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Celebrations of International Earth Day and Drin Action Day by EDEN

Celebration of International Earth Day, 22nd of April 2016

finaledenOn 22nd of April 2016 EDEN Center celebrated the International Earth Day. EDEN developed various educational environmental activities with pupils of elementary schools in Tirana "Sabahudin Gabrani" and "Dora d'Distria" and at the Environmental Education Centre "EDEN" next to the Tirana Zoo.
Students of both schools have planted seeds of various plants. Besides learning the techniques of planting the plants and the pupils' responsibility towards them, the students also got information about which positive aspects these plants offer to the environment and community. Some variety of plants that were planted were: Laurus nobilis L, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Nerium Oleander, Jasminum multiflorum and other decorative flowers.

Educational interactive games also took place at the Environmental Education Center at the Zoo, with the aim of developing school children's the culture and sense of activism for environment. Games for children were developed on critical thinking for environmental issues and a historical explanation on the Earth Day and for the ecological house of "EDEN" was introduced. The children have also visited the animals' areas where they gained general information about animals and the zoo itself.

This year's theme was "Trees for the Earth" ®. "The purpose of this theme is to make a significant and measurable impact on the Earth which will serve for a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet for all" ( April 22nd is a special day dedicated to all those who care for the Earth. This day aims to raise awareness of the opportunities to improve the issue of the climate change and exploitation of resources in environmental protection.
Also on April 22nd 2016 an agreement on climate protection was signed by the United States, China and other 120 countries that were part of the conference of Paris on climate change in 2015.
EDEN Center thanks all the staff and students of the involved schools that were part of the celebration of this important day for the earth!

This event will be organized within the project titled: "Horizon to EU Accession- Engaging Active Citizenship and Civil Society in Environmental Policy", in frame of the "Albanian Civil Society for a European Environment (ACHIEVE)" program - Regional Environmental Center (REC). Supported by the EU Delegation in Albania.
For more, click here to view photos activities throughout the day!

Celebration of Drin Action Day, 5th of May 2016

On 5th of May 2016 EDEN Center celebrated the Drin Action Day. The aim of this event was to promote and protect the value of the Drini River among students who lives in the area close to it.
final eden2The 5th of May is an annual initiative aiming in raising public awareness about natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin with the overall goal of protecting and conserving the freshwater ecosystems in the river. EDEN centre organised a series of awareness activities with the students of "Reshit Hyseni" elementary school in Beltoi area, Shkodra region. The community in this area lives cross to the water of the Drini river. Part of this activity were students and teachers of the school, and also parents. Students through colorful posters and environmental poems for rivers have transmited awareness messages to the community in protecting the biggest and most important river in the country.
Also various interactive games were developed using educative materials by EDEN staff. The students were introduced to the natural values of the river and got new and interesting information and facts about flora and fauna; risks that threaten the area caused by people who abuse on the Drin River Basin. At the end of the activity the EDEN staff evaluated the nice work done by students with some beautiful natural flowers to express their care toward the protection of environment .

"This activity is a joint initiative of the Act4Drin project ( and the Drin Project ( financed by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) respectively. It is implemented in support and within the framework of the Drin Corda Process under the coordination of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) and the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med)."
For more, click here to view photos from the activities!
