YEE is delighted to announce that the Member Organisations of the network have elected their Regional Contact Persons 2021/2022!

The voting results are as follows:

Regional Contact Person for East 2021/2022

Candidate, Votes, Percentage
  1. Kamal Tasiu Abdullahi, 1, 16.7%
  2. Nelli Yeghiazaryan, 4, 66.7%
  3. Elene Samukashvili, 1, 16.7%

Votes tallied: 6

Abstentions: 0

Regional Contact Person for West 2021/2022

Candidate, Votes, Percentage

  1. Adam Ardeeff, 0, 0%
  2. Charlotte Audibert, 5, 100.0%

Votes tallied: 5

Abstentions: 1

Regional Contact Person for South 2021/2022

Candidate, Votes, Percentage

Aleksandra Sotirovic, 1, 25.0%

Ludovico Avellino, 3, 75.0%

Votes tallied: 4

Abstentions: 0

Regional Contact Person for North 2021/2022

Unfortunately, the Member Organisations in the smallest YEE region, North, did not express their votes. Following the decision of The Board of YEE, the candidate for the position of RCP North, Luca Arfini, is considered to be elected, however, will be approved by the General Assembly at the Annual meeting of YEE in September 2021 before officially starting their mandate of RCP North 2021/2022.

Congratulations to all elected candidates!

The newly-elected RCPs will have their first meeting already in August 2021 and will open a call for Regional Assistants before the Annual Meeting of YEE, which will take place on the 25th-26th of September 2021, online. Nevertheless, the elected RCPs will officially start their mandate after the Annual Meeting, after they will be approved at the Annual Meeting 2021 by the General Assembly.

The election of the Regional Contact Persons for 2021/2022 was conducted conducted online between July 13, 2021 and July 31, 2021, using the platform ElectionBuddy. In total, 16 Member Organisations (MOs) voted, thus achieving the quorum for the election. The procedure was conducted following the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of YEE, her in March 2021, which adopted the proposal of the Board and Secretariat of YEE to establish Regional Teams led by Regional Contact Persons – the full adopted proposal can be found via this link. You can find all applications for RCPs 2021/2022 via this link. The Regional Contact Persons will become the representatives of the regions, and the link between the Board and the MOs of YEE. YEE MOs will elect four Regional Contact Persons on the annual basis.

Regional distribution of MOs

RCP East will be a contact person for all MOs located in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Czechia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine.
RCP West will be a contact person for all MOs located in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland.
RCP North will be a contact person for all MOs located inDenmark, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, the UK.
RCP South will be a contact person for all MOs located inAlbania, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Portugal, Serbia, Spain.