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Femke's early ambitions |
Some children w I wanted to become an environmental activist. I dreamed of a future where I would chain myself to trees, sail in front of whale killing boats and never ever get a driver license. At least little Femke would be proud of my incapability to drive. As for the other dreams, I haven’t put my body yet in front of chainsaws or harpoons. Despite this, I would still call myself an environmentalist in heart and soul. I hope little Femke would be satisfied seeing me: Taking a train from Brussels to demonstrate for the Climate Conference in Warsaw; mobilizing students for the Climate Conference in Paris; coordinating student sustainability groups; supporting environmental youth groups involved with the Earth Charter; incorporating sustainability, justice and peace in my work as a teacher; and connecting students, university staff and external organisations to research sustainability challenges. Doing these things would have been impossible without the support, guidance and help of various people and organisations. In my turn, I hope to use my time at YEE to empower youth who are engaging themselves and others for a more sustainable future. Looking forward to what this year will bring, Femke EVS volunteer 2018-2019 at YEE More info