Become a member

If you are a European, youth-led, environmental organisation looking to make a difference, you might want to consider joining the Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) network.

YEE member organisations can

YEE Membership criteria and rights

All members of YEE are considered to be equal and are subject to pay a membership fee in proportion with their budget.

All members have the following rights:

  1. Right to be present at the Annual Meeting;
  2. Right to nominate candidates for all posts of all statutory bodies and working groups of the network;
  3. Right to vote. Each member shall be entitled to one voting right.

In order to practice those rights, all members should: 

  1. Have no debts of membership fee from the previous year
  2. Pay the membership fee of the actual year or committed to pay it until the end of the AM.
  3. Be active in YEE activities during the year. Being active means:
    • ○ Sending at least one participant to one of YEE activities
    • ○ In cases that they cannot send any participants to YEE activities, contributing the work of YEE in online matters, ie. sending articles to YEE newsletter, disseminating calls of YEE,  and contributing to surveys, questionnaires sent by YEE

YEE Membership Fees

The amount of the membership fee depends on the annual budget of the member organisation.

Member organisations should transfer the membership fee yearly to the bank account of YEE before the deadline set up by the YEE Board. In case the bank transfer is too expensive for a particular organisation, the organisation can bring it in cash to one of the YEE meetings.

The voting right of the organisation will be suspended if the membership fee is not paid before the official opening of the Annual Meeting.

Organisation's budget Membership fee
EUR 0 – EUR 12.500
EUR 30
EUR 12.501 – EUR 25.000
EUR 45
EUR 25.001 – EUR 37.500
EUR 60
EUR 37.501 – EUR 62.500
EUR 75
EUR 62.501 – EUR 125.000
EUR 90
EUR 125.001 – EUR 250.000
EUR 105
EUR 250.001+
EUR 120

How to apply for YEE membership

In order to become a member, you need to:

  1. Download and fill in the application form
  2. Send the application form and the statutes of your organisation translated to English by e-mail to

The processing of the membership is as follows: 

  1. After application, the applying organisation must be present at the General Assembly. The date of the Annual Meeting is announced at least 60 days in advance.
  2. Applications for the membership are accepted by 2/3 of the votes at the General Assembly, abstentions not counted.