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Youth and Environment Europe - Volunteers in YEE

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You can read news about events that happened in the frame of YEE Climate Campaign.

Map of Activities


Discussions and discovering nature - SAEM, Georgia

Organisation: Georgia Youth Eco Movement - SAEM

When and where: 27 - 28  February 2017, Borjomi, Samtkhe - Javakheti Area, Georgia

Description: On 27th of February youth from SAEM gathered in Borjomi where they planned a day of local actions regarding climate change. They started talking about different assessment of the global warming, influence of CO2, and  discussed how CO2 amount increased on Earth  from the  beginning of the industrial revolution. 
On 28th of February there was a second part of local actions - they organised hiking from Borjomi Mineral Waters Park to Sulphur Water place in order to raise awareness, discuss while being in nature  and  explore connection of climate change and water resources. They discussed during our hike climate change effects on freshwater resources using some games and energisers.

Read more about actions here.

Meeting with a researcher - Cooperative "Vedogiovane", Italy

Cooperative "Vedogiovane" with Vocational Agricultural "Fobelli" school

When and where: 18th January 2017, Crodo - Verbania, Italy

Number and type of participants: The seminar held by the researcher in the school involved a total number of 150 students and around 10 teachers as a public. The action connected with making a video involved 6 students and 3 teachers. The dissemination actions (lectures in the school hall and other video projections at school) involved around 70 students.

Description: Teachers and students organised a seminar at school, by inviting the important researcher Diego Fontaneto, from the National Research Council of Verbania. During the seminar six students were active to examine in depth the important topic of climate change by interviewing the researcher. Professor Fontaneto explained more about his studies and fascinating life experiences in Antarctica. After the seminar and thanks to the interview realised by a group of students, they decided to create a video to sum up the intervention of the researcher connected with climate change hosted in our school seminar and to use it to review it all together with other students in order to act and reflect.

Read more about the event here.

Board game "Velo rodeo" - Eco Logic, Macedonia


Organisation: Eco Logic, Macedonia

When and where: 18.10.2016 – 11.11.2016, Macedonia

Number and type of participants: Children from 10 primary schools from 7 different cities in Macedonia

Description: The board game “Velo rodeo” developed by the team of Eco Logic was used as a tool to educate the kids about some useful information related to cycling: parts of a bicycle, how to recycle its parts, how cycling can influence the climate change, environmental and health benefits, etc. and all that through games and fun! This exciting game resulted with laughter, adrenaline, pleasure, happy faces, and improved knowledge and raised awareness as well.


Documentary screening night - YEE, Czech Republic


Organisation: Youth and Environment Europe and Muddum Art Space 

When and where: 27th January 2017, Prague, Czech Republic

Description: In the end of January YEE organised screening of the documentary “Disruption: Climate. Change” in Muddum Art Space (Prague). The aim of the event was to bring together people, who are concerned about climate change and give them an opportunity to gain some inspiration from the documentary and a space to discuss the topic. The event started with a swap party where guests could find some new things for themselves and bring ones they no longer use. Evening proceeded with documentary screening, dedicated to preparation for climate march before COP 21 in Paris. The main idea of the documentary is that people should be active to state their position and still can influence political decisions regarding climate change. We continued with the discussion after watching the documentary. Several statements and questions were suggested for the participants’ reflection. Everybody could express their opinion and share the climate change situation in their country. The debate was quite active and showed that participants were really interested in the topic and want to bring some changes. Despite of different opinions on most statements, the majority agreed that people can change the current situation with their small actions and said “Yes, we can change climate change”.

Read more about the event here.


Reforestation - OPE, Portugal


When and where: 10-11 and 17 December, Portugal

Description: On December 10th and 11th several ecoclubistas participated in a reforestation in the Reserve of the Beech Brava. They planted 200 holm oaks. On December 17th, several ecoclubistas joined the reforestation project at Quinta do Corgo, in Macieira da Maia. There were planted 1400 ash trees that will give new life to that area. 

Read more about the project here.

Deforestation and up-cycling - Young Researchers of Serbia, Serbia


Organisation: Young Researchers of Serbia, Serbia

When and where: December, Belgrade

Description: Young Researchers of Serbia wanted to raise the awareness about deforestation. They created many interesting up-cycled trees made of diverse used materials. Few days before New Year's Eve they went to a green market and were selling the up-cycling decorations for a symbolic price.

Read more about the project here.

Primary school Simeon Aranicki, Stara Pazova, Serbia

 Primary school Simeon Aranicki

When and where: 24.10.2016, Stara Pazova, Serbia

Description: Ivana Balešević, Biology professor reports: "In our school we are very active in ecology field and environmental protection. I am biology teacher and I have organised a workshop and classes in our school on 24.10.2016, the International Day of Climate Action. Students presented problems that we have nowadays on our planet and what we can do to stop climate changes. Through interactive class they were showing to friends what are the problems that we are going to cause if we don't react right now. Children were very satisfied with this class, they have learned a lot through presentations and models."
Few opinions from students about this event: "This class was very educational because we made our own models and discussed with friends about climate change and we could learn new things and scientific results that confirm this problem.", "We always want to join the activities that our professor organises, its worth to spend time with friends on discussion when you can see and learn new things."

Energy efficiency - Yeghvard, Armenia

 Yeghvard, Armenia

When and where: From 1st of August 2016, Armenia

Description: On 1st of August this year the Yeghvard Youth NGO with its partners started the implementation of the Project Cleen 2016 in Armenia. The project is globally about Energy Efficiency, hence the promotion of this concept is among the priorities of the project. For the implementation of the project in Armenia were chosen two communities in Shirak region, which regarding to various estimations have the best conditions from the point of view of the development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. 
On 17th and 22nd of November "Yeghvard" Youth-Ecological NGO has implemented informative seminar in Mets Mantash and Akhuryan villages where the trainer represented the main advantages of energy efficiency and alternative energy. In the meeting was present the mayor of the village, teachers of high school, students and interested people from the village.

Read more about the project here.

Water, energy and waste - Argonauta, Croatia

Argonauta, Croatia

When and where: 12th November 2016, Murter Island

Description: Argonauta joined the campaign “Change Climate Change” by organising an Open Quiz for children, young and adults in the town center, in Murter Island. During the event, the current Eco Patrol team was involved in the community action. Eco Patrol is a youth group from the island that takes part in our sustainable workshop every Saturday in order to learn about the environment and develop diverse action to protect it within non-formal education techniques. For this occasion, they were the leaders the group of locals who wanted to participate. The format of the event was an Open Quiz and it took place in the center of Murter where participants were divided into groups. Each group had a main topic to develop: water, energy and waste. The teams were encouraged to be active in order to go to the next step and approach local people to ask about their points of views on Climate Change and the relation with their specific topics.

Read more about the action here.

Volunteer day and carbon footprint measurement - YEE, Czech Republic


Organisation: Youth and Environment Europe and Tamjdem, Czech Republic 

When and where: 17th November 2016, eco-center Toulcův dvůr, Prague, Czech Republic 

Description: In the frame of the campaign “Change Climate Change” on 17th of November 2016 YEE in cooperation with Tamjdem organised a volunteering day in the eco-center Toulcuv Dvur (Prague). 12 volunteers from different countries including the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Peru, Ukraine and Russia came to help with different outdoor tasks, suggested by Toulcuv Dvur. Volunteers helped with leading horses to the meadows, grabbing leaves and digging a small field in order to plant a garden for butterflies in spring. During the break, volunteers had a chance to measure their carbon footprint with a game “How big is your elephant?”. Participants, taking part in measurement, learned more about sustainable level of footprint and compared their impact with the average level among European countries. We are happy to mention that participants found it very interesting, everyone was concerned about their impact and then they discussed possible ways to decrease it.

You can read more about volunteer day here





Check which actions our partners are preparing in the frame of YEE Change Climate Change Campaign. 

Who: YEE in cooperation with Tamjdem
Where and when: Eco-center Toulcuv Dvur, Prague, Czech Republic, on 17.11.2016
Description of the action: Volunteering day and Co2 calculation game.
YEE will organise a volunteering day in the eco-center Toulcuv Dvur. Volunteers will help with some autumn maintenance work. Participants will also have the chance to take part in the Co2 calculation game "How big is your elephant" and find out how to decrease their negative environmental impact.

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The science is clear: global warming is happening faster than ever and humans are responsible. Many of the activities we do every day, like turning the lights on, cooking food, heating our homes or simply travelling have a direct impact on climate. Global warming destabilises the delicate balance that makes life on this planet possible. Just a few degrees in temperature can completely change the world as we know it, and threaten the lives of millions of people around the world.

Learn more about climate change.

How can we all be part of the solution? The answer is easy – take your part in Climate Campaign

Climate Campaign is a new idea for project designed to stimulate youth NGOs, local groups to step up their contribution to the global social movement for stronger action in response to climate change.

You can help accelerate action on climate change by making YEE Climate Week happen where you are. Ask an organisation or group you know to start planning an activity now for Climate Campaign. The YEE Climate Week will take place from 14 till 27 of September 2015.

Run an event that suits your organisation and the local community. The precise nature of these activities is left open in order to allow space for local initiative and because different climate actions will be appropriate in different places.

What are the possible activities during the YEE Climate Week?

  • planting trees
  • workshops
  • competitions
  • exhibitions
  • flash-mobs
  • street actions
  • bike rides
  • film screenings
  • open days and debates
  • exchange for change

If you want to join the campaign, contact Gosia Zubowicz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you want to receive news about Climate Campaign, sign up here.

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You can read news about events that happened in the frame of YEE Climate Campaign.

Workshop "The city like a green system" – Durres, Albania

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IPAS Association has organised successfully the workshop "The City like a green system" in cooperation with Albanian Innovation Accelerator (AIA) in Durres.
During the two days of the workshop the participants were introduced to the concept of the Green Economy, how it can be applied through the model of Green Cities, like it has happened in other countries in the world. These sessions were presented by the trainers Adela Vllamasi and Olesja Lami. During the second day,we presented the certain methodology, which result was the central idea of promoting ecological neighborhoods in the city, materialised in a prototype built by the participants. During these days the young people were offered the possibility of socialising with each other, exploring methods of non-formal education, practical application of these methodologies, but also they had an interesting opportunity to make a journey into their past life and discover the highlights which have inspired them to innovate. All of them agreed unanimously, that it is possible to reach the application of green cities and the materialisation of what they and other young people of their age, dream about.

You can find more photos here

Change in Nutrition Habits, Albania

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"Change in nutrition habits" was the event held at Agritourism Huqi, in Radë, Durrës. The event was organised by IPAS Association, in cooperation with CSDC Durrës. It has brought together young people aged 20-30 years, who had the opportunity to discuss about the consumption of organic, local, vegetarian and non-GMO food, the problems encountered in our country about food production and consumption and taste some local food on vegetarian basis served by the farm. In a special session, they were informed about "Good mood and bad mood food". Young people had the opportunity to socialise with each other and become part of different working groups.
We would like to thank "Agritourism Huqi", a wonderful place in contact with nature, for welcoming us and creating the possibilities to develop such a workshop.

More photos and information here

Climate change and agriculture, Albania

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On 29 October 2015, EDEN center in collaboration with the elementary school "Albanët" organised an open teaching course. The activity was held in the framework of YEE Climate Campaign. The activity was focused on the effects of climate change on agriculture.
Some of the issues discussed were: "What is agriculture", "How it is affected by climate change", "What measures can be taken to reduce problems raised by climate change", etc.

Part of the activity was the fifth grade class during which we highlighted some of the main links between climate change and agriculture. The realisation of the teaching class was a combination of a class discussion on the information provided and an educative closing game for the pupils.
The purpose of this activity was the motivation of the pupils on various environmental topics and enriching them with information on these subjects.

Photos on Facebook

Link of movies presented: Climate change animation, Back to the Start

Green Week in Moscow

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From 14th till 28th September "Green Week in Moscow" was organised in the frame of YEE Climate Week by AYA Volunteer Center in cooperation with eco-center "Eco-point", Moscow Zoo and Moscow state university.
Various green events and meetings were organised during the campaign, main aim of which was presenting a way of eco lifestyle and discussion about possible simple solutions of environmental problems. All varieties of eco-interests were presented for all citizens: lectures about health and food, discussions about alternative energy and recycling, presentations of urban bicycle initiatives, workshop for youth involvement in green economy and playing lesson for school children about worm-composting as a way to reduce climate change. Proactive lifestyle and green tips for our lives were shown in photo competition "Life in Eco-style" and its participants and winners got useful presents as healthy sweets and yoga classes from our eco-partner "Eco-point".
More then hundred citizens, youth and children took part in organised events. For leading meeting and discussions professionals in green economy, environmental problems and ecology, producers of healthy food and eco-technologies, experts of health practices, leaders of youth urban initiatives and famous people were invited for our fruitful Green Week and everyone had a chance to get actual and verified information about topics they were interested in and also to share the personal experience of eco lifestyle.
We met great enthusiastic people and found out such a huge variety of green-information and eco-initiatives during Green Week campaign that it was decided to continue the project as a green information platform by regular updating all participants of Green Week and active citizens about the most actual information and interesting eco-events which take place during the year in Moscow city and nearby. We keep in touch with new Green Week friends and look forward to meeting again and again in following projects! Join us!

AYA Volunteer Center, Moscow, Russia (in Russian)

Climate Change Workshop, Czech Republic

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17th September YEE along with its friends from International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) organised a Climate Change Workshop in the lovely Cafe V Lese in Prague. The event started with the screening of "Chasing Ice" documentary movie. The documentary shows how National Geographic photographer James Balog tries to capture a multi-year record of the world's changing glaciers across the Arctic. He proved the shocking effects of climate change. The movie was followed by a short discussion about what we have seen and how we can change this accelerated problem. Afterward, the delegates of IYNF introduced and invited the participants to join the march for COP21 which is estimate to be a big Climate Movement in the streets of Paris. The program ended with an ecological footprint calculation where the participants could realize how their daily lifestyle can have an impact on the planet.

Elementary schools from Sombor, Serbia

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Climate Week Serbia

Two elementary schools from Sombor, Serbia, ''Nikola Vukicevic'' and ''Ivo Lola Ribar'' took part in YEE Climate Campaign. The program, named ''Climate, my planet and I'' was designed for 13 years old elementary students and it combined cross-section activities from phisycs, chemistry and ecology. We had two experiment workshop in both schools, in which we have proven how climate change is happening on our planet - such as green house effect experiment and the experiment showing the role of ice glaciers and temperature in rising sea level. Also we had projection of documentary movie ''Disruption'' about climate change. Final activity was a workshop during which we made eco-charter like statement that we are commiting to so that we will respect it and use more eco-friendly behavior in our daily activities. Also, there was an interesting eco-quiz ''Climoscope'' about climate change and global warming, and result was tie for both school teams. We had fun and learnt a lot, changed our opinions about some topics, and realised that everyone is equaly responsible for conesquences that we made on our one and only planet.

Check more photos here.

Power Shift Finland, Finnish Nature league (Luonto-Liitto) 

Climate Campaign Finland 3 Climate Campaign Finland 2 Climate Campaign Finland 1

Power Shift Finland took place on 25-27 of September and around 100 people participated in it. It was organised by 350 Finland, but also many other environmental organisations took part in this event, for example The Finnish Nature league (Luonto-Liitto) and Greenpeace. There were three different "tracks" with different topics during the event, such as climate action from socio-economic perspective, basic tools for climate action (climate action abc), and creative climate affection. There were speeches about climate and workshops where people made ideas how to campaign and act with climate issues. 

Classes for children, Primary school in Serbia

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Ivana Balešević, a Biology professor in a primary school "Simeon Aranicki" in Stara Pazova, Serbia, organised classes for various groups of pupils. Ivana sais: "Pupils from 1-4 th grade visited biology class for 8th grade. So older pupils with my help were teaching younger children why it is important to join the climate campaign. Children are very satisfied and they can't wait for a new workshop." Students made models of planet Earth with damaged ozone layer, presentations, workshops for younger, and they had a debate for older students. The topic of the debate was: What can I change to help our planet, if i am: 1) president of USA, Russia, China; 2) president of EU; 3) president of the UN; 4) Director of WWF.

All activities can be found on website :

Green Week in Moscow,
 Volunteer Center AYA

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During 14-28 September Volunteer Center AYA in partnership with Environmental Center EkoTochka na Novinskom within YEE Climate Campaign organises "Green Week in Moscow", which will include a variety of eco meetings and events.

The opening of the festival will be held in EkoTochka na Novinskom, where we will get acquainted with the programme of "Green Week in Moscow" and its speakers, there will be also the launch of the competition "Living in style of EkoTochka".

The modern concept of ecology includes a diverse range of areas. Today we can witness the growth of environmental awareness; separate waste collection and recycling are gaining popularity. There is an active market formation of quality and environmentally safe products. More and more people lead a healthy lifestyle and understand their responsibility for the prosperous future of the Earth. At the festival "Green Week in Moscow" the speakers will present their programmes and projects, which reflect this multi-faceted approach to the concept of ecology.

During the Green Week there will be eco-movie nights: "Proper nutrition as foundation of life" and "Bicycle, the transport of the future". Experienced travelers will tell us how to organise an eco-friendly trip and inform about a new media project "Velopolis". The project is about journeys on a bicycle in Moscow, Russia and beyond. "Velopolis" will show us unusual routes full of amazing places, events and people and will open a world full of parks, forests, rivers, lakes, adventures and emotions!

Pupils and visitors of Moscow Zoo are welcome to join lectures in frame of the project "School composter", where the coordinators will tell them how to create a model for sustainable waste management at school.

A very interesting lecture will be held about alternative forms of energy - "From solar panels to the microclimate in the apartment".

Finally, on September 28 (Monday), at EkoTochka naNovinskom, we will summarise the results of the festival "Green Week in Moscow" and award winners of the contest.

Young Biologists Association NGO, Armenia

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On 28-30 of April 2015, the "Young Biologists Association" NGO in collaboration with the Student Scientific Society of Yerevan State University, organised "Climate Week" environmental education project in the frame of YEE "Climate Campaign". During the project, the lectures, group works, discussions and contests were organised. On the first day, the aim of the campaign was presented and several presentations about climate change global issue by Alla Aleksanyan (Researcher at the Institute of Botany NAS RA) and Diana Harutyunyan (UNDP Climate Change Programme Coordinator).

KlimaOn the next day the group work was organised. The tasks on climate change related issues was provided to the groups. They presented their own ideas on the possible solutions of that problems. Afterwards, on the third day, the competition between the groups was organised. The theme of competition was consequences and impact of climate change, as well as possible solutions for Armenia. The winner of the campaign was "Ecolex" youth team, which was selected based on jury voting. The winner team members received the prizes and all participants will get the certificates of participation.

The Young Biologists Association NGO joined to the "Climate Camapign" international environmental initiative organised by Youth and Environment Europe. The campaign aims to raise public awareness about climate change. The "Climate Campaign" is a new idea for project designed to stimulate youth NGOs to step up their contribution to the global social movement in response to climate change. The "Climate Week" environmental education project was organised with support of The Rufford Foundation.




Climate change is one of the topics linked with environmental, health and economic aspects most discussed lately. In 2015 and 2016 crucial events have engaged citizens around the world and have pushed for better decision making to slow down climate change. We can highlight COP21, where 195 countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal.

We want to contribute to this development through our activities and encourage other organisations and individuals to join us and help us raise awareness about the need to reduce the greenhouse gases and other negative impact on the environment.

How can you get involved?

Organise one or several activities or actions connected with the topic of climate change in your community, city, school, university, etc. and write an article about it (including description of the action, who organised it, place, dates, number and type of participants and 3 pictures).

What kind of actions can you organise?

You are free to plan the activities connected with climate change based on your aims, interests, capacities and resources. Some possible activities are:

  • planting trees
  • workshops
  • competitions
  • exhibitions
  • flashmobs
  • street actions
  • bike rides
  • film screenings
  • open days and debates
  • exchange for change

You can find more ideas and inspiration in the following links:


Actions can be organised between 1 October 2016 and 28 February 2017.


If you want to join the campaign, contact Gosia Zubowicz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 










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