If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for future publications then just get in touch! Tamara Panic: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. YEE office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Uniting youth for ecotourism
The publication “Uniting youth for ecotourism” was created by YEE team as a follow-up of the international training course of the same name. The training course was organised by YEE in November 2017 with the aim of exploring youth involvement and participation in ecotourism activities. We wanted to learn more about what ecotourism is and how young people can get involved with their local communities through organising ecotourism events and activities. This publication was created to continue our exploration of ecotourism and also to reach more young people who are interested in the topic.
Uniting youth for ecotourism
The publication is a personal project of EVS volunteer Diana Podgurskaia.In this small booklet you can read about what e-waste is, the types of e-waste, overview of its disposal. At the end you can also find the useful tips on how you can deal with e-waste in the most sustainable way.
Inclusion in environmental youth projects - guide for youth organisations
The publication was created as a follow-up of the training course "YEE-nclude: inclusion in environmental youth projects". It not only aims to help youth workers, youth and environmental organisations to understand the topic of inclusion better, but it also suggests some practical ideas for making projects and activities more inclusive.
Inclusion in environmental youth projects - guide for youth organisations
Polluting darkness - a quick guide to light pollution and what you(th) can do about it
The publication was created by EVS volunteer Aljaž Malek as his personal project. In it you can find a short history of lighting, information on what light pollution is and perhaps most importantly, tips on how one can address this phenomenon.
Polluting darkness - a quick guide to light pollution and what you(th) can do about it
Guides for youth NGOs
The project "Sustainability in NGOs" was created after the observation that many environmental NGOs struggle with day-to-day work, administrative tasks and maintaining the quality of their work and activities. Within this project we created guides to help our members and other interested youth organisations expand their knowledge on various topics connected with organisational management: strategic planning, working with people, project management, organising environmentally-friendly projects.
Guides for youth NGOs
Meet your Trainer
This publication is a collection of interviews that we published during November 2016 - January 2017 with experienced trainers in the non-formal education field. It was created for all young people who would like to become trainers and eco-trainers.
Meet your Trainer
Be(e) the change
This booklet is a follow-up of the trainining course "Be(e) the change". The publication was created for all young environmental enthusiasts who want to organise a campaign, but feel that they would like to learn more about successful campaigning. Inside you can explore different aspects of organising a successful campaign.
Be(e) the change
Best recipes
“Best recipes” is a summary of one year of recipe competitions which were held in the frame of YEE’s ongoing project “Office Cuisine”. We collected all recipes from winter, spring, summer and autumn, so you have a chance to try new vegetarian recipes from all over Europe.
Best recipes
Art for the Environment
This booklet was created as a follow-up to the youth exchange "Art for the Environment". Inside this publication you can find examples of environmental art workshops with instructions - we hope they will become a source of inspiration and new ideas for all interested young people.
Art for the Environment
The EVS Adventures of Vlatko
This booklet is a small recollection of our EVS volunteer Vladimir's time in YEE. In it, he talks about his impressions and the work he did in the organisations and he also reflects on the learnings an knowledge he received during the twelve months
The EVS Adventures of Vlatko
Small handbook of rewarding ideas
This brochure was created as a result of the personal project of Judit Suveges, EVS volunteer. This booklet collects ideas of rewarding environmental activities that you can organise in your community to make people aware of managing their daily life in the most environmentally responsible manner.
Small handbook of rewarding ideas
Youth involvement in river protection - methods
The booklet "Youth involvement in river protection - methods" was created as a result of the project "RIVER reMEMBERS". The project was developed throughout 2015 by Balta Daba (Latvia) and OPE-Organização para a Promoção dos Ecoclubes (Portugal). The publication is a useful support in environmental youth work by providing concrete examples of methods on how young people can be involved in river protection activities.
Youth involvement in river protection - methods
Climate Campaign Workshop Guidelines
Climate Campaign Workshop Guidelines is an online guide designed to inspire people about the type of action they can take in order to raise awareness about climate change. This booklet, prepared as a part of Climate Campaign, aims to help and motivate people to organise local action on climate change as a part of YEE Climate Week which will take place from 14 untill 27 September 2015.
Climate Campaign Workshop Guidelines
Eco-Trainer Guide
The publication 'Eco-Trainer Guide' was created as a follow-up of the training course "Environmental Training for Eco-Trainer" which took place in March 2015 in Wiek, Germany. It was organised by FOJ-Aktiv and supported by YEE. For 8 days, Eco-Trainers attended sessions exploring competences and methodologies required to design and deliver learning experiences. These sessions have been reproduced in text format for this booklet by the participants of the course, with additional research for the benefit of the guide.
Eco-Trainer Guide
How to make your project last
The booklet 'How to make your project last. Guide on creating impact and follow-up' was planned as a tool to share the ideas and methods from the training course 'Follow-up and impact in international projects' that took place in August 2014 in Latvia and was organised by Balta Daba and YEE. The booklet is for those who want to improve and enhance the impact of their projects with follow-up activities. Inside this guide you can find information about: quality criteria for projects and impact; working with target groups; visibility of your project; dissemination; evaluation and using the results of evaluation in future projects.
How to make your project last. Guide on creating impact and follow-up (3,4 MB)
Environmental education for sustainability
The booklet is the follow-up of the training course with the same name. The training course was organised by YEE and Young Researchers of Serbia and took place in April 2014 in Serbia. This booklet was designed to help young people who would like to become environmental educators. Inside you can find information about sustainability and its history, inspiring examples of sustainable practices from various countries, introduction to environmental education and what makes an environmental educator.
Environmental education for sustainability
Youth for Rivers
This booklet was created as a direct follow-up of the training course "Youth for Rivers". The training course took place in Armenia in October 2013 and was organised by Balta Daba, Khazer and YEE. The idea of this booklet is to provide young people with introductory information on river restoration - what is river pollution, what is river restoration, why do we need restoration and how do we do it.
Youth for Rivers
Upcycling Booklet
This booklet has been prepared as a part of Upcycling Campaign and will give you an introduction into the world of upcycling. You will be able to read more about this environmentally-friendly concept and check many instructions on how to make upcycled objects from various materials. We hope we will encourage you to reuse materials by upcycling.
English version
Russian version
How to be a leader in an environmental organisation
The booklet is a follow-up project of the training course 'Be a leader in an environmental organisation' that took place in the Czech Republic in October 2012 and was organised by YEE.
This booklet can be your starting point to becoming a more effective leader. We will help you identify your leadership style, get a deeper knowledge of your organisation, learn more about project management, work on your skills in facilitating, giving feedback, motivating others and dealing with conflict.
How to be a leader in an environmental organisation (pdf, 5,74 MB)
The Environmentalist's Guide to the MEDIA Galaxy

The booklet is a follow-up project of the training course 'Media, Commmunication & Nature' that took place in the Czech Republic in July 2012 and was organised by Hnuti Brontosaurus and YEE.
The booklet helps you to be heard in the media and among the public. Learn about the possibilities of social media, how to write press releases and how to get them into the newspapers. If you wish to achieve a positive environmental change, the booklet will help you to prepare campaigns. You can also use community-based social marketing, a few simple steps designed especially to support a sustainable behaviour. Learn more about critical thinking to develop your argumentation skills.
The Environmentalist's Guide to the MEDIA Galaxy (pdf, 2,1 MB)
Toolkit on Environmental Law and Youth Participation
The publication was initiated during the study session ‘European Environmental Law and Youth Participation' that took place in March 2012 in the European Youth Center Strasbourg. The study session ‘European Environmental Law and Youth Participation' was organised by Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) in co-operation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.
Toolkit on Environmental law and Youth Participation (pdf, 4,3 MB)
Together for a Green Europe. Guidelines for Environmental Education
'Together for a Green Europe'campaign was run in 2012 in 6 European countries and consisted of diverse local eco activities encouraging children and youth to take care of European nature. These guidelines represent a set of best practices used during our campaign. The campaign was funded by the European Youth Foundation, the Council of Europe.
English version (pdf, 4 Mb)
Czech version (pdf, 4 Mb)
Latvian version (pdf, 4 Mb)
Georgian version (pdf, 4 Mb)
Armenian version (pdf, 3 Mb)
Soon coming Romanian and Italian language versions.
Forest Report

In the 'Forest Report' you can discover the status of the world's forests (in Albania, Czech Republic, Finland, Portugal, Russia and the United Kingdom). It includes as well a short insight about the different forest types, the forest management practices and the main threats forests currently have to face. It was prepared in the frame of Forest Campaign.
Forest Report (pdf, 3,8 MB)
EVS for Environment

As 2011 was the year of volunteering, YEE decided to create a booklet 'EVS for Environment' presenting what EVS volunteers in YEE do for environment. You can find there examples of activities that volunteers took part in and created. The booklet aimed to enlight the potential of EVS projects to raise awareness about environment. It was founded in the frame of EVS project by Czech National Agency of Youth in Action.
EVS for Environment (pdf, 2,82 MB)
'Discover Nature. Tools for environmental education'
The booklet 'Discover Nature. Tools for environmental education' containins a set of methods of environmental education which have been tried and tested by many European organizations working in the field of youth, protection of nature and environmental education. This booklet is a follow-up project of the Youth Exchange ‘Learning from each other - methods of environmental education' where most of these methods were presented and collected.
Discover Nature (pdf 5,4 MB)
Downloadable material for 'Discover Nature' RAR 1,6 MB
Environmental Management Systems
The brochure about Environmental Management Systems is one of the outcomes of the Environmental Audit project, organized by YEE in 2010 – 2011 and supported by the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Commission. It is an introduction to the complex world of environmental management with its language, legislative framework, PDCA cycles, ect. It aims to encourage enterprices and organisations to implement some kind of environmental management system: to become greener, safer, and indeed to profit from that in terms of economy, publicity, employees' satisfaction or even just the feel good factor which comes from doing something good for the environment. The brochure is available in following five language versions:
English version
Games for Nature
 Booklet 'Games for Nature' gathers together the games that were presented during the youth exchange 'Learning from each other' in Poland in September 2010, as well as some more sent in by member organisations. It is a toolkit where people can find inspiration for their work with children in nature. YEE and EcoCenter Zapovedniks prepared the Russian version of the booklet
Games for Nature - Russian version (pdf, 2,7 MB)
Games for Nature - Czech version (pdf, 2,2 MB)
Průvodce pro zelenější festivaly (Guidebook for Greener Festivals)
The Guidebook for Greener Festivals is a final outcome of our project Engaging the Public Through Sustainable Festivals. On more then 90 pages of information and 8 pages of colourful pictures you can find out how to make the festival more eco-friendly and sustainable.
Because the booklet is aimed to national festival promoters, it was published only in Czech. Download the publication form here:
Průvodce pro zelenější festivaly (Czech version; pdf, 7,07 MB)
Project team thanks to all contributors, partners of the project and to funders – International Visegrad Fund, Partnership Foundation and Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Comission that made the project implementation possible.
Find more information about the project on www.sunnycampaign.net.
Green Grants Guidebook
 The information booklet about funding possibilities prepared by YEE. YEE secretariat wants to provide you with a guide about donors and funding organisations to show you which kind of grants are available and can suit to your future projects.
Conflict Management & Conflict Transformation Handbook
 This handbook was produced as a follow up of a training course of Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, which took place in April 2010 in the Czech Republic. The aim of the project was to raise the potential of youth workers and give them tools to deal with various coflict situations in their everyday life and work. In the handbook you can find information about mapping ourselves in conflict, analysing and dynamics of conflict, how we behave in conflicts, communication, culture and intercultural learning, practice of conflict transformation etc. We hope the publication wil be useful not only for the participants of the training course, but also for other people involved in youth work and wide public.
Youth involvement in river protection - methods |