Anna Clara Paranhos Botto Maia

Liaison Officer on Environmental Governance

Hi! My name is Anna Clara. I’m originally from Brazil, currently studying in Portugal.

Clara, tell us a bit more about yourself!

I’ve been actively involved in sustainable development initiatives in Rio de Janeiro for the past 5 years, having been the creative director of the artivist movement LivMundi Brota and directed documentaries about migration, education and the climate crisis. I’ve been involved in programs such as the Youth Assembly (United Nations), Global Development Leadership Seminars (IMF, World Bank), Gaia Education, Climate Reality Project, the Economy of Francesco, International Seminar on Internet Governance (JEF Europe) and the World Forum for Democracy (Council of Europe).

I’m a Business Management and Creative Economy undergraduate from ESPM Rio, where I conducted research on sustainable fashion and social inclusion of women in vulnerability, and a final thesis about the lack of preparation from the universities to form a generation of young professionals to work towards sustainable development.

I’m now a Masters student in International Development and Public Policy at Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, where I’m also part of the international student club Oikos as their leader of sustainability initiatives on campus, and an Ambassador of the SDG 16, since I wish to act in the regeneration of global politics and find ways to improve the world we know until today.

I join YEE as the Liaison Officer on Environmental Governance with a great passion for both global governance and ecology, and hope to see us, young people, more represented in international forums standing up for our values :).

What are some of the causes you care about?

Cultural inclusion, sustainable fashion, veganism

What do you hope the world will look like in 2050?

I hope humans will be aware and conscious of their surroundings, truly understanding they are part of nature :).

If you could time-travel, what era would you like to visit and why?

I would love to spend some time with the ancient civilizations in Latin America such as the Mayas and Incas!

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

Reading a good book laying down at a beach or a park, watching a good movie (I’ve studied Cinema before so I’m a cinephile myself), going to new cafes and hiking somewhere!

Give us one quote that describes your personality, or that you simply love!

‘Use your anger for good. Anger to people is like gas to the automobile – it fuels you to move forward and get to a better place. Without it, we would not be motivated to rise to a challenge. It is an energy that compels us to define what is just and unjust.’  Arun Gandhi, The Gift of Anger