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Youth and Environment Europe - The first inclusive greenhouse in Armenia

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The first inclusive greenhouse in Armenia

"White eggplants, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and other new varieties of vegetables you can taste, if you visit the new inclusive greenhouse in the Bridge of Hope center, Ijevan in June, where we with our friends grow various crops.”

Alla Ohanyan is attending Child Development Center of Bridge of Hope in Ijevan. 

First time, in the frame of "Supporting Community Resilience in the South Caucasus" programme, funded by European Commission under DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Programme (DG ECHO), Oxfam in Armenia with OxYGen Foundation created a greenhouse, which is accessible for the children with disabilities and gives opportunity for them to learn the secrets of agriculture production and to grow vegetables with their hands.

66sqm greenhouse is made of metal construction and covered by 8mm polycarbonate. 65% of the greenhouse’s floor is covered by concrete to allow access by people with physical disabilities. Adjusted tables under plant pots allow working access to the plants.

The inclusive greenhouse is a replicable model to support climate change adaptation and resilience building efforts in communities. At the same time, it supports integration of children with disabilities, provides them with new skills for the future. It is equipped with drip irrigation systems which is interesting and attractive and at the same time, educating for children how to grow tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers and peppers there.

Experts from Scientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops provided trainings on agriculture crops cultivation to the children involved in greenhouse.

“Selection of the types of the crops is done based on the children interests. We do not aim to collect huge harvest. Our objective is to sensitize children and teach them to cultivate the agriculture crops in greenhouses”, stated Gohar Kirakosyan, expert from the Scientific Centre.

Find more information and pictures on Facebook. 

OxYGen Foundation


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