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CCC Campaign - Argonauta, Croatia |
Water, energy and waste - Argonauta, Croatia
The format of the event was an Open Quiz and it took place in the center of Murter where participants were divided into groups. Each group had a main topic to develop: water, energy and waste. The teams were encouraged to be active in order to go to the next step and approach local people to ask about their points of views on Climate Change and the relation with their specific topics. The final goal was to create a big poster about the given topic, and at the same time, learn about it in a fun way. Through different tasks and challenges, groups collected the keys to move on to the next step. First of all the participants created their symbol to identify themselves. Then the tutors gave them the location of the next tasks, which were hidden around. They got the instructions such as: “The next mission may be waiting under a palm tree”; “Look carefully along to the Murter sea line”. Water Team discovered the quantities of water that we use in daily life and ways how we can avoid wasting it. Energy Team got to know better what are the “energy vampires”, such as electronic devices that take power even when they are not being used. Finally, Waste Team talked about 3 sustainable R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They all thought about questions to ask to people of Murter in popular places where people usually hang out. Therefore, locals in restaurants or even at the hairdresser shared their time, experience and opinions with us. Later on, each member also spread some motivation handmade cards to promote simple sustainable actions in the community. At the end, all the teams met together and there was a common discussion about how the problem of climate change affect the issue of each group and participants were free to share all their ideas about specific actions that we can carry on to reverse and improve the situation of the climate in our planet, that depends on all of us.