Internship with YEE? Read what our interns say about us

Our interns and volunteers play an essential role in supporting the work of YEE. Each member of the YEE team gets real-life, hands-on experience in the field of  project management, communications and climate action. Curious about what our interns thought of their work with us? Who better to tell you about it than the interns themselves? Read impressions of Viki and Marta, former YEE interns who have been working with us since November 2020.

Marta Romero Fernández

Na shledanou, YEE! If you are wondering whether or not to carry out an internship or volunteering in the largest independent European network of environmental youth organisations, while a pandemic is occurring, the answer is clear – yes, do it. Despite being online most of the time, I wouldn’t have seen a better opportunity to improve my communication skills, to develop other professional skills or to build up capacities on environment youth activism. These three months in YEE have given me the chance to meet and work as a part of international teams and to be immersed by the passion of the youth who wants to improve the way of doing things. 

I have been involved in different projects and in each of them, in a different way. Moreover, I have taken part in an online training course as a member of the prep-team. Although I was already quite familiar with Erasmus + experiences, being part of the organisation and coordination of the training course has been an amazing experience. Doubtless, the most surprising fact for me during my internship has been discovering that online events are more fun and make more connections than what you can expect at the beginning. 

If all this sounds good to you, do not hesitate to join YEE, and start to raise environmental awareness and empower young people in participating in decision-making processes. Get ready to use Zoom 24/7 and to have a strange feeling when you finally meet a YEE peer in person. Although my path in YEE has been quite short, it has left a big impact on me. Youth and Environment Europe is not only an organisation, but a huge family. 

Thank you! Marta


Viktória Antalová

My intentions when I applied to an internship with YEE were to fill up the free time I had had during the pandemic and to use the time for useful matters. In the end, I must say, it has been a truly meaningful way of spending my time!

I wanted to have volunteering experience in an environmental organization with international team members. Browsing different opportunities online, the YEE opportunity turned out to be the right choice.

From the very beginning, I was surprised by the professional and at the same time friendly approach by the team. Thanks to Karolina’s support I set up my goals before I started, which brought me clarity on what I wanted to focus on during the 3-months internship as I was not sure before.

Eventually, I supported the communication and engagement between member organisations, created digital content and visual propositions for social media channels and had a chance to take a look at project management operations. The skills and knowledge I gained are valuable for my studies of marketing communication. During the internship, I also participated in an online training course “Building the Vision: Youth environmental organisations of the future”. It was a great way to explore the steps needed to establish my own environmental organisation.

I appreciate that also newcomers and interns are always welcome to express their ideas or contribute their opinions to the work of the whole organisation. They are encouraged to take responsibility for the implementation part of the projects with a great support of any member of the YEE team ready to help anytime. Thanks to the internship I explored interesting environmental topics and dived into climate issues even deeper.

As I was working only remotely, the only thing I was missing during the internship was actually meeting all those amazing people I have met online and being present in the YEE office in Prague. However, despite the challenging situation, the whole organisation and communication were provided in a very efficient way. I enjoyed the whole journey so much that I decided to stay active and continue working on some projects with the Youth and Environment Europe afterwards. 

Thank you so much for your constant support and a great experience! Viki 

Thank you Marta and Viki for your journey with YEE, we are very grateful for all your hard work, creative ideas and good energy! We wish you all the best for your future.

If you are interested in applying for an internship with YEE contact us at

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