Why the Youth Climate Hubs?

During the past year and a half, the world has faced global challenges that have radically transformed our lives and whose impact will stick with our society in the long run: a global health crisis which has shook our social, economic, political systems to their core; a long series of natural disasters and extreme weather events have shown to the whole world – simultaneously in the global south and the global north – what our everyday life could look like in just a few years, reminding everyone that the climate crisis is unravelling in the here and now. At the same time, young people around the world have shown increasing determination and strength in calling out global polluters and making leaders accountable for their future lives and those of next generations – asking for swift, meaningful change in climate action.

Against this global background, COP26 is one of the most-awaited events for this year; expectations are high, but the reality is that much more pressure is needed to raise climate ambitions that will make meeting Paris targets feasible. We all have a way to participate in this and to give our contribution into the youth climate movement when global leaders will get together this November. Our Youth Climate Hubs come into play with two main objectives:

  • Spreading awareness and giving out practical knowledge about UNFCCC COP26 to empower youth by supporting their preparation to COP26 advocacy. By following our three-webinar journey and listening to UNFCCC COP experts, young activists will develop a clear and personal overview on the structure of the conference and which specific mechanisms can focus on, what to expect from the conference and how to contribute to youth campaigns (e.g. on social media platforms), and where to find useful information (and avoid disinformation) during the conference – user-friendly resources.
  • Also, by structuring the Hubs in a highly interactive fashion, participants are free to discuss a number of COP26-related topics in the last part of each session, in a peer-to-peer exchange which will allow them to engage in more critical and informed climate- or COP-related discussions in their own network or community, thereby passing that knowledge on and potentially mobilising more young people, so as to multiply our Hub’s positive impact.

The structure of Youth Climate Hubs

How many events and when?

There will be three main Youth Climate Hubs, starting with a first session on 27th September, every two weeks.

  • 1st workshop: 27th September on Education 
  • 2nd Workshop 14th October on Advocacy 
  • 3rd Workshop: 25th October on Policy, with feedback on COP26 Policy Brief

How is each session going to be structured?

Each session will last about 90 minutes and be split in 60+30 minutes.

Each meeting will be mainly held on Zoom, with Facebook live and use of a Trello board. The participants will be asked to join the Trello board from the start of the event and one or two facilitators will oversee the board(s) as it will be a living document throughout the sessions.

There will be a 30 minute section focused on knowledge-sharing and discussion as peers in the youth climate meeting.

What will be discussed?

Some ideas on how to potentially break down the points that need to be discussed in the Youth Climate hubs. Each session (60’) is followed by a more informal moment of open dialogue (30’) to encourage peer-to-peer exchange; with the help of Trello and interactive questions/tasks, members of the Hub have the opportunity to start conversations, networking, and get inspired from each other. Also, using a Trello board is a way to keep a visual and fun summary of what was discussed.

1. Introducing COP26 and breaking down its pillars  (education/training)

The first Youth Climate Hub is aimed at providing participants with practical information and background knowledge, so as to get an overview of the UNFCCC COP process and use this knowledge as a basis for climate advocacy. Namely, discussions in this Hub will revolve around:

  • What is UNFCCC COP and how does it work;
  • The run-up to COP26 and why is UNFCCC COP26 important;
  • COP26 vocabulary and resources – finding and understanding resources;
  • COP26 Priorities and structure – breaking down the pillars with experts;
  • Final discussion with interactive questions.

2. Getting ready for Glasgow – Framing expectations and shaping youth ambitions (advocacy)

  • Youth expectations and demands for COP26 Glasgow;
  • How to best deliver your message – COP26 advocacy;
  • Final discussion with interactive questions.

3. How do we get there? Policy challenges and solutions towards a 1.5 C warmer world (policy)

  • The existing gaps in Europe with policy experts;
  • Presenting YEE’s general position (as expressed by YEE COP26 Policy Brief);
  • Preview of the COP26 Toolkit;
  • YEE’s COP26 Policy Brief is open to input and feedback by participants of the YCH.