When: 13 - 20 June 2014
Where: Stepanavan, Armenia
Who: Stepanavan Youth Center (Armenia), Hnuti Brontosaurus (Czech Republic) and Youth and Environment Europe (Czech Republic)
Project description:
The training course "Step UP! Ensuring Quality in Project Management" took place on 13-20 June 2014 in Stepanavan, Armenia. It gathered 26 young participants from 12 different countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Poland and Hungary). They were volunteers, youth workers and youth leaders working in organisations that serve disadvantaged youth in their communities.
During the 7-day training, participants explored several tools and theories for project management, team work, feedback, crisis management, SMART objectives, etc. They could put their new knowledge into practice thanks to the planning of a day-project with Stepanavan local community. The last days of the training were devoted to the planning of future international projects. With the help of the trainers, participants started planning several projects, setting their objectives and finding partners. Many of these projectc will hopefully become part of YEE's Working Plan 2015.
Aims and objectives:
The aim of the training course was to increase the quality of youth projects by ensuring that young people and youth workers have adequate project management skills, including skills in design, planning, implementation, evaluation and visibility aspects of youth projects. Additionally, during the training participants had the possibility to practice the acquired tools and skills on developing project ideas for joint projects in frame of Erasmus+, thus they ensured better learning outcomes and tangible results at the end of the training.
The objectives of the TC were:
- to empower and train youth leaders and youth workers from EU and EECA regions to ensure higher quality in their youth projects, by providing training on the project management skills;
- to enhance the level of practical skills and competences necessary for managing international projects, in particular skills in conducting needs assessment, fundraising, developing application, using social media, working with partners;
- to share experiences and practical tools including online tools, publications and manuals, useful at different stages of project management (design, implementation, evaluation, dissemination of results, follow up, equal partnership);
- to provide information about funding opportunities of Erasmus Plus Programme, as well as other fundraising possibilities;
- to provide space to develop ideas into future quality projects and develop equal partnership among participants and their organizations;
- to develop and promote friendship, mutual understanding, tolerance, respect and harmony among European youth and youth workers
Participating organisations:
- Stepanavan Youth Center (Armenia)
- Hnutí Brontosaurus (Czech Republic)
- Youth and Environment Europe (Czech Republic)
- Center for European Initiatives (Ukraine)
- Sempre a Frente Foundation (Poland)
- Tegyünk Együtt az Ifjúságért Alapítvány (Hungary)
- Out of the Box International (Belgium)
- Regional non-governmental organization for development of volunteering "AYA" (Russia)
- Georgia Youth Eco Movement (SAEM) (Georgia)
- BALTA DABA (Latvia)
- Centrul Republican pentru copii si tineret Gutta-Club (Moldova)
- FÖJ-AKTIV e.V. (Germany)
- Bade-Powell (Slovakia)
Contact person: If you want to know more about this project, please contact Mercedes: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union |