE invites everybody interested to presentation of possibilities of international coopearation and workshop on ecomapping. It will take place November 16 from 14.00 to 19.00 in ecological centre Toulcův Dvůr in Prague. In the first part of the programme YEE, its international activities and how to get involved will be presented. During the second part the ecomapping method will be introduced to the participants.

Ecomapping© is a modern and practical method, which helps primarily small organizations and enterprises to establish environmental management system. Creating ecomaps is very easy – just looking carefully around and drawing all significant environmental aspect into seven maps (urban situation, water, soil, air + odours + noise + dust, energy, waste and risks) of the selected object or its part (office, company, house). The most important is to later think about the negative impacts on the environment and how they can get lower.

EMASeasy tool and brochure based on the concept of ecomapping had been developed by Heinz Werner Engel, executive director of the Belgian based consultancy, Eco-Conseil Entreprise and supported by DG Environment. For more information see the official websites:,

The workshop will be held in Czech language. If you would like to participate, please fill in the attached application form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. till November 12.

Invitation – Pozvánka

Application form – Přihláška





YEE zve všechny zájemce na prezentaci mezinárodní činnosti a workshop o ekomapování. Akce se bude konat 16. listopadu 2010 od 14 do 19 hodin v ekologickém centru Toulcův Dvůr v Praze. V první části programu proběhne prezentace organizace YEE, jejích mezinárodních aktivit a možností, jak se zapojit. Následovat bude úvod do ekomapování.

Ekomapování je praktická a velmi jednoduchá nová metoda sloužící primárně organizacím a malým firmám k přípravě na zavedení systému environmentálního managementu. Do sady sedmi map objektu (urbánní situace, voda, půda, vzduch + pachy + hluk + prach, energie, odpad, rizika) se zakreslují všechny environmentální aspekty a posuzuje se jejich negativní vliv na životní prostředí. Výsledkem je nejen mapa podrobně zachycující prostor, ve kterém žijeme a pracujeme, ale především seznam návrhů na to, jak snížit naši celkovou zátěž životního prostředí.

EMASeasy, metoda založená na konceptu ekomapování, byla vyvinuta Heinzem Wernerem Engelem, výkonným ředitelem belgické konzultační společnossti Eco-Conseil Entreprise a podpořena DG Environment. Více informací na oficiálních webových stránkách:,

Workshop bude probíhat v českém jazyce. Pokud máte zájem se akce zúčastnit, pošlete prosím vyplněnou přihlášku (ke stažení níže) emailem na adresu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. do 12. listopadu 2010.






What: Pictures exhibition: "Water – Its importance in pictures"

When: July - December 2010

Where: Photos taken in: Albania, Armenia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Slovakia, USA

Exhibition will be displayed in: Albania, Armenia, Czech Republic

Who: YEE, EDEN (Albania), FYCA (Armenia), Konopa (Czech Republic), DJN (Germany)

Project description

We drink water every day mainly with no reflection. But fresh water is a real treasure that needs to be protected. Water is an integral part of our environment and we cannot live without it, however, there are people who do not have access to fresh water.

Within the project "Water - its importance in pictures" we will collect pictures of people drinking at public spaces - at squares, in forest, from fountains... We will make a photo gallery of these pictures and publish it at websites and
Pictures will be taken along summer in the European countries.

Selected pictures will be then printed in big format and during autumn exposed in following European cities moving from country to country: Armenia, Czech Republic and Albania.

Each exhibition will be accompanied by description of the water importance adapted to each country where the exhibition will be installed. Invited experts on environment and human rights will give a speech by the openings of the exhibition in each country. Final pictures and texts of the exhibition will be put at the web page of partner organisations. We will create a forum on the Sunny Campaign website in order to give a space for discussion of the topic.

Everybody is welcome to contribute with pictures from all over the World. Summer trips are great opportunity to do so. Water flows in our Universe and as environment it knows no border. Let’s show it to people! To contribute send your pictures to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write us. Write down your full name and your country of origin that can be used for the subtitle of the picture.


International project that aims to motivate people to protect fresh water resources and to point out fresh water in the scope of human rights.

Participating countries

Albania, Armenia, Czech Republic, Germany

Financial support

This project was funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, and supported as a part of YEE working plan 2010 by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Comission. The photos were printed with kind support of Centrum FotoŠkoda.



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Water - Its Importance in Pictures photogallery


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