Time to Act | New Youth Project from Yeghvard -Youth Ecological NGO

From November 2020, our Armenian member organisation “Yeghvard -Youth Ecological NGO”, with the financial support from the European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe), has been implementing the “Time to Act ” youth project.  What´s the project about and how is it going? 

The Time to Act project aims to raise awareness of climate change among the young people and city councils in regions of Armenia , introduce possible measures for climate change adaptation and mitigation, discuss the set of personal and professional skills necessary to work on environmental problems and encourage engagement of young people in environmental  projects in Armenia.

The project involved 4 days seminar for the youth workers, active young people and members of city councils, who are decision makers in their communities and youth workers who are involved in NGO field and are active working for the local communities

During 4 days seminar  the participants have been introduced the main issues of climate change  and environmental problems  that the world is facing now. The young people have received information , tools and methods about the climate change with its elements from experienced trainers of the project.  

Throughout our  activities, we enabled young people from all Armenia to benefit from the knowledge of environmental education previously trained during our project. Having learned various new tools and methods  during the seminar these young people now are able to work in their communities and spread the  messages of taking care of the environmental problems and be active in the society to take actions for their right to live in clear and healthy environment. 

After receiving knowledge, tools and methods about environment and climate change the participants had artistic workshops, as a result of the workshop the participants have created posters and postcards which will be published soon and spread in regions of Armenia. 

As follow up of the project the participants will organise local actions about climate change involving young people from their communities. 


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