Understanding the G20 – Behind the slogans | Webinar



The G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will be held in Rome on October 30th and 31st 2021, with the participation of the G20 Heads of State and Government, of their counterparts from invited countries, and of the representatives of some of the main international and regional organizations.

The G20, under Italian Presidency, will focus on three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, Prosperity.

The G20 is also intent on paving the way to rebuilding differently in the aftermath of the crisis. More efficiently, through a better use of renewable energies and with a firm commitment to protecting our climate and our common environment.

Some interesting work done by working groups on the topic of environment/ climate change: sustainable agriculture/ food security, protection of biodiversity, sustainable finance and sustainable cities.


People, Planet, Prosperity: these are the pillars of action proposed for this G20. In all of these, youth is undeniably a key part of, and needs to be considered when going forward.

But are youth ideas being taken into consideration at the G20? Are the decisions being taken (which have the potential to impact our lives for a long time) ambitious enough, and comprehensive enough?

This webinar aims to discuss these questions and often both an overview of the G20 process as well as an opportunity to raise questions and concerns regarding the direction it should go in.

We cordially would like to invite you to join our Webinar with a set of guest experts who are bound to help us in exploring the fundamental questions centered around G20 and what role youth should play!

We will be addressing important questions such as:

  1. What is G20 and what aims ? Why should young people care?
    • How are young people being included in G20 and what is the work of Y20?
  2. How should we start redefining prosperity as youth?
    • Are the current ways of defining economic prosperity suitable for the world we live in?
  3. What impacts will the G20 have on the environmental agenda?
    • Are we placing the environment as a priority?

Interested? Register your interest here by 28th September 2021 [5pm CEST].

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