Training Course: ‘Media, communication and nature’
When: 20-27 July 2012
Where: Ekocentre Paleta Oucmanice, Czech Republic
Who: Hnuti Brostosaurus (Czech Republic and YEE)
Activity type: Training course
Contact person: Tomas Protivinsky
Project description
The training course Media, Communication & Nature is intended for youth leaders, youth workers and volunteers from environmental and educational organizations to support them in increasing their impact through training communication skills with media and public. The training course addresses the needs of the youth environmental organizations to improve their competences in communication with public and media in order to increase the youth awareness about environmental problems.
The idea of the training course is based on the fact that one of the biggest environmental problem of our society is the general inability to solve problems effectively. The people has information mainly from media, however the most of information in media is simplified and often misrepresented. As the result, the public discussion concerning environmental topics are really confusing. The youth, as well as public in general have just superficial knowledge of the environmental issues and are not able to interpret the information correctly. Psychologists call the state of confusion cognitive dissonance and the easiest way how to overcome it is to stop caring about the problem.
Environmental organizations has to put more emphasis on promotion and communication of environmental issues, it is necessary to enable people to understand the issues correctly. Moreover, badly prepared campaigns could have negative impact on the general public. It is important to plan the promotion carefully and to be aware how people perceive our information.
It is the reason why we decided to focus the training course on media and communication of environmental issues. The training course will consist of four content pillars:
- Developing basic journalistic skills.
- Training in new media (social networks etc).
- Common difficulties in environmental communication.
- Skills of critical thinking.
The booklet ‘The environmentalist’s guide to the media galaxy’ helps you to be heard in the media and among the public. Learn about the possibilities of social media, how to write press releases and how to get them into the newspapers. If you wish to achieve a positive environmental change, the booklet will help you to prepare campaigns. You can also use community-based social marketing, a few simple steps designed especially to support a sustainable behaviour. Learn more about critical thinking to develop your argumentation skills.
Participating organisations:
- Hnutí Brontosaurus, Czech Republic
- Youth and Environment Europe, Czech Republic
- Academic Section of Polish Land Lovers Society, Poland
- Aithria: Agro-Environmental Research and Action Team, Greece
- Alliance for Society Advancement, Georgia
- Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung, Germany
- Environmental center for Development Education and Networking, Albania
- Environmental Youth Club, Russian Federation
- Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia, Armenia
- Kultúrne Centrum Aktivity, Slovakia
- Organizaçao para a Promoçao dos Ecoclubes, Portugal
- Stepanavan Youth Center, Armenia
- Young Researchers of Serbia – Voluntary Service of Serbia, Serbia
Participants opinions:
Interesting experience was meeting with the members of environmental organizations before at least 40 years of age. Their unwavering commitment to work for the environment is noteworthy and provide the next generation. I liked brainstorming on new projects. First, bring a lot of fun and joy. A second for YEE they are useful for environment.
In my opinion organization was very good. For a really short time we did a lot of things. I can say that I came back home with plenty of experience.Eko center “Paleta” was a success. When it comes to food, from the beginning I was not satisfied because I was supposed to eat just vegetarian food, but as the time went by I got used to it. I liked snacks as well. I also liked morning activities!