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It all happened on a fresh January morning.
Two teachers and a group of pupils wait patiently at the bus stop. Suddenly, there is a noise in the distance. A long expected noise. A familiar sound. Euphoria rises as it gets closer and closer.
It is an exciting day, for dull lectures gave way to a visit of the local Eco-centre. The bus arrives. They all rush in as the bus door open. Some manage to get a seat while others stand, gripping the poles tightly.
Laughter breaks out when the bus makes a sharp left turn, causing some of the standing pupils to bump into each other. It’s always so much fun on school trips!
The bus hardly gains speed as it starts to slow down again. And here is where this environmental day stops being so environmental. The bus stops. Doors open. The class exits and goes to the Eco-centre.
Two crossings. Two left turns. A wide sidewalk on both sides of the road. 450 metres and 5 minutes of walking distance.
What lesson did the teachers give or want to give to their pupils with this? Use public transport because it is sustainable? Use public transport because it is environmentally friendly? Use public transport because it is convenient? Don’t walk if you don’t have to?
Or better
Don’t make an effort if you don’t have to? Don't bother...
I guess we’ll never know.
Written by: Aljaž Malek