Empowering young people to use the law in their political advocacy

    The EU has some strong environmental laws, but how can we use them? What tools are available to obtain information, participate and challenge environmental decisions? And how can we make use of  climate litigation?

    The youth movement has been at the forefront of political advocacy. However, legal tools can also help in the fight against the climate and biodiversity crisis. Yet, law often seems complex, inaccessible and dry – something only for specialised lawyers.

    Through the “Legal Seeds” project we aim to bridge this gap by building capacity and raising awareness on environmental law. We aim to create opportunities for young people with or without legal background to increase their understanding of these issues, to exchange their experiences and eventually make use of legal tools themselves.

    The name, ‘Legal Seeds’ reflects this ambition: we aim to plant seeds of legal knowledge to empower young people to use the law in their political advocacy or to explore legal tools available as an additional avenue. In addition, those legal tools and avenues can also be seen as seeds to spark broader change.

    The main objectives of the project are to:

    • Build Capacity

      through interactive workshops and non-formal education tools

    • Develop a network

      of youth and non-youth actors engaged in environmental law

    Knowledge bank


    Have a look at the updates from the project!

    Contact us

    If you have any question about the project, please contact Agnes at agnes@yeenet.eu


    The project is funded by the European Climate Foundation
