About YEE
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud YEE contributed a whooping 260 entries.
Entries by YEE
Policy Paper | G20
29.10.2021 /0 Comments/by YEEYEE at COP26 – Toolkit and more!
26.10.2021 /0 Comments/by YEEThe state of nuclear power energy in Europe | Webinar
24.10.2021 /0 Comments/by YEECities, Climate and Change | 2-day Workshop
11.10.2021 /0 Comments/by YEEMOP7 Side Event | Young and marginalised | Webinar
30.9.2021 /0 Comments/by YEE#RunForNature | Call for participants
We are losing nature at an unprecedented rate. Globally, one million species are threatened with extinction and the health of the ecosystems on which we depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. Europe is no exception, with 81% of protected habitats and 63% of species in the EU having a poor or bad conservation status. […]
Convention on Biological Diversity | Workshop
How can young people take an active role in international biodiversity decision-making? Background The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty that strives to conserve biodiversity, promote its sustainable use and the fair access and benefit-sharing arising from its genetic resources. It establishes guidelines and principles for the international governance of biodiversity, providing […]
Our mission
YEE aims to unite environmental youth non-profit organisations in Europe in order to enhance international cooperation, increase knowledge about the climate crisis, raise awareness of environmental problems and to strengthen participation of youth in environmental decision-making.
Get in touch
Vinohradská 2165/48
120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady
Czech Republic
E-mail: yee@yeenet.eu
Financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe