Online Training Course | Building the Vision – Youth environmental organisations of the future

Another success story!  We have completed the online training course “Building the Vision – Youth Environmental Organisations of the Future”. Together with 28 amazing young people coming from all over the world we discovered and discussed the importance of mission and vision statements, values, aims and objectives both in our organisations but also in our personal lives.

The world is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis. In response, young people across the world call for climate justice as they are expressing their concerns and demands in non-violent protests, campaigns, and direct actions. They do so as individuals, but also by joining different organisations or forming informal action groups and movements. These groups then mobilise themselves to develop and implement a specific campaign, project or any other action. However, after one such an event takes place people often part ways, regardless if it succeeds or not. Now it’s time to change it and ensure a long impact of youth environmental organisations and movements!

The voice of young people and the future generation has to be better recognized and involved in the current and future developments of both climate action and environmental decision-making at all levels. It is nevertheless true that young voices will become even more powerful with a support of strong organisation. That’s why during our online training course “Building the Vision” from 29 January to 7 February 2021 we supported 30 young people with new skills and knowledge on how to build better structured and more sustainable youth environmental organisations of the future. 

During one week, participants of the training course explored the different aspects of organisational management and had a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded peers, share best practices and work together on exciting tasks. The YEE Project team provided participants with tips & tricks on how to (re)think and (re)establish their organisation by (re)defining it´s vision, mission, values, organisational aims, and objectives. We also grasped helpful  hints on organisational management and democratic decision making, and mastered how to develop outstanding fundraising strategy and crowdfunding campaigns.

Our online interactive training course was based on non-formal education and experiential learning methods. In addition to the training sessions, we also provided participants with a space for networking, organising engaging informal meetings and team-building activities. Although in a digital space, we created a safe space for talking to other learners, youth workers and young activists from all over the world and learn from each other.

Throughout the whole week, participants worked together on developing their own “Environmental Youth Organisations of The Future” on different areas of sustainable development. In the end of the training course, all the working groups presented their work in a form of presentations for the other participants.

Thanks to all participants for their active participation, valuable contributions and great energy! We believe that this online training provided the participants and their organisations with the right base before diving into advocacy and political lobbying on local, regional, national, and international levels. Stay tuned for the upcoming #IGF training course! 

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