• Annual meetings

    General Assemblies

What are Annual Meetings?

Member organisations and the YEE office meet together to define the objectives, strategies and projects of the next year during the Annual Meetings.

The YEE board is also chosen for the upcoming year at the Annual Meetings.

As stated in our statutes Annual Meetings are held every year to:

  1. to evaluate the work of YEE based on the Annual Report presented by the Executive Board;
  2. to receive the External and Internal Auditor’s report;
  3. to revise the budget of the current financial year;
  4. to review the membership status of member organisations in accordance with the procedures determined by the Statutes and Rules of Procedure;
  5. to discuss amendments to the Policies, Statutes or to the Rules of Procedure;
  6. to elaborate the work plan and the priorities of the federation.

For information about the Annual Meetings:

To find information about past YEE Annual Meetings please visit our archive page.
