S.W.I.T.C.H. networking event in Prague​

Learn about sustainable entrepreneurship and civil societies

Saturday 11 February 2023 from 15.00

The goal of the event is to promote the work done in the SWITCH project, to showcase the work of the nine participants who finished the course and to gather and strengthen the cooperation of organisations, civil society organisations, movements and party-political organisations, as well as participants who are interested in this topic.


After the presentation from participants of the SWITCH project, we will be holding an excellent opportunity to network with NGOs in Prague, and people interested in sustainability. In an ‘organisation fair format’, you will have the chance to represent your organisation, the work you do, upcoming opportunities, or any other thing you wish.

15:00 – 16:10 Getting to know each other & introduction to the SWITCH project
16:10 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 17:30 Organisations Fair in Prague
17:30 – 19:00 Cocktail & Networking

What is the Organisations’ fair?

In an ‘organisation fair format’, you will have the chance to meet different NGOs and civil societies, learn about their work, and upcoming opportunities, or how could you get involved.

Organisations that confirmed their attendance:

🟡 YEE (the organiser)
🟡 The Green Project (S.W.I.T.C.H. alumni)
🟡 Tiimiakatemia
🟡 Ekokul z.s.
🟡 Volt Czechia
🟡 42 Prague
🟡 Genesis
🟡 Oikos International
🟡 Uniting Bridge SNGO
🟡 ESN Czechia

What is the SWITCH project?

SWITCH stands for Sustainability & Waste: Innovation, Training and Community Hub. During the training, participants developed a sustainable business project from scratch, together with the support of YEE and the rest of the participants, becoming part of a like-minded international community.

Practical information

  • When

    Saturday 11 February 2023, from 15.00

  • Where

    In the Green Innovation Academy, located in Vinohradská 2577/178, ground floor 130 00, Prague 3 – Vinohrady

  • How

    Register your interest


If you have any questions,

feel free to contact the project coordinator Lucía at lucia@yeenet.eu or via the form below.

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SWITCH Networking event in Prague

Call for Organisational training

We believe that the representation of diverse voices in the environmental youth movement is the key to good policymaking. (Under)representation of young people from rural communities, minorities and vulnerable groups affects the design, implementation and effectiveness of policies. Facing the climate emergency, we want to make sure that those who feel its consequences the most have space in decision-making and know that their voice matters. With this project, we want to engage with young people locally, while empowering and connecting youth internationally.

Online Training to Central and Eastern Europe (youth-led NGOs or youth groups in Central and Eastern Europe with priority towards Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania) with access to a facility/venue to work with marginalised youth on the local level; already working with marginalized communities with limited capacity/knowledge, or with a strategy/ strong vision for working with marginalized communities, able to assign at least one employee/volunteer to participate in the training course and lead the sub-granted project.

This training is for you if:

🟡 You are between the ages of 16 – 30

🟡 Your organisation is from Central or Eastern Europe
🟡  You want to extend your capacity in terms of working with marginalised communities
🟡  You believe in diversity and inclusion and you would like to do something to make your local community more inclusive and environmentally aware.

🟡  You are already working or plan to work with marginalised communities and are searching for support or guidance in your efforts.

At the training, you will:

🟣 Discuss the different types of disadvantaged communities present in our local regions that can be target groups for future projects and cooperation

🟣 Work together to understand how to better integrate disadvantaged communities in the decision making process of projects as well as how to shape projects and events around their needs

🟣 Develop your understanding of the importance of integration and environmental activism
🟣 Discuss possible project topics, structure, dead-lines, and future sub-granting availability.

After the training:

Participants of the training course will get an opportunity to apply for a sub-grant to develop the capacity of their organisation to work with young people with fewer opportunities.

Practical information

  • When

    1st February 2023 and 3rd February 2023

  • Where


  • How

    Register your interest before 28th January

This training course is part of the Showcasing the Unheard project.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

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Call for Organisational training | Showcasing the Unheard

Annual Meeting 2022