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Bees are already up and about their business...and what are you up to?
Spring has been the perfect time for launching our "The Right to Be(e)" campaign. Like many years before, we again set out to attract more attention to the well-being of bees in Europe. "The Right to Be(e)" is a grassroots campaign which aims to support the survival of bees with local actions. It is open to everybody - no matter if you are a bee enthusiast or not. And in the end it is for everybody, not just bees. By helping them, we help ourselves on the long run.
In 2017 we focused on sharing, action and support. We carried out diverse actions, ranging from flower plantings (as a follow up to our Be(e) The Change training course) and educational trainings, to meetings with beekeepers and promotions of a honey breakfast initiative. Interested to learn more? Click the banner below!
