Let Grassroots Grow!

The publication “Let Grassroots Grow” is created by the YEE team as a follow-up of the long term project of the same name. In April 2018, when we submitted this project we only had a small idea about what will happen in August (the first school strike for climate by Greta Thunberg). It was a great opportunity to discover grassroots movements with young people through the projects’ four phases: a seminar in Ireland, webinar series, a training course in the Czech Republic, and 7 local actions in 6 countries with the aim of building the expertise of youth organizations needed to support youth-led environmental grassroots projects.

We created this publication as a guide for all young people and youth organisations to discover what are grassroots movements, discover examples from history, and to create their bottom-up movement for their local issue to a global one, we believe everyone is capable of creating a movement. We hope that you will find this publication as a useful resource to explore and initiate your own grassroots movement or support an existing one whether you are a young individual or a youth organization willing to elevate a movement to be part of a bigger movement to change the way things are done.

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