Nina Koistinen

Regional Assistant North

Hey there, I’m Nina. I am Finnish-Brazilian and grew up in Ireland.

Nina, tell us a bit more about yourself!

I graduated from University College Cork, Ireland with a Bachelor of Law and French. As part of my bachelor’s studies, I spent a year on Erasmus at Université de Strasbourg. I am currently completing a Masters in Environmental Policy and Law at the University of Eastern Finland.

I have also previously been involved with a number of student societies and completed a placement at the European Parliament, as well as a legal internship. I am passionate about climate action, especially from an environmental justice perspective, and am delighted to be working with YEE to further these causes.

What are some of the causes you care about?

Intersectional environmentalism and feminism, climate change, public participation.

If you could time-travel, what era would you like to visit and why?

The 1960’s – to witness the environmental and social justice movements of the time first hand and meet the visionaries leading them (and as a bonus: for 60s fashion and music!)

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

Painting, getting lost in a good book, ice-skating, yoga, working out, and being in nature.

Give us one quote that describes your personality, or that you simply love!

‘”Empathy is revolutionary’  Jane Fonda