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Here you can find useful materials, links and books that can be helpful when working on your green start-up idea. 



 Lean Canvas Map of risks  Testing -
Scientific method
 Wealth Dynamics
 Lean-Business-Model-Canvas-template-page-001small  Mapa rizik en-page-001small  Lean Canvas3 MaterialsNewsmall
 Profiles - Rhythm
and flow
Types of sectors   Brainstorming -
 What is a
green start-up?
Starting with myself2  MaterialsNew2small  MaterialsNew3small


 Examples of
green businesses
 Why to start a
green business?

 Characteristics of
an entrepreneur

MaterialsNew5small MaterialsNew6small MaterialsNew7small MaterialsNew8small






















Useful links

Design thinking

Lean canvas



Change by designChange by Design (by Tim Brown, 2009) 

How design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation





green entrepreneur handbookGreen Entrepreneur Handbook (by Eric Koester, 2010)

The guide to building and growing a green and clean business (what every engineer should know)





what is mine is yoursWhat's Mine Is Yours (by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers, 2010)

The rise of collaborative consumption





sust excellenceSustainable Excellence (by Aron Cramer and Zachary Karabell, 2010)

The future of business in a fast-changing world





1st things firstFirst Things First (by Stephen R. Covey, 1996)

Our most valuable asset is time, but not every entrepreneur knows how to properly use that time





zero to oneZero To One (by Peter Thiel, 2014)

A new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.


