We would like to announce that the Annual Meeting and the General Assembly of YEE will take place on from 8th to 9th July 2023 in Prague, Czechia.
We are happy to say that it will take place in person with an option to join in remotely. Hereby, we would like to ask each YEE member organisation to appoint a delegate to represent and vote on behalf of your organisation during the General Assembly (GA).
Food, accommodation, and visa expenses or the duration of the general assembly will be covered in full. Travel expenses will be reimbursed according to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2023 (p.152).
How can you join?
Member organisations delegates
Please, fill in this form to nominate a delegate by 31st May 2023. If your delegate requires a visa, please, fill in the form as soon as possible.
Guests and YEE team
To register as a guest / YEE team member, please, use this form by 31st May 2023. The number of places is limited, therefore the spots will be assigned first to the official delegates of the member organisations, and then allocated to guests if available.
Open calls
Board members
Be part of the main decision-making body of the network.-
Making all the executive decisions between the Annual Meetings
Supervising the implementation of the Work Plan
Fulfilling their position's responsibilities
Internal Auditors
Carry out the audit at the YEE office.-
Assessing the quality of YEE project implementation
Evaluating the work of the Board and Secretaria
Providing feedback and suggestions for improvement to the network
Have questions? Get in touch!
Other upcoming events
Our mission
YEE aims to unite environmental youth non-profit organisations in Europe in order to enhance international cooperation, increase knowledge about the climate crisis, raise awareness of environmental problems and to strengthen participation of youth in environmental decision-making.
Get in touch
Vinohradská 2165/48
120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady
Czech Republic
E-mail: yee@yeenet.eu

Financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe