It's NECPs time!

Mobilising youth in the NECPs processes

It's NECPs time!

Mobilising youth in the NECPs processes

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 12th January 2024 at 16h CET

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Are you interested in a campaign to mobilise youth in the NECPs processes?

Join us on Friday 12th January from 16.00 to 17.00 CET for a session in which the YEE Environmental Law team will present the new initiative to launch a campaign to mobilise youth to demand more consideration of young people’s engagement in the NECPs processes.

During the session, attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the campaign and how they can get involved. The YEE Environmental Law team will provide an overview of the NECPs processes and explain how young people can participate in them.

About NECPs

NECPs, or National Energy and Climate Plans, are an important part of the EU’s efforts to combat climate change. They set out each member state’s targets and policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency.

Learn more about NECPs in our handbook.

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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National Energy & Climate Plans | Webinar

COP28 recap

Join our live webinar on COP28 recap with youth delegates, from Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) Generation Climate Europe (GCE) and European Youth Energy Network (EYEN), who were present at #COP28 in Dubai!

COP28 recap​

Join our live webinar on COP28 recap with youth delegates, from Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) Generation Climate Europe (GCE) and European Youth Energy Network (EYEN), who were present at #COP28 in Dubai!​

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 21st December 2023 at 15h CET

  • Where


  • How

    Register your interest

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Join our live webinar on COP28 recap with youth delegates, from Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) Generation Climate Europe (GCE) and European Youth Energy Network – EYEN, who were present at #COP28 in Dubai!

Did you miss the event?

Watch the recording or read the written summary!

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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COP28 recap ​| Webinar

When youth sue the state

Conversation with the people behind the Aurora climate lawsuit

When youth sue the state

A conversation with the people behind the Aurora climate lawsuit

Practical information

  • When

    Tuesday 4th July at 16.45h CEST

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  • How

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What is climate litigation and why is it becoming more and more prevalent in youth climate activism? What do we mean with “climate activism through the rule of law”? What are the challenges faced by youth groups who decided to take States to court for climate inaction?

These and many more questions will be addressed during our workshop, which will provide the basics of climate litigation and an interactive conversation with a representative of the youth behind the Aurora climate lawsuit and of the Sweden’s Environmental Association of Law (SEAL)!

Agenda of the event:

  • Introduction to Climate LitigationWhat is it? How does it work?
  • The Aurora Climate Case: A conversation with Ida Edling, the legal and scientific coordinator of Aurora
  • Presentation of Sweden’s Environmental Association of Law
  • Q&A

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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When youth sue the state​ | Workshop

Green Colonialism

The large-scale deployment of solar and wind capacities, along with electric batteries, is particularly demanding in critical raw materials, most of which are currently imported.

Could this trend amount to a new form of colonialism?

Green Colonialism​

The large-scale deployment of solar and wind capacities, along with electric batteries, is particularly demanding in critical raw materials, most of which are currently imported. Could this trend amount to a new form of colonialism?

Practical information

  • When

    Monday 3rd July at 17h CEST

  • Where


  • How

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In the third webinar of the AmPower series we explore the notion of “Green Colonialism”! What is that all about?

With each new legislative package adopted in the framework of the European Green Deal, the target of renewable energy deployment has increased. The current pledge is at 42,5% of the European overall Energy mix by 2030. But the large-scale deployment of solar and wind capacities, along with electric batteries, is particularly demanding in critical raw materials, most of which are currently imported from 3rd countries.

Could this trend amount to a new form of colonialism? Is the European Commission tackling this issue head-on with its proposal for a raw critical material act?


Stephanie RichaniStephanie Richani is the advocacy lead at Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice. Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice is a people of colour-led initiative working to advance rights and justice for all people in Europe. We work in solidarity with a coalition of racial and social justice leaders and organisations to influence European Union law and policy.

Emily Iona StewartEmily Iona Stewart has a background in European labour law. Emily first began working on environment and climate issues a decade ago as the chief policy advisor to the Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee.

She has specialised in European climate and sustainability policy, playing a decisive role in forming the EU’s Sustainability strategy, which eventually led to the European Green Deal. Working across political lines, Emily has also authored legislation on supply chains, biofuels, and land rights. 

Emily is the Climate Advocacy Specialist for the Open Society Foundations Just Transition pillar. In this role, she helps form OSF strategy on European climate policy, as well as maintaining and influencing networks within the European policy landscape.


Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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Green Colonialism​ | Webinar

A lot of finance is still not Green

What should we change to fix that?

A lot of finance is still not Green

What should we change to fix that?

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 2nd June 2023 at 18h CEST

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Together with April Merleaux (co-author of the Banking on Climate Chaos Report) and Noam-Pierre Werlé from Reclaim Finance, we will discuss the relation of mutual interdependence between financial institutions and the fossil fuel industry. We will also analyze in what ways this relation can be leveraged to discourage future fossil fuel production.

The aim of the webinar is to:

Meet the speakers:

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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A lot of finance is still not Green​ | Webinar

General Assembly 2023

8th to 9th July 2023 in Prague

Practical information

  • When

    8th to 9th July 2023

  • Where


  • How


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We would like to announce that the Annual Meeting and the General Assembly of YEE will take place on from 8th to 9th July 2023 in Prague, Czechia.

We are happy to say that it will take place in person with an option to join in remotely. Hereby, we would like to ask each YEE member organisation to appoint a delegate to represent and vote on behalf of your organisation during the General Assembly (GA).

Food, accommodation, and visa expenses or the duration of the general assembly will be covered in full. Travel expenses will be reimbursed according to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2023 (p.152).

How can you join?

  • Member organisations delegates

    Please, fill in this form to nominate a delegate by 31st May 2023. If your delegate requires a visa, please, fill in the form as soon as possible.

  • Guests and YEE team

    To register as a guest / YEE team member, please, use this form by 31st May 2023. The number of places is limited, therefore the spots will be assigned first to the official delegates of the member organisations, and then allocated to guests if available.

Open calls

Board members

Be part of the main decision-making body of the network.
  • Making all the executive decisions between the Annual Meetings
  • Supervising the implementation of the Work Plan
  • Fulfilling their position's responsibilities

Internal Auditors

Carry out the audit at the YEE office.
  • Assessing the quality of YEE project implementation
  • Evaluating the work of the Board and Secretaria
  • Providing feedback and suggestions for improvement to the network

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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General Assembly 2023

YEE's Summer Camp on energy policy and environmental law

Understand issues related to the energy transition and environmental law, and strengthen the capacity of local organisations to push for more ambitious environmental agendas at the local level.

Application deadline: 2nd June 2023

YEE's Summer Camp

Understand issues related to the energy transition and environmental law, and strengthen the capacity of local organisations to push for more ambitious environmental agendas at the local level.

Application deadline: 2nd June 2023

We do not accept applications anymore.

Practical information

  • When

    12 to 16 July 2023

  • Where

    Olomouc, Czechia

  • How

    Register your interest

This event is part of the Legal Seeds 2 and AmPower projects

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What you can expect from the training

Who can apply?

Anyone between the age of 18 and 30 with a keen interest in environmental and energy policy issues

The participation of young people and citizens of Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Denmark and Finland will be prioritised, although applications are not geographically limited.

Join our fully funded training opportunity

During the event, YEE will cover accommodation (in a hotel near the city centre of Olomouc, in twin bedrooms), breakfast, 4 lunches and 4 dinners and some coffee breaks. Travel costs will be reimbursed by YEE for up to 200 euros per person (with a possible extension for people travelling from further destinations).

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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YEE’s Summer Camp on energy policy and environmental law​

European energy policy

EU Energy Policy: 30 Years of Liberalisation and the Emergence of Energy Communities

European energy policy​

EU Energy Policy: 30 Years of Liberalisation and the Emergence of Energy Communities

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 17th April 2023 at 17h CEST

  • Where


  • How

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Are you interested in knowing more about the European energy policy?

Learn about the liberalisation process of the energy sector in the EU since the 1990s and its impact on end consumers. Discover the concept of energy communities, which has recently been introduced in EU law, and how it is set to transform the energy landscape by encouraging citizen participation in the energy transition.

About the experts


Chris Vrettos is leading a project designed to help Member States assess whether their national funding programs (Cohesion Funds, Modernisation Funds, Recovery and Resilience Funds) are dedicating specific funds towards energy communities and if this is done in line with EU legislation.




Paul Ségalard has a degree in Energy and Climate law and is the leader of the Ampower project at YEE


Did you miss this webinar?

Download the presentations or read our recap and learn more about the European energy policy and energy communities!

Have questions? Get in touch!

Other upcoming events

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European energy policy | Webinar

Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU

How to align the REPowerEU plan, and its implementation at EU countries level, with the protection of nature and the empowerment of citizens and communities?

Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU​

How to align the REPowerEU plan, and its implementation at EU countries level, with the protection of nature and the empowerment of citizens and communities?

Practical information

  • When

    Thursday 2nd March at 15:30 CET

  • Where


  • How

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Are you interested in learning about the challenges and opportunities related to the review of FF55 files and the RepowerEU?

Join our workshops with Cosimo Tansini, Policy Officer for Renewable Energy at the European Environmental Bureau! We will discuss the current challenges affecting the EU energy system and in particular the role of the REPowerEU plan in this crisis.

About the expert

Cosimo TansiniCosimo Tansini works in the EEB’s Climate and Energy team. He focuses on renewable energy and related EU policies, especially in the framework of the PAC 2.0 project. Prior to joining the EEB, he worked in the Lombardy Region’s government, focusing on electric mobility and energy efficiency, and at the University of Milan, where he was in charge of managing research projects in the field of agriculture and climate.

He holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Pavia, Italy.


Did you miss this webinar? Watch it now!

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Other upcoming events


Risks & Opportunities of the REPowerEU​ | Workshop

EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55

How will the review of the EU ETS Directive align with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels?

EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55

How will the review of the EU ETS Directive align with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net GHG emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels?

Practical information

  • When

    Friday 24th Februry at 17h CET

  • Where


  • How

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Are you interested in knowing more about the FF55 under a legal perspective?

Join our workshops with Manolis Kotzampasakis, PhD candidate at the University of Groningen! You will learn why access to justice is essential in climate laws and link it to the current advocacy work of EU NGOs.

About the expert

Manolis Kotzampasakis (1994) is a lawyer, admitted to the Athens Bar Association in Greece, and a PhD candidate at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Athens and an LL.M. degree in Energy and Climate Law (cum laude) from the University of Groningen. He has worked at law firms specializing in the areas of environmental, energy and health law, as well as at the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee of the European Parliament. He currently researches the law and economics dimensions of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, with a focus on the inclusion of maritime transport in the EU Emissions Trading System. His previous research on EU and US carbon markets received the award for the Best Energy Law Master’s Thesis in the Netherlands (2017-2020) by the Dutch Energy Law Association.


Did you miss this webinar? Watch it now!

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Other upcoming events


EU Emissions Trading System & Fit for 55 Workshop & Fit for 55​ | Workshop