Youth Dialogue with DG CLIMA | #ClimateofChange
Let’s have a #YouthDialogue with #DGCLIMA! In our last webinar of the #ClimateOfChange series, we will address diverse topics together with an honoured speaker, Raffaele Mauro Petriccione, the Director-General of the Department of Climate Action at the European Commission. Will you join us?

As the final webinar of the series we thought it is time to switch up the structure
During the first half an hour, the participants will be divided into different breakout rooms to discuss three main topics. This new dynamic aims to raise the major issues to highlight later with our speaker, Mauro Petriccione. In that way, the participants will make public their ideas and main concerns in order to lead to a final constructive discussion with the Director-General of Climate Action.

The topics that each breakout room will tackle are as follows:

For this breakout room we will dedicate time to discuss intergenerational justice and how current political leaders and administration are action or not towards sustainable development in a way that will keep our generation safe. It will address policies to include young people in the conversation about environmental policies and whether or not enough is being done given the needs we will have in the future.

This breakout room will be focused on biodiversity and policies about preservation of nature in Europe and abroad. Specifically it will focus on the EU restoration law and the CAP.

This breakout room will address adaptation to human impacts of climate change – specifically addressing the topic of health and migration. Specifically, it will discuss whether or not EU policies are leading to stronger institutions to address the problems that are arising as a negative externality of climate change.
After this initial contact and for the remaining hour, a few questions will be selected and presented to Mauro Petriccione. These questions will be addressed by representatives of specific regions and groups.
The event will take place on Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 14.30 CET and will last 1h30.
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