Call for a regional contact person for South, North and East 2022/2023

At the General Assembly 2022, YEE has welcomed its Regional Contact Persons (RCPs)for East, South and West, who are going to connect and develop communities of YEE’s member organisations on the regional level and work together on strengthening the connections of young people through YEE.

At the moment, YEE is looking for a young volunteer to join us in the mandate of Regional Contact Person for South. You will become a representative of YEE’s member organisations in the region and the link between the Board and the Member Organisations of YEE in Southern Europe.

We are looking for a young person between 16 and 30 years old, who lives in the region that he is applying to become a Regional Contact Person for, however, your nationality and citizenship doesn’t matter.

Apply, if you would like to

  • expand your network;
  • create strong connections with youth organisations and climate activists in your region;
  • unite NGOs to advocate for burning environmental issues together;
  • become a member of the YEE family.

This is a volunteering position that will require 1-5 hours of commitment per week, distributed unevenly. The mandate of a Regional Contact Person lasts for one year. Find more information about the Regional Teams and the roles of RCPs.

How to apply

Deadline for applications: 27 October 2022

Download the application form and send it as attachment to

In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Secretary General Tetiana Stadnyk at!

Frequently asked questions

  • I am 30+ years old, can I still apply?

    As a youth-led organisation, we can only consider applications from individuals between 18-29 y.o. at the moment of application.

  • I am a third-country national, can I still apply?

    If you are in any way affiliated with one of the European countries in the southern teritory (e.g. by studies), you will be considered for the position.

  • I am not affiliated with any of your member organisations, can I still apply?

    Yes, you can!