
Call for Proposals

Young and want to take climate action? You have an idea on how to make your voice heard in order to help your community, but you’re just missing some funds to make it happen?

Now in its second year, the Youth Climate Fund is providing accessible, flexible and adaptive small grants to young climate  activists and groups (aged 15+) who are most affected in India and Spain and working to challenge climate injustice. We are looking forward to seeing
proposals that seek to build people-power and support young people to take ownership of what is happening in their communities through impactful climate actions, activities, training, events and more!


The Youth Climate Fund is a grantmaking initiative by UMI Fund, and managed by The Social Change Nest.

How to apply?

Apply before 12th of July 2022, Midnight GMT through the form linked below.

If you have issues accessing or filling in this form, please email youthfund@umifund.org
