Imagining the Green future: Environmental strategy and Youth advocacy
Why do we need to imagine the green future?
The world is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis. In response, young people across the world call for climate justice as they are expressing their concerns and demands in non-violent protests, campaigns, and direct actions. They do so as individuals, but also connected to other young people by joining different organisations or forming informal action groups and movements. These groups then mobilise themselves to develop and implement a specific campaign, project or any other action. Usually, these tend to be one-time events that aim to achieve a specific goal. However, after one such an event takes place people often part ways, regardless if it succeeds or not.
Now it’s time to change it and ensure a long impact of youth environmental organisations and movements!
At YEE, we believe that the scale of the environmental crisis we are currently facing demands a rapid and better structured response which will actually involve young leaders not just as a token. The voice of young people and the future generation has to be better recognized and involved in the current and future developments of both climate action and environmental decision-making at all levels. Young engaged citizens and activists are the change-makers and they should feel like the change-makers.
That’s why we want to support them with building more structured and sustainable youth environmental organisations of the future through our project “Imagining the Green Future: Environmental Strategy and Youth Advocacy”.
What came before?
Our work plan in 2018 was focused on environmental decision-making and youth participation. In 2019, we were focusing on the topic of grassroots, bottom-up initiatives and young people who want to solve concrete environmental problems and issues in their local communities. Now, we would like to build up on the identified needs from both projects and focus on capacity building for young people, to actively engage in local level policy making, with a strong background and support coming from a structured and sustainable organisation.
What are the aim and objectives?
Aim of this project is to contribute to the sustainability of the activities and structure of environmental youth movements, informal groups and organisations to ensure young people’s access to participation in policy making processes. We want to develop strategies for youth workers, environmental activists, informal environmental youth groups and environmental youth organisations to build up an organisational structures from one time activities, grassroots movements to achieve long-term impact on environmental policies and influencing local policy making through participation in political structures by campaigning and advocacy.
Objectives of the project:
- Vision Building – to support youth to create a sustainable vision and structure for entering political environment;
- Advocacy for environment – to develop competences of youth workers and informal groups of young people needed to advocate, campaign and lobby for environmental policies on local level;
- To support and empower local groups to influence local environmental policies through advocacy, campaigning and lobbying;
- To create a space for exchanging good practices and learning from each other among youth engaged citizens, activists, youth workers, youth movements and informal groups of young people.
What are the activities?
The project is composed of international training courses followed by local actions.