Understanding Eco-emotions

Join an online conversation with Panu Pihkala and Juni Sinkkonen.

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    28th August 2024

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How are the triple planetary crisis and our mental health connected? Why is eco-emotion research on the rise? Where does our environmental anxiety come from?

To answer these questions, we have invited the author of Climate Emotions Wheel, and a leading expert on interdisciplinary eco-anxiety research Panu Pihkala and a psychologist Juni Sinkkonen.


Juni Sinkkonen

Juni Sinkkonen is a certified psychologist and eco-emotion expert, who has done research on you ng climate activists and their identities. She will start her PhD in autumn 2024 examining the interrelation between the field of psychology and the societal sustainability transformation.

Panu Pihkala

Dr Pihkala (b. 1979, he/his) from the University of Helsinki has been awarded several prizes in Finland for his books about eco-emotions. He also hosts the podcast Climate Change and Happiness together with Dr. Thomas Doherty and serves as an advisor for many projects about eco-anxiety.

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Understanding Eco-emotions

How the next EU budget must deliver for biodiversity | Joint Statement

Put biodiversity on a path to recovery beyond the next funding period to build a safer, healthier future for people and nature.

Investing in biodiversity protection is not just about preserving nature; it’s an investment in our future and economy. The EU has been funding nature conservation since the early 1980s, and in 1992, it launched its flagship funding program, LIFE.

Over the past 30 years, the LIFE program has co-financed numerous environmental and climate-related projects, improving the conservation status of 435 species and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These projects have also contributed to public education, the expansion of the Natura 2000 network, and improved environmental governance.

The European Commission found that the LIFE program generated a tenfold return on the €3.46 billion invested from 2014 to 2020. In conclusion, investing in nature enhances social and economic prosperity for both current and future generations.

The coming months represent a key opportunity to address financing for biodiversity conservation and restoration measures across the European Union (EU). By 1 July 2025, the European Commission will release its proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), officially kickstarting the period of negotiations between Member States and the European Parliament.

Effective and well-targeted financing is crucial for achieving EU biodiversity objectives, but significant funding gaps represent a serious impediment to successfully addressing biodiversity loss. The current financing needs from 2021 to 2030 were estimated at EUR 20 billion a year and changed to EUR 48.15 billion per year based on more recent calculations.

With the recent adoption of the Nature Restoration Law, it is crucial to support Member States in effectively implementing and enforcing its provisions. However, stricter financial regulations and efforts to reduce public debt raise the potential for intense debates regarding the allocation of resources within the EU, particularly concerning expenditures related to biodiversity.

Though focused on the post-2027 MFF, this paper also takes a broader perspective on biodiversity financing and considers the longer-term need to re-evaluate current approaches. The proposals are therefore designed to put biodiversity on a path to recovery beyond the next funding period to build a safer, healthier future for people and nature.

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How the next EU budget must deliver for biodiversity | Joint Statement