
YEE is delighted to announce the Call for Regional Assistants 2021/2022. We are looking for young Europeans between 16 and 30 years old to work together with the Regional Contact Persons (RCPs) of YEE on bringing our network closer together and deepen the connection of YEE’s member organisations. 

If you are interested in environmental issues, advocacy and youth-led activism, if you want to extend your network, meet young people from all over Europe and do meaningful action with a bunch of like-minded volunteers, apply to become a Regional Assistant till 20 October 2021, 23:59 CET.

Find the application form via this link. You can apply to become a Regional Assistant for one of the Regions of Europe: West or South, to work with one of the Regional Contact Persons of YEE: read about our RCP West and RCP South below!

Our ideal candidate lives in the region that he is applying to become a Regional Assistant for – however, your nationality and citizenship doesn’t matter.

The Regional Assistants (RA) will be selected by the Regional Contact Persons (RCPs) based on the application. The selected RA, together with the RCPs, will form a Regional Team and act as a link between Member Organisations of their respective region and the Board of YEE.

Find more information about the Regional Teams and the roles of RCPs and RAs via this link.

Find out more about the Regional Contact Person you are going to work with!

Charlotte Audibert, RCP West 2021/2022

As a Regional Contact Person for the West I’m mainly going to develop the relationships with and between the western member associations of YEE, represent and promote YEE in the West, and organize meetings.

To help me in my duties, I’m looking for a young person (between 16 and 30 years old) from the West of Europe. The perfect candidate is interested in environmental issues, willing to connect with NGOs in their region and become a part of the YEE family! No previous experience is necessary.

Ludovico Avellino, RCP South 2021/2022

Hi y’all, I am the YEE RCP South 2021/2022, accountable for the establishment of connections and development of relationships with/between the Member Organizations in Albania, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Portugal, Serbia, Spain.

I am looking for a young person between 18 and 30 years old, interested in environmental issues, willing to connect with NGOs across my appointed region to manage the role of being my RA (Regional Assistant.)

Division of regions according to the current list of Member Organisations of YEE

East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Czechia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine.

West: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland.

North: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, the UK.

South: Albania, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Portugal, Serbia, Spain.

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