Entries by YEE

Become a Regional Coordinator at YEE! Apply now

Are you a young person concerned about environmental issues? Do you want to expand your network all around Europe? Are you ready to connect with climate activists and advocate for burning environmental issues together? If YES, this call is for you!  Now you have a chance to become one of the 4 Regional Contact Persons […]

Open Letter to MEPs on the European Parliament’s Environment Committee concerning the Aarhus Regulation revision process

Today, YEE sent a letter to MEPs on the European Parliament’s Environment Committee concerning the Aarhus Regulation revision process. The Committee will vote on amendments to the Regulation tomorrow, April 22nd (Earth Day), and we have called on them to ensure that the EU is no longer in breach of its commitments under international law […]

Call for participants | Online Training Course ´Spreading Pollen´

Online Training Course | Spreading Pollen: Scaling up community engagement for the protection of wild pollinators If you have ever been interested in mobilising others for the protection of the environment, keep on reading and apply now for the online training!  Why pollinators you ask?  Let’s see: We depend on pollinators for our food supply: […]

#YEEinterview: Journey Visions – A Path towards Sustainability

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced many environmental initiatives – such as on-site global climate strikes and on-site collective awareness raising campaigns – to stop. However, many young people have shown the resiliency to react to the difficulties the pandemic is imposing. In today’s interview, we’ll get to know the Journey Vision Podcast. The team […]

#YEEinterview: Nuclear Explained

Nuclear weapons and nuclear power have critical overlaps with climate change, from releasing high amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, to destructive impact of nuclear weapons on the environment. To discuss such a complex inter-sectional issue, we had a chat with the team of Nuclear Explained, who is demystifying nuclear weapons policy on Instagram. […]

Call for Participants | Online Training Course “Advocates for a Green Future”

Start your environmental advocacy journey with YEE! Youth and Environment Europe is looking for participants for the online international training course “Advocates for a Green Future” between 09 April – 18 April 2021. The online training course “Advocates for a Green Future” will gather youth workers, climate activists,sustainability professionals and volunteers active in environmental NGOs and/or informal […]

National Alliance for Sustainable Azerbaijan

We´ve got exciting news from our member “Common Sense Youth Organisation“!  On 22nd February 2021 ‘’National Alliance for Sustainable Azerbaijan’’ was established. What it is and why should you care? A newly formed National Alliance for Sustainable Azerbaijan unites environmental organisations and eco-activists throughout the country with a single mission – to bring a sustainable […]

Internship with YEE? Read what our interns say about us

Our interns and volunteers play an essential role in supporting the work of YEE. Each member of the YEE team gets real-life, hands-on experience in the field of  project management, communications and climate action. Curious about what our interns thought of their work with us? Who better to tell you about it than the interns […]