Saying goodbye is never easy | Farewell article

Picutres of Chloé
Perhaps one of the most meaningful ways YEE helps promote youth leadership is simply by being an entirely youth-led and independent organisation. Young people coming together to organise, fundraise, manage, learn…

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As I’ve been recruiting for the new Strategic Communications Officer position, a candidate asked me: what were the highlights of working at YEE? Where do I start? From the first successful online webinar we hosted with the Advocacy Working Group in 2020 to the project proposals which got awarded funding to attending COP26 and COP27, there have been a few. 

In a similar line, another candidate asked me what my proudest moment was at YEE. For the handful of moments listed above, not only was I happy but I was, indeed, proud. Proud of the work we accomplished in the AWG and YEE in general. Proud of these young people dedicating their spare time, their energy and pouring love and hope into working to improve the environment. 

If I had to pick just one moment, it would be the time I spent at COP26 in Glasgow. It was the first time our team had met in person after months (over a year for me!) – possibly the most intense environment for us to start out in. It was the first time YEE had sent a full delegation to COP and it is an incredibly intense, intimidating space to be in. Surrounded by other environmental organisations, climate negotiators and diplomats we had only previously  seen in the news…  The impostor syndrome was real. It was physically demanding – from struggling to get into rooms at the venue to the daily commute between Edinburgh and Glasgow. But the whole team kept showing up, sticking to our policy goals and making the most of such an opportunity despite how exclusive the space felt. It was truly learning by doing. The lessons learnt in Glasgow brought us to Sharm el-Sheik for COP27 where we had a bigger delegation, strengthened ties and collaboration between European youth organisations and had our first on-site side event. Progress! 

Above all – it is a fight, a fight for environmental justice

This was clear at COP26: as young people, navigating in a political arena not built for us, one that does not recognise our expertise, is challenging. The concept of intergenerational justice is thrown around in the media and a few young faces have become posters for the anxiety and frustration and hope our generation holds… but the decision-making spaces still remain hard to penetrate.


YEE works tirelessly to try to get our foot in the door - from getting young people onto the boards of ‘adult’ organisations, to helping bring about roundtables with stakeholders, to showing up in daunting spaces like the UNFCCC COPs.


Perhaps one of the most meaningful ways YEE helps promote youth leadership is simply by being an entirely youth-led and independent organisation. Young people coming together to organise, fundraise, manage, learn… I’ve often said, YEE is one of the best things that could have happened to me this early on in my career and tertiary education. I was given real responsibility and a real say in organisational discussions. At 19, I had my first attempt at a recruiting process – interviews and all. At 20, I was already learning to write project proposals and edit budgets. At 21, I got to experience an international climate conference and manage our entire social media strategy surrounding it. At 22, I got to have many more attempts at recruiting and helping grow our communications department. Very few other work environments would have entrusted me with such opportunities and responsibilities. I will carry these lessons with me throughout my entire professional career, and in my private life as well. 

A thank you is in order

I cannot reflect on these past three years without gratitude. YEE has allowed me to grow only insofar as I was inspired – and boy, I was surrounded by inspirational people. Firstly, a thank you to Nathan Méténier who took me under his wing as I joined as a volunteer and shared his dream of the Advocacy Working Group with me. From that first generation of the AWG with 6 volunteers, we are now working with over 10 volunteers on 9 portfolios and multiple fully-funded projects. Nathan has always been someone with a vision and the right amount of faith and optimism to make that happen. Thank you to Tetiana Stadnyk, who was Secretary General during the majority of my time at YEE, and whose steadfast and gentle leadership I hope to emulate one day. Thank you to Pegah, the new SecGen, for her playful comments and for always driving us to aim higher. Thank you to Eva, for making communications fun even during each 10AM Monday this past year. And thank you to Paola, Anna, Emma, Agnes, Clara and so many more names I cannot list – people whose energy and friendship was a very meaningful part of my time at YEE!

How does the story end?

I started out at YEE as a summer volunteer in 2020, learning how to use Zoom and being introduced to the huge world of environmental advocacy, as the Covid crisis kept spreading and I was stuck in my bedroom. I had only just finished my first year of university, half of it online and had no idea where I was headed. The state of the world was ever-changing and scary. Now, I am in the first year of my master’s, fully dedicating myself to studying environmental policy, hoping to specialise in environmental migration and climate adaptation strategies. Now, I have worked part-time for YEE for a year and a half, still behind a screen but thankfully with multiple occasions to have met my colleagues in person. The state of the world is still scary. The temperatures are getting hotter – I saw not a single drop of snow this winter and watched the fields drain of colour as they became brittle from the heat waves this summer. There is still a lot of work to do. As I leave YEE, I will hopefully use everything I have learned and apply it to new horizons and challenges. I can’t wait to see what else the youth environmental movement will get up to.

Written by Chloé

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YEE News

Call for volunteers

YEE’s Advocacy Working Group is looking for 8 motivated, passionate volunteers to join the team! ​


Feedback on National Restorations Plans’ format

National Restoration Plans (NRPs) are a cornerstone of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), outlining how Member States (MS) will implement the regulation to achieve its overall targets for 2050 and intermediary targets for 2030 and 2040. The European Commission has proposed a uniform format for NRPs, and this draft is open for public feedback until 7 February 2025.

YEE News

Call for a project assistant

YEE is seeking a project assistant to support a project lead of a short-term project called Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE).

This position is remote and requires uneven distribution of work until November 30th, 2025.

YEE News

Call for a part-time project lead

YEE is seeking a project lead for a short-term project called Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE).

This position is remote and requires an average of 20 hours per week of work until November 30th, 2025.

YEE News

Call for volunteers

YEE’s Advocacy Working Group is looking for 8 motivated, passionate volunteers to join the team! ​


Feedback on National Restorations Plans’ format

National Restoration Plans (NRPs) are a cornerstone of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), outlining how Member States (MS) will implement the regulation to achieve its overall targets for 2050 and intermediary targets for 2030 and 2040. The European Commission has proposed a uniform format for NRPs, and this draft is open for public feedback until 7 February 2025.

Have questions? Get in touch!

Saying goodbye is never easy | Farewell article

Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU

How to align the REPowerEU plan, and its implementation at EU countries level, with the protection of nature and the empowerment of citizens and communities?

Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU​

How to align the REPowerEU plan, and its implementation at EU countries level, with the protection of nature and the empowerment of citizens and communities?

Practical information

  • When

    Thursday 2nd March at 15:30 CET

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Are you interested in learning about the challenges and opportunities related to the review of FF55 files and the RepowerEU?

Join our workshops with Cosimo Tansini, Policy Officer for Renewable Energy at the European Environmental Bureau! We will discuss the current challenges affecting the EU energy system and in particular the role of the REPowerEU plan in this crisis.

About the expert

Cosimo TansiniCosimo Tansini works in the EEB’s Climate and Energy team. He focuses on renewable energy and related EU policies, especially in the framework of the PAC 2.0 project. Prior to joining the EEB, he worked in the Lombardy Region’s government, focusing on electric mobility and energy efficiency, and at the University of Milan, where he was in charge of managing research projects in the field of agriculture and climate.

He holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Pavia, Italy.


Did you miss this webinar? Watch it now!

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Other upcoming events

Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU​ | Workshop

EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55

How will the review of the EU ETS Directive align with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels?

EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55

How will the review of the EU ETS Directive align with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels?

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 24th Februry at 17h CET

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  • How

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Are you interested in knowing more about the FF55 under a legal perspective?

Join our workshops with Manolis Kotzampasakis, PhD candidate at the University of Groningen! You will learn why access to justice is essential in climate laws and link it to the current advocacy work of EU NGOs.

About the expert

Manolis Kotzampasakis (1994) is a lawyer, admitted to the Athens Bar Association in Greece, and a PhD candidate at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Athens and an LL.M. degree in Energy and Climate Law (cum laude) from the University of Groningen. He has worked at law firms specializing in the areas of environmental, energy and health law, as well as at the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee of the European Parliament. He currently researches the law and economics dimensions of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, with a focus on the inclusion of maritime transport in the EU Emissions Trading System. His previous research on EU and US carbon markets received the award for the Best Energy Law Master’s Thesis in the Netherlands (2017-2020) by the Dutch Energy Law Association.


Did you miss this webinar? Watch it now!

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55 Workshop & Fit for 55​ | Workshop

I'm reassured about the efforts to protect nature


The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of YEE.


The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of YEE.


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Alex is a 22-year-old Cypriot-Greek activist who became passionate about environmental protection after witnessing forest fires near his home and the subsequent destruction of the ecosystems. Alex is currently involved in an initiative fighting the Energy Charter Treaty, which allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments that shut down their operations.


Tell us a bit about yourself. Who’s Alex?

My name is Alex and I am 22 years old and I am Cypriot born, Greek raised. 

Where did your journey in environmental activism start?

Growing up, I lived outside of Athens in a very forested suburb. Forests are very vulnerable to forest fires in the summer, here in Greece. There would be a forest fire almost every year in areas near my home. As I was growing up I remember witnessing the destruction of these ecosystems. My father would take me to these places and would be very moved by what was happening, seeing the lively environment around us disappear. 

The fires happened a lot because of arson, but recognising how climate change makes them more likely is important. I think that this is what made me understand that human activities can have a significant impact on the environment around us from a young age. I became quite passionate whenever there was an event such as an attempt to reforest an area. We would go together with my school and I was keen to join any cleaning activities in the forest as well.

I also tried encouraging my friends to go and then I got involved in the school committees trying to make the school as active as possible in these areas. This is how I first got into it and then went to university. And it skyrocketed there when I saw more opportunities. 

I was very lucky to go to university in the UK. There were many student groups there that were involved in advocacy in making the university campus more sustainable. There was, for example, a group that would run and pick up trash, it’s called plugging and they would go running every week. 

I was involved with them, as well as a campaign that was focused on removing the bank Barclays from the university campus, as it is a major fossil fuel project financer. So as I was getting more and more opportunities, I really seized them as they were about things that really interested me. 

“Environmental protection, sustainability and not only environmental but also social causes helped me to see how we can come together to act and advocate for change.”

As the years passed, I felt like I got more and more stimuli that made me more and more involved. And I really appreciate that I’ve been able to see all the stimuli and I have had the time to invest in all of this.

What was your favourite project to work on?

During my time in the UK, I had made this friend, Marta. One day she contacted me and told me, Alex, I need someone to help me with the Warwick Food Cooperative. Could you come and give me a hand? And I had no idea what this Warwick Food Cooperative was. And I was already a student there for one year. 

The Warwick Food Cooperative was an initiative comprised of volunteers who where you could volunteer. They would purchase food in bulk from this organic, ethical, vegan distributor and would sell it for the same price as its cost!

When you get something in bulk, like 30 kilos of almonds, the price per kilo is lower. Then, it would be very affordable as well as environmentally friendly and healthy. The food would also come in big paper bags so people would come with their containers to buy food.

Therefore, it also reduces pollution from packaging. It was nice because it was led by volunteers and it was a cooperative. There were no managers. It was a completely horizontal system. We would have shifts together with other people, which made it fun to be on the shifts. And it was just a very nice atmosphere. We formed a beautiful group. We bonded and there would be so many customers that would come every time. Apart from these products, we also had a collaboration with local farmers who would bring vegetable boxes with their seasonal produce for only five or 10 pounds. 

You would get this vegetable box with what’s been grown literally a few miles away. We also worked with a bakery that operates in the city near our university. It was a social enterprise where refugee women baked bread. So apart from the food cooperative itself, it managed to connect us with the local community and also the marginalised community like the refugee women, as well as the local farmers. It created a platform for the community to become bigger and share its produce. It would only operate once a week on Thursdays, but it would do so much good and would give many smiles.

How do you feel about the engagement of young people in these kinds of activities in the UK compared to Greece?

I can see massive differences. And I feel like if I did not have the opportunity to go study in the UK, I would be much more limited in knowing what the possibilities are. I’ve mostly been active in the university environment. Specifically, the university environment that I was in, which is the UK and then the Netherlands. And it’s completely different compared to the experience of the people I know in Greece. 

There are not that many student initiatives created around sustainability in Greece. The universities in Greece do not have large campuses and don’t offer the same social experience. While in the UK, where you do pay a lot at the same time, it’s great as there is so much space and activities from a very organised student union. There were I think 12 or 13 sustainability-related societies in the university. They would each do their type of work, completely voluntarily. 

This was really great. There was much better infrastructure and opportunities to engage with such activities. At the same time, I think it’s also probably related to how society and maybe the economy work in more developed countries. Things run more smoothly and you don’t have to worry that much about whether you’ll be able to make enough money and live securely. And that’s where there is more space for sustainability initiatives to appear. Maybe it’s also part of the culture here, that people do not engage in these activities as much, but the economy definitely also plays a role. 

I don’t think there could be a food cooperative in a Greek university or even a student group that would organise itself to pick up trash. And sadly, there are not many things that you see here happening, but I wish for them to be here as well.

And I hope that they do appear in the following years as I feel that once they appear somewhere, these things spread into more countries as well.

What is your activism in Greece focused on?

There’s this treaty called the Energy Charter Treaty. A French NGO had a research led by a person called Mathilde Dubre and she found out that this treaty inhibits states from taking climate action because, in a few words, this treaty allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments if the government announces that they will shut their operations down.

Lawsuits appear that have to do with a lot of money and they are in private courts, not transparent at all. Therefore we don’t know what happens and how the decisions are made. But we know that a lot of money, in terms of billions of Euros, has already been awarded to fossil fuel companies through lawsuits. Of course, governments knowing that they will have to pay fossil fuel companies don’t want to announce that they will shut them down. 

So we have more fossil fuels, we have more emissions, we have more negative impacts on the climate. From the French NGO’s research, they found out that a possible way to combat this could cost a lot of money.

They joined forces with a law firm called Baldon Lawyers and with a French activist influencer, Camille Etienne, and they basically decided to try to find young people who have been affected by climate change because they would form a very good basis to claim in a court of human rights. 

So they chose the European Court of Human Rights and we are five people involved there. I got involved in this because of the forest fires that have been affecting my region. In 2021 in particular two forest fires were very close to my house and we had to evacuate our home. It was terrible, there was smoke everywhere, traffic, people trying to flee and panic and you didn’t know if you were going to be able to come back to your house and what was going to be left there. So I took a picture of my room and I took some of my belongings and I left. Luckily it was all intact, my family’s home was intact but the fire stopped about 200 meters from our house. 

Now we are in a situation where anywhere there are homes that’s where the firefighters focus on. It’s a bit ironic I guess to see how then if you go up a mountain next to my house you can see it’s all burned until where the houses start and that’s where there are trees left.

This lawsuit gave me the voice to represent the entire community here that is endangered by forest fires. It made a big impact as many media sources like Le Monde, The Guardian, and Euracative, shared articles about it, talking about five young people targeting an investment treaty because it’s quite a legal novelty to act in such a way.

There has never been a connection made with an investment treaty violating human rights. We are currently waiting for the court to decide on what is going to happen with this case and see the impact it has made. French politicians have also quoted it, encouraging the French president to withdraw from the treaty.

There is a channel that makes documentaries, it is called Arte. I think it’s a German-French channel. They created a documentary about climate loss and they featured our case too. It was a very nice opportunity that the journalists were interested in coming here. 

They visited me in my home and I showed them the burned area and I explained what has been happening in the past years and what I hope to achieve with the case. We hope that states withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty because the court says that it does violate human rights by making states not act on climate change. So hopefully it would remove this barrier to acting on climate change. I’m very happy that I’ve been able to use my own experience in my local community, in the place where I grew up as I feel so strongly about the nature that is around here. It is the same nature that people feel like is disappearing because of the effects of climate change. 

The documentary was a very nice visual representation of the situation and hopefully, many people can watch it and see what is happening. I feel like it also puts the specific area into the spotlight. Although it has been all around the media that the entire Greece is burning, sometimes it’s nice to just hear a person’s story about how you see it changing over the years. 

What keeps you driven?

I think a very important thing for me is that from a young age, I’ve felt nature in my heart and I have felt like I am in the heart of nature. Being very close to it and also being lucky enough to grow up in a place that is surrounded by forest. I could see everything changing throughout the seasons, the massive pine trees around and all the different animals and the sounds. I felt like I was a part of it.

“Witnessing the forest fires destroying everything felt like one moment you see and you hear and you smell and you feel all this nature around you and the next moment it’s gone and everything is black and smells like burnt material and there are ashes everywhere.”

I think this was a very strong image and I’ve seen this situation taking place all around Athens throughout these past years. There is barely any forest left at this point. After this summer we have even more fires here and I think this situation has made me understand how human activities can have such destructive implications on nature. 

It also comes from my family’s belief that humans are destroying nature and from a very young age teaching me about how we need to protect it. I had these ideas for a long time and since then they have become a priority for me. 

Although I think most people do not understand, I’m reassured about the efforts to protect nature and how necessary it is to protect nature, to ultimately protect us.

Meeting other people who are engaged has been extremely good for me. For example, when I started being passionate about veganism, I remember the different vegans I met and the different things I learned from them. 

And it was a really lovely experience, every person adding something in your heart and brain that you can apply. Or any activist that I have met, I feel like they have given me a lesson. I hope that I can also be such a person for activists to come, activists in the making. If you give a voice and listen to an activist, if you give them a platform, the ideas get out and they are extremely important to be out there. For the sake of sustainability, for the sake of the world, for it to continue being what it is, or to be better than what it is. 

And I have appreciated it a lot whenever I’ve encountered people with a big smile who work for the environment, they are just huge motivational inspirations. 

What would be your message to the young people who want to get involved out there?

Don’t be afraid to take the step to get involved. Very often we might see a group doing something, an initiative, but maybe we are alone and we don’t want to go there alone and participate. We would feel better going with a friend, but then a friend doesn’t have time. So I would say: put yourself out there. Environments that have to do with environmental causes attract very friendly people. 

I also remember myself being younger and being very scared and shy. If I had to go somewhere alone, I just wouldn’t do it. I always wanted to find someone to go with. But at this point, I just go, I don’t mind if I’m alone or not. Once you go there, everything will flow more easily and you will sooner or later, get integrated into it. 

The destruction of the environment is happening all around us now. So we need to act as fast as possible. And the best time was yesterday. And if not yesterday, right now. That shows the urgency of how important it is. 

Once you take this step and get involved, you will also be grateful for giving yourself the chance to meet new people and work on something you love.

Other interviews

Introducing Vika | Showcasing the Unheard

Vika Hovsepyan from Yeghvard, Armenia is passionate about creating positive change in her community. She began by initiating a recycling campaign at her school and now is involved in educational projects related to the environment. Her work is motivated by seeing the positive results and the support of others. Vika’s future goal is to collect and recycle clothes to help those in need.


Introducing Iusip | Showcasing the Unheard

Iusip, a 23-year-old from Georgia, is currently studying Management Engineering in Poland. He has been involved in the NGO field for three years, establishing his own NGO at the age of 19. Through his organisation, he provided opportunities and assistance to numerous individuals and facilitated participation in projects in Europe.


Introducing Rimaz | Showcasing the Unheard

Rimaz is a 19-year-old university student from Syria, currently living in Istanbul, Turkey. Rimaz is passionate about environmental issues, particularly the impact of acid rain. She has created a project to educate students on this issue, which involves treating plants with acid rain, sun, and normal rain to demonstrate the effects on plant life. Rimaz believes in the importance of young people being actively engaged in shaping a sustainable future and is motivated by her small efforts contributing to a better future.


Introducing Ia | Showcasing the Unheard

Ia is a young activist from Georgia who is passionate about environmental protection and social justice. For Ia, activism means empowering others and making small contributions to bring about positive change. She aims to engage more diverse groups in her activities and encourages everyone to believe in themselves and their ability to become a positive change-maker.


Introducing Vika | Showcasing the Unheard

Vika Hovsepyan from Yeghvard, Armenia is passionate about creating positive change in her community. She began by initiating a recycling campaign at her school and now is involved in educational projects related to the environment. Her work is motivated by seeing the positive results and the support of others. Vika’s future goal is to collect and recycle clothes to help those in need.


Introducing Iusip | Showcasing the Unheard

Iusip, a 23-year-old from Georgia, is currently studying Management Engineering in Poland. He has been involved in the NGO field for three years, establishing his own NGO at the age of 19. Through his organisation, he provided opportunities and assistance to numerous individuals and facilitated participation in projects in Europe.


Introducing Alex | Showcasing the Unheard

S.W.I.T.C.H. networking event in Prague​

Learn about sustainable entrepreneurship and civil societies

Saturday 11 February 2023 from 15.00

The goal of the event is to promote the work done in the SWITCH project, to showcase the work of the nine participants who finished the course and to gather and strengthen the cooperation of organisations, civil society organisations, movements and party-political organisations, as well as participants who are interested in this topic.


After the presentation from participants of the SWITCH project, we will be holding an excellent opportunity to network with NGOs in Prague, and people interested in sustainability. In an ‘organisation fair format’, you will have the chance to represent your organisation, the work you do, upcoming opportunities, or any other thing you wish.

15:00 – 16:10 Getting to know each other & introduction to the SWITCH project
16:10 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 17:30 Organisations Fair in Prague
17:30 – 19:00 Cocktail & Networking

What is the Organisations’ fair?

In an ‘organisation fair format’, you will have the chance to meet different NGOs and civil societies, learn about their work, and upcoming opportunities, or how could you get involved.

Organisations that confirmed their attendance:

🟡 YEE (the organiser)
🟡 The Green Project (S.W.I.T.C.H. alumni)
🟡 Tiimiakatemia
🟡 Ekokul z.s.
🟡 Volt Czechia
🟡 42 Prague
🟡 Genesis
🟡 Oikos International
🟡 Uniting Bridge SNGO
🟡 ESN Czechia

What is the SWITCH project?

SWITCH stands for Sustainability & Waste: Innovation, Training and Community Hub. During the training, participants developed a sustainable business project from scratch, together with the support of YEE and the rest of the participants, becoming part of a like-minded international community.

Practical information

  • When

    Saturday 11 February 2023, from 15.00

  • Where

    In the Green Innovation Academy, located in Vinohradská 2577/178, ground floor 130 00, Prague 3 – Vinohrady

  • How

    Register your interest


If you have any questions,

feel free to contact the project coordinator Lucía at or via the form below.

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SWITCH Networking event in Prague