YEE Team is growing

Our team is growing and we couldn´t be more excited. This year YEE has been joined by many new faces and that’s not all, our team has also grown in experience and expertise to drive our expanding network. From our core team in Prague, through to our advocacy geniuses, communications brains, and fundraising masters, we have the most amazing young people on the mission to build a better future. Our network would not exist without the help of our volunteers who commit their time and talent to this cause. Now we are happy to welcome Viktoria, Marta, Camille, and Juan on board. 

Welcome! At YEE we’re a talented team where everyone can have their say and make a difference. Although we used to call ourselves a small team,  we are not so small anymore! We just welcomed our two new online volunteers and two interns. At YEE we inspire, encourage, and empower young people to gain a volunteer experience. Becoming a volunteer is one of the best ways to take action on causes you care about, meet new people, and gain valuable skills. The benefits of volunteering can last a lifetime, and not only for our planet or those who you are helping but for you as well. 

We are excited to welcome our new remote volunteers Camille and Juan. Could you please tell us a bit more about yourself?

Camille Gasnier

“Hi! My name is Camille and I come from France. I have always been aware about global and European challenges, and the negative effects of overconsumption. I studied History and Political Science at UCO, France, where my interest for political and environmental issues grew up. My internship in a British publishing company that focuses on the heritage and environment sector was also revealing. This year, I am glad to support the YEE team as a volunteer. “ 



Juan Antonio Pérez López

“Hi there! My name is Juanan, I am 22, and I come from the city of Murcia, in the southeast of Spain. I recently graduated in International Studies from the Carlos III University of Madrid. In my junior year, I spent two semesters at the University of California, Berkeley, where I started to become more interested in environmental issues. Currently, I coordinate the Environment & Health section at The Global Vision, a digital magazine where we analyze international politics issues from five different perspectives. I have also worked as an intern at the Permanent Representation of Spain at the Council of Europe and I am a team member of the EU Youth Dialogue mechanism in my region. Now, I am very excited to start my journey at YEE!” 

We are also happy to welcome Marta and Viktoria, our new interns who will work with our Office Team in Prague. 

Marta Romero Fernández

“My name is Marta, I am 23 years old and I come from South of Spain. My concern about environmental issues step-up during my double bachelor’s in Economics and International Relations. I am quite interested in the green economy since I actually think that continuing growing in today’s society in a sustainable way is a challenge that everyone has to take over. I have done two European Youth Exchanges, in Sardinia and Romania, both related to the environment. Moreover, I have participated in two United Nation Models in Madrid, where I represented Czech Republic and United States and where we discussed other international problems such as child labour or natural disaster financial assistance. I love travelling and learning about other cultures and ways of life. Thus, in 2018 I moved to Prague thanks to an Erasmus Program, continuing my studies in International Relations in Cevro Institute.

Last year, I did a traineeship in a Spanish bank (BBVA), and I became aware about how many people are excluded from banking services, growing my interest in financial inclusion and how the access to bank products can help people to abandon poverty. Currently, I am very excited to be back in Prague and to join the YEE team!“

Viktoria Antalová

“My name is Viktoria, and I am from Slovakia. Currently, I am a student of marketing communication in Prague. The belief of non-formal education and volunteering services has become my drive for participating and coordinating trainings for youth and teenagers. I want to deepen my environmental knowledge for myself and the public that is why I am so glad to support YEE in its highly meaningful vision.“


We are excited to have you in team.

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