Aleksandra Tulusoeva

Liaison Officer on Sustainable Energy

Hi! My name is Aleksandra and I am a 23 year old climate activist from Russia.

Sasha, tell us a bit more about yourself!

I hold a BA in Regional Analysis and Chinese. I am currently working as a project manager at a carbon offset project. My work experience has given me a deep understanding of the energy sector, the environmental impacts of energy generation from fossil fuels, and most importantly – an understanding of the reasons why we need the energy transition.

I believe that YEE will be the first stepping stone towards my environmental career. I also truly believe that the network I could build with YEE will become a collective ability to inform decision-makers on how to switch to sustainable energy and conserve the natural world.

What are some of the causes you care about?

There are a lot of things I am worried about – from plastic pollution to sea level rise. But as a Liaison Officer on Sustainable Energy, I want to bring up the subject of energy security and energy justice. When we talk about clean energy, we often think about technologies, economy, politics, and justice is a missing perspective. Decisions made in a vacuum can disproportionately affect and even harm the most vulnerable people.

What do you hope the world will look like in 2050?

We have finally made a transition from fossil fuels to 100% sustainable energy, UN SDGs had been achieved.

If you could time-travel, what era would you like to visit and why?

I am in love with late 19th century France and specifically visual arts (Impressionism movement), so I’d like to visit that period!

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

I am a big football fan (Visca el Barça!), so I love reading articles about football tactics. I also spend a lot of time in the outdoors, backpacking and camping. I think that there is something unique and important in wild spaces, some value that we shouldn’t neglect.

Give us one quote that describes your personality, or that you simply love!

‘I’m going to give it a try. If I fail, I am not going to die.’