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The Right to Be(e) workshop competition 2014

The Winners

The big winner of our competition was Gutta-Club from Moldova with the "Save bees" workshop. Buzzing congratulations to them! Second place went to MUDDUM with their "Sweet colours", while the third place was awarded to "The Buzzing Beehive" from Vi Odlar!.  We want to congratulate all the participants for their amazing activities and to use their examples as inspiration for other bee projects.

              Gutta-Club receiving the prize                                            MUDDUM receiving the prize 

 DSC 0472          Muddum prize             

            Biodiversa receiving the prize                                               OPE receiving the prize  

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              Mine Vaganti receiving the prize

Minevaganti prize

Hu2 Design has generously given us some fabulous, eco-friendly prizes. Find them on Facebook here



Entry #1: The Buzzing Beehive 

Name of the workshop: The Buzzing Beehive

Organisation: Vi Odlar! (NGO gardening group) / Lund University

Country: Sweden

Workshop description: Under the label 'The Buzzing Beehive' we set up a beehive in the cultural center Stenkrossen in Lund. With three workshops, we conducted environmental education with children aged 8-11 years from Lunds International School. The motivation for doing this project resulted from two major considerations. Firstly, people's commitment to the natural environment has decreased, particularly visible in children's knowledge and experience of nature. Secondly, the decline of bee colonies endangers ecosystem stability as well as human food supply. Our project goal was to raise children's awareness of the importance of bees. Thus, we spiked their curiosity and interest in beekeeping. By establishing the beehive together, we promoted their interest in and awareness of nature with hands-on interaction. For more information, please clilck here

Buzzing beehive 2 Buzzing beehive 3 Buzzing beehive 1

Entry #2: Sweet colours

Name of workshop: Sweet colours

Organisation: MUDDUM

Country: Czech Republic

Workshop description: In order to learn that we can make DIY art supplies without strong chemical products, we made our own honey-based watercolours out of natural earthy pigments (sienna, ochre and black), a bit of arabic gum and local artisanal honey. Honey is used as an humectant (a substance that retains water), in our watercolours we used as the medium as well. Afterwards we used them to paint on a honeycomb grid to study its visual and structural properties.
More information can be found here. 

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Entry #3: In Defense of Bees

Name of workshop: Ecoclubinos&EB1/JI Alheiras in defense of Bees

Organisation: OPE – Organização para a Promoção dos Ecoclubes

Country: Portugal

Workshop description: On February 7th, the ecoclube Ecoclubinos Gaia visited once again the school EB1/JI of Alheiras, this time taking with him a great little friend who left all the school students very happy! Our friend Bee spoke of the importance of his family to preserve the balance of ecosystems and taught the children to know and sow honey species - that help the production of honey. Each student took the challenge to grow your sunflower and help preserve our friendly honey bees that only bite us when they want to protect themselves!

in defense of bees 1 in defense of bees 3 in defense of bees 2

Entry #4: 'More Than Honey' Movie Exhibition

Name of workshop: 'More Than Honey' Movie Exhibition

Organisation: OPE – Organização para a Promoção dos Ecoclubes

Country: Portugal

Workshop description: On March 8th, OPE organized a screening of the film "More than Honey", with a debate promoted by Peter, a beekeeper from the Transition Movement of Paredes. The activity occured in the auditorium of Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro and Luis Carvalho Pinto de Mesquita Foundation, in Porto. The projection brought together about 30 people and there was a really enriched discussion. The activity also included a demonstration of melliferous herbs.

more than honey 2 more than honey 1 more than honey 3

Entry #5: Regional Day for Bees

Name of workshop: Regional Day for Bees

Organisation: SVČ (Středisko volného času)

Country: Czech Republic

Workshop description: The tenth day of the regional bee - every year for the past 10 years our community has been actively involved in supporting local bees. On the regional day for bees there was lectures, competitions for both young and old citizens and an children's art contest. The judges selected the best children's art which included art for bees.

regional bees 3 regional bees 2 regional bees 1


Entry #6: Non-formal education about bees

Name of workshop: Non-formal education about bees

Organisation: Mine Vaganti

Country: Italy

Workshop description: Members of Mine Vaganti visited two local Primary Schools to lead sessions of non-formal education about the important role of the bees. Participants analized  videos and proposed a creative defense action plan for the bees!

school workshop 1 school workshop 2 school workshop 3


Entry #7: Think like a bee

Name of workshop: Think like a bee

Organisation: Biodiversa

Country: Spain

Workshop description: Gardens offer some of the most important habitats for bee conservation. Participants learnt how to turn any given garden into a bee-friendly garden. For this, they needed to think like a bee! Using this approach they: made a wild corner; provided shelter for the bees; planted for all the seasons; found the right flowers; created nesting sites for solitary bees; used certain plants instead of pesticides; created a bee hotel!

Spain think like a bee Spain think like a beeII Spain Think like a bee III


Entry #8: Save bees

Name of workshop: Save bees

Organisation: Republic Centre for Children and Youth GUTTA-CLUB

Country: Moldova

Workshop description: With our youth in action, Gutta-Club organized "Save Bees" which included a lecture about the problem itself and discussions about the importance of bees in our lives, what people can and should do to help bees survive and restore their colonies and population. Each of the participants presented a painting about bee life and bee "enemies". They made up a motto for the action "Save BEES – Save the Planet!". We made a flash-mob and spelt out Save BEES by sitting on the ground. Finally the young participants composed a fairytale about the ecological problems of the 21st century, with bees being the central characters, who with the help of the youngest generation solved all the problems and restored balance between nature and society!

Moldova save bees Moldova save bees III0 Moldova save bees II


Check out:

Workshop guides
