Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is committed to the protection of the Environment and the empowerment of young people by supporting the achievement of climate and social justice in Europe and in the world.

That is why we have developed COP26 Policy Brief: a document fully expressing YEE’s position at COP26.

The key takeaway point from our Policy Brief:

#YouthAtTheFrontline: Young people play a forefront role in shaping climate crisis strategies and in preventing future catastrophe in their generation. Youth empowering decision making processes play a key platform for young people to play their role – youth need to be at the frontline of climate action.

#PhaseOutFossilFuels: Decarbonisation of carbon-intensive economic sectors needs to start now, big polluters need to take full responsibility. Legal loopholes, subsidies, carbon offsets and CCS-CUS technology cannot be used as excuses or greenwashing tools to avoid or delay true decarbonisation. 

#ServeClimateJusticeat1Point5: Climate justice and social justice are two sides of the same coin – we need systemic change that values both humans and nature, with careful consideration to human and nature rights, well-being, health and the needs of the most vulnerable to climate change – justice is best served cold, and we demand it at 1.5°C!

#United4Nature: Promote and support the implementation of rights-based Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and EbAs in NDCs, by harnessing the mitigation and adaptation power of Nature at its full potential, taking into consideration indigenous rights and the rights of nature.

#ClimateActionNOW: The climate crisis is already happening! The global North needs to provide meaningful space and substantial financial support to swiftly improve resilience of the most vulnerable, from those who are already suffering loss and damage and those who are at serious risk in the coming years.

Want to know more? Read the whole YEE’s Policy paper for  COP26!