Ewout De Vos

Regional assistant West

Hi! My name is Ewout and I am from Belgium.

Ewout, tell us a bit more about yourself!

Working as a freelancer focusing on game design, I love to connect nature with the digital world, letting people explore worlds they might not see otherwise. I spent my spare time exploring nature, accompanied by my camera.

Furthermore, I’m an active member and leader in the Belgian youth movement JNM (Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu – Youth for Nature and Environment). It is here I learned all the volunteering skills

What do you hope the world will look like in 2050?

Alive and somewhat stable.

If you could time-travel, what era would you like to visit and why?

Around 600 AD, for the transition from Roman to European kingdoms, or 70 BC, just before Roman conquest of Gaul.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

Wandering around in nature, taking photos.

Give us one quote that describes your personality, or that you simply love!

‘Horseshoe bats tuck their ears under their wings during winter so they don’t freeze. It’s cute.’