Granting Opportunity

3,000 EUROs for 7 grant projects by youth NGOs aiming to mobilise and empower young people from marginalised communities on a local or national level


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YEE is excited to announce the opportunity to support 7 grant projects by youth NGOs aiming to mobilise and empower young people from marginalised communities on a local or national level to either:

Application deadline: 31st March 2023

What does the funding include?

The possible format can include:

Activities can include:

For more inspiration, activites can include:
Adapting the physical space to non‐ barriers, creating educational materials for people with visual impairment, building community venues, supporting technological transition and skill‐building, building human capital, 1×1 mentorship programs for young people, developing a small fund for local initiatives carried out by young people with fewer opportunities.

Funding requirements

Eligible countries

Other eligable countries include: Austria,  Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine

At least 10 young people from marginalied communities benefited from the project, with an equitable balance on gender in the composition.

The programme must be run and organised by youth (under the age of 30). The project must run between April 2023 to August 2023 and follow the non-formal education format.

Have questions? Get in touch!