Geoengineering – A climate of uncertainty? | Youth Guide and Policy Brief


Can technology save the planet? Let´s find out! We are thrilled to present you our latest publication “Youth Guide and Policy Brief: Geoengineering – A climate of uncertainty?“, exploring the most controversial solutions to the climate crisis. It has been written by young people, for young people to provide a comprehensive overview of geoengineering interventions.

As the impacts of the climate emergency become more severe and the timeline for action more restricted, more radical solutions – large-scale intervention in Earth’s climate – are being proposed. One of them is geoengineering, also called climate engineering or climate intervention.

During April and May 2021, youth from across Europe worked together online to explore geoengineering through four key elements, ‘science’, ‘ethics’, ‘politics’, and ‘society’. The workshops were developed and facilitated by a team including:

More information about the workshops can be found here.

Over the course of the workshops, youth participants co-wrote and produced a Youth Guide and Policy Brief on geoengineering. This resource was written by young people to inform their peers about geoengineering and to share youth views and perspectives with decision-makers.

The purpose of this guide is to introduce key ideas and questions about geoengineering in order to spark a conversation about intervention in the Earth’s climate system in the context of the range of possible responses to the climate crisis.

Download the full guide here 

We would like to thanks all participants for their valuable contributions.

We welcome your comments and responses to this guide. Feel free to contact us at

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