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Emilie Tamo Kamguia

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In our last article, we explored the numerous challenges insects face. Fortunately, there are many ways to support their survival. As our series on the world of insects concludes, we turn our focus to the solutions and actions that can help protect these vital creatures.
Let’s first delve into how two of our member organisations – UK Youth 4 Nature (UKY4N) and Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu (JNM) – are actively contributing to insect conservation before giving you some practical steps to follow to take action!
UKY4N: Raising Awareness Through Creative Campaigns.
UKY4N empowers young people in nature decision-making in the UK. In 2022, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s iconic book, “Silent Spring”, they organised a youth insect photography competition, which showcased stunning images of UK insects. The winning photos were displayed at an exhibition at Oxford’s Museum of Natural History.
In their Natural Kingdom: Wild Walls campaign, they included insects in murals across UK cities and towns, highlighting local wildlife in decline. A notable mural featured the beautiful tiger beetle in Liverpool. They also create digital art for social media, organise bee walks and hold online workshops.
As part of the “Not so Freshwater” campaign they even hosted a chemical cocktail bar event in London, highlighting the impact of chemical pollution on insects with youth artwork of a mayfly.
What’s Next?
UKY4N plans to continue their successful initiatives, including the “Your Wild Streets” campaign that will advocate for pesticide-free urban areas in the UK to help pollinators thrive!
JNM: Research and Human-Insect Cohabitation
JNM, based in Belgium, focuses on conservation through hands-on projects. A notable example is their work with the Cellar Beetle (Blaps mucronata), a rare species that was first found in their main secretariat building’s basement in 2006 but then thought extinct after the building was renovated in 2016, disturbing the beetle’s habitat. However, five years later, a fresh dead specimen was found, and after an extensive search, 15 living specimens were discovered.
What makes this beetle so special?
20 to 25 mm in size with pitch-black, with smooth shields and long legs, they require old, not-too-clean cellars with high humidity, stable temperatures, and lots of hiding places. They are now quite rare in Belgium, making JNM’s discovery even more significant. Originally, the Cellar Beetle was found mainly in southern Europe, living in caves and later adapting to human-made cellars.
Inside JNM, a dilemma arose because the beetles were found in the same basement where tents and camp materials were stored, which need to be kept dry. To address this, JNM initiated a survey where beetles were caught, marked, and released back into a more humid basement to better suit their needs.
Taking action: How can YOU help
In your garden:
- Maintain insect habitats: Plant native flowering plants and leave some areas of your garden wild to provide shelter and food for insects. Did you know that branches left on the ground and dead wood are extremely useful and provide micro-habitats for the fauna?
- Create water sources: Provide small, shallow water sources like bird baths or shallow dishes with stones for insects to drink from, especially during hot and dry periods.
- Reduce pesticide use: Minimise or eliminate the use of pesticides in your garden to create a safer environment for pollinators and other beneficial insects.
With your community:
- Support conservation efforts: Get involved with local conservation groups and participate in initiatives like habitat restoration.
- Participate in insect monitoring: Join insect monitoring programs to help scientists track insect populations and health. Your observations can contribute valuable data for conservation efforts
- Advocate for pesticide-free Zones: Work with your local community to create pesticide-free zones in public spaces, such as parks and gardens, to protect pollinators.
- Educate others: Share your knowledge about the importance of insects with friends, family, and the community. Host workshops, give talks, or use social media to spread awareness.
By highlighting these inspiring examples and offering practical steps, we hope to empower you to take action and make a difference in insect conservation. You can help ensure a future where insects continue to thrive and play their crucial roles in ecosystems!
More articles about biodiversity
Time to Act! – What can we do to support insect conservation
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Ashton Melfor

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Our last article on the history of human insect coevolution already indicated that insects face many challenges. This week the journey continues and we will dive deeper into the challenges faced by insects. We will do this from the perspective of the humble jet, very important hoverfly.
What even is a hoverfly and why are they so important?
Here already we encounter our first challenge. Many arthropod groups are not well understood or equally loved as other arthropod groups by the average European. One such group are hoverflies.
The unknown pollinators
Hoverflies are close relatives of common house flies but unlike house flies are important pollinators instead of decomposers. That’s right, bees and butterflies have another important coworker. Due to the shape of their mouthparts, hoverflies prefer to visit flat instead of cone-shaped flowers. Even though they have important ecological roles, they are unfortunately often forgotten when insects are discussed.
The impact of agricultural intensification
The second challenge faced by hoverflies, as well as many other insects, is agricultural intensification. It is not just the growing of monoculture crops that threatens many hoverfly species, but excessive pesticide use has significant negative effects both on farmland and outside.
Ever heard of a pesticide drift?
This is when, oftentimes invisible, clouds of pesticide travel through the air and into surrounding areas. Because of this, even insects that are kilometres away in a protected area can experience negative consequences of pesticide use.
The impact of urban development
We as humans like to modify our environment to suit our needs. In doing so we often change very important habitat characteristics that are very important for other organisms.
One of these habitat modifications impacting hoverflies is obstructing and controlling the flow of natural waterways. Certain hoverfly species depend on the consistent flow of clean water for the proper development of their larva. This is of particular concern for wetland hoverflies.
When development does not consider the ecological impacts we risk losing valuable habitat characteristics for hoverflies and other insects. Once an ecosystem is lost it can be hard to get it back.
The impact of urban development
We as humans like to modify our environment to suit our needs. In doing so we often change very important habitat characteristics that are very important for other organisms.
One of these habitat modifications impacting hoverflies is obstructing and controlling the flow of natural waterways. Certain hoverfly species depend on the consistent flow of clean water for the proper development of their larva. This is of particular concern for wetland hoverflies.
Urban and industrial development can destroy hoverfly habitat like flower rich meadows, but it can also create opportunities. Promoting flower rich roadsides and changing mowing regimes in urban environments can create additional habitat for hoverflies closer to home.
When development does not consider the ecological impacts we risk losing valuable habitat characteristics for hoverflies and other insects. Once an ecosystem is lost it can be hard to get it back.
Prioritising Habitat Conservation for Arthropod Species Protection
The final challenge we will look into might seem obvious but is not always considered. There are currently 340 hoverfly species considered threatened and many more arthropod species. So it is simply not possible to put species specific conservation measures in place.
Thankfully, on the EU level hoverflies have received attention. But the same can not be said for other arthropod groups. The most effective way to address this challenge is to focus on conserving suitable habitats (not just those under the habitats directive) and enacting policies that take a holistic approach to problem solving. In this regard the EU farm to fork strategy and Nature Restoration Law are crucial.
You as an individual can also contribute by providing hiding places for these insects (dead wood is much appreciated), planting native flowering plants and using less pesticides in your garden.
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Hovering on the edge
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Emilie Tamo Kamguia

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Have you ever wondered how the intricate relationship between insects, plants, and humans came to be? Let’s travel through time to uncover the fascinating coevolution of these vital partners that had a major role in shaping our modern world.
In the Beginning: Insects and Plants
The earliest insects emerged around 400 million years ago, long before humans. As plants began to colonise land, insects evolved to exploit the resources that plants provided.
Did you know pollinating insects are far more diverse than bees? They include species of flies, beetles, moths, butterflies, wasps as well as ants. Those pollinators coevolved with flowering plants, called angiosperms, that appeared around 170 million years ago. In exchange for pollinating services, those plants reward insects with food such as nectar. Pollen itself is a source of nutrients as well for some species like wasps! This mutually beneficial relationship allowed angiosperms to diversify extensively.
We owe the most famous example of this coevolution to Darwin. The scientist predicted that Angraecum sesquipedale, a Malagasy orchid with 30cm nectar spurs, must be pollinated by a hawk moth with an extremely long tongue (proboscis). Some plants like Ophrys apifera even mimic the appearance and scent of female bees to attract male pollinators, thus exploiting this relationship.
The Agricultural Revolution: Insects and Humans
As humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural ones around 10,000 years ago, the role of insects became even more crucial. Early farmers harnessed the power of pollinators and pest controllers. The domestication of honeybees such as the European honeybee (Apis mellifera), for honey and crop pollination is one of the most significant examples of the use of insects for agricultural purposes.
However, not all interactions were beneficial. The European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), became notorious for its ability to devastate corn crops. This led to the development of early pest control methods, illustrating the complex and sometimes adversarial relationship between humans and insects.
The Industrial Age : Insect Decline
The industrial revolution led to significant changes in agriculture in order to increase productivity: mechanisation, modernisation, monoculture and increased pesticide use. They all heavily altered the dynamics between humans, plants, and insects. In the mid-20th century, following World War Two, the widespread use of DDT* caused severe declines in pollinator populations. This broad spectrum pesticide kills pests and other insects such as bees without distinction and is responsible for long term toxicity.
This example among many led to a reevaluation of pest management practices and interdiction of particularly dangerous molecules. Therefore, DDT was banned from agricultural use worldwide in 2001.
*DDT : Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
Contemporary times and Beyond: Insect Conservation
In contemporary times, the situation has grown even more complex. Human induced threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and spreading of invasive species threaten insect populations, as well as human health. Showing a renewed appreciation for insects’ roles in our ecosystems and everyday life, conservation efforts are made to restore and protect their habitats and diversity. In Europe, initiatives such as the EU Pollinators Initiative aimed to address these challenges by promoting sustainable agricultural practices, conservation strategies, and supporting research on pollinator health. Numerous environmental organisations are advocating for reduced pesticide use and increased biodiversity in agricultural landscapes to support insect populations.
As we look to the future, the coevolution of humans, plants, and insects will undoubtedly continue to shape our world. Understanding and preserving these relationships is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ensuring food security!
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A Coevolution Tale: Humans, Plants, and Insects
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Recommendations to the EU Commission
YEE drafted these recommendations to the EU Commission on how to address the gaps in the exercise of Aarhus rights with regards to European youth. More specifically, the recommendations focus on the absence of youth participation in NECPs processes and its concerning implications, calling the Commission to call Member States to fill this gap as soon as possible and with adequate measures.
These recommendations are complemented by YEE’s country-specific reports on youth participation in the NECP processes in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Italy.
What is included in the position statement
The Commission should monitor the effective exercise of these rights among Member States, particularly amidst the observed shrinking of civic space, especially among young people and youth organisations. It is imperative to safeguard democratic participation rights among the youth population for more ambitious and effective climate action.
The poor exercise of Aarhus rights among European youth is evident in their non-participation in MCED and consultation processes concerning NECPs revision. Member States’ and EU’s failure to involve younger generations and their representative organisations undermines the rights of those who will bear the consequences of NECPs outcomes well into the future.
“There is a need to provide opportunities to engage in these processes that are specifically designed in such a way that takes into account the needs, opportunities and resources that young people have to engage in the deliberation.”
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As European youth, we acknowledge our region’s historic responsibility for global emissions and call for urgent, just climate action. In solidarity with young people worldwide, we demand equitable policies that uphold human rights and amplify youth voices, reflecting our duty to a sustainable, inclusive future.

As young people in Europe, we expect European countries at COP 16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to prioritise bold, actionable solutions that address the ongoing catastrophic global biodiversity loss and recognise our continent’s crucial role in addressing the crisis.
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Youth Participation in National Energy and Climate Plans
https://yeenet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/position.png 250 250 Eva Kloudová https://yeenet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/logo-yee-728x1030.png Eva Kloudová2024-05-30 12:27:042024-05-30 12:50:31Youth Participation in National Energy and Climate Plans
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Ashton Melfor

Photo credits: Ewout de Vos

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If it has 6 legs it’s an insect and if not it is something else.
With all the hustle and bustle going on in our lives, especially for those of us living in big cities, our time spent in nature is limited to short walks in nearby parks. Even when we do attempt to visit our national parks, some creatures often go overlooked. Many of these overlooked organisms belong to the phylum (group) of arthropods.
The reason why we use the word arthropod instead of insect is because all insects are arthropods but not all arthropods are insects.
Confused? Don’t worry, just look at the legs. If it has 6 legs it’s an insect and if not it is something else.
Examples of insects include:
- Bees
- Butterflies
- Beetles
- Praying mantis
Examples of non insect arthropods are:
- Shrimp
- Spiders
- Millipedes
- And yes even ancient trilobites

Let’s look at some of these arthropods that are often hidden in plain sight
One of the more unexpectedly cute ones is the Lady bird spider (Eresus sandaliatus). As with many species in nature, it is the male that boats such vibrant colours. Though they look fuzzy and cute, try not to pick them up as a bite can cause some discomfort. Spiders, even those that look more menacing, play an important role in our ecosystems. These arthropods are mostly predators, as such they control the population of other arthropods lower in the food chain. We call this top down control. In doing so they prevent any one species from becoming too dominant in the ecosystem.
Moving on to some flying arthropods, we have wild bees. Most people are familiar with honey bees and their importance in European agriculture. But did you know that out in nature wild bees are more important than honey bees? Certain bees specialise only on certain groups of plants like yellow asteraceae. There are even bees that parasitise other wild bee nests like the Cuckoo bees from the genus Nomada.
The final arthropod we want to highlight is the Aspen lappet (Phyllodesma tremulifolium). Unlike our first arthropod, the Lady bird spider, the Aspen lappet will definitely go overlooked during your next visit to your favourite Natura 2000 area thanks to its amazing camouflage. The ability to blend in with your surroundings has proven to be beneficial for both predators and pray alike. Praying mantises use it to ambush prey and moths and butterflies like the Aspen lappet use it to avoid becoming lunch. And have you ever wondered why moths are so fuzzy? Well, this is an adaptation that helps them avoid detection from predators and keep them warm so they can fly at night.
So next time you’re in nature don’t forget to keep an eye out for those cool arthropods hidden in plain sight!
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Hidden in plain sight
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A Wake-Up Call from the European Environment Agency’s debut climate risk assessment

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Ashton Melfor
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What is the Climate Risk Assessment?
The Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) by the European Environment Agency (EEA) is a course assessment of the current risks posed by climate change for Europe, for different sectors. The report identifies and analyses 36 risks from the policy perspective and synthesises current scientific consensus on the topic.
The historic decline in habitat quality experienced by Europe’s ecosystems seems to be continuing. This negatively impacts many different species as well as people’s livelihoods. Climate change is already a major player behind these ecosystem changes. However, not all ecosystems are impacted in the same way, and some face other challenges that exacerbate the effects of climate change. Here follows a summary of the climate risk assessment for each of the main terrestrial ecosystems in Europe.
The CRA makes clear that climate change affects both the structure of forests and their functioning. This influence on forest functioning and structure is both through direct interactions with the forest system and through indirect interactions with other species or drivers of change that do play a direct role in forest systems.
Examples of climate drivers acting on forest systems are temperature and moisture. However, habitat fragmentation caused by deforestation is the primary driver behind forest habitat quality degradation.
Furthermore, a lack of sustainable forestry practices like monocultures also made Europe’s forests more susceptible to pressures from climate change.
Some of these challenges are: drought-induced mortality, species range shift, increased incidence of wildfires and pest outbreaks. Fortunately, the forestry sector has adopted measures to create more climate-resilient forests. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen how impactful these measures are, given uncertainties surrounding forests’ responses to climate change.
The leading cause of peatland degradation is human development conflicting with the habitat requirements of peatlands. The effects of climate change are just exacerbating these already existing mechanisms affecting peatland water balance.
For example, climate-induced drought reinforces peatland drying that is already happening due to peatland drainage. Unfortunately 50% of peatlands in the EU are degraded (25% Europe-wide). This puts many species dependent on peatlands like the bog orchid (Hamarbya paludosa) at risk of going extinct. Very alarmingly, future projections predict that peatland will become a net carbon emitter under current rates of change. This limits their ability to help us mitigate climate change effects. Peatlands are currently a large carbon sink.
Freshwater systems
Freshwater systems are affected by different climate drivers compared to the previous ecosystems. But most importantly, temperature and precipitation contribute to the most change. The consequences of increasing temperatures include shifting thermoclines or more pronounced thermal gradients in water bodies.
Temperature-sensitive species are also at risk as water temperatures rise. Decreases in precipitation can potentially cause water bodies to dry up significantly, but increases in precipitation can lead to toxic algal blooms. The fact is that surface waters are already increasing at a rate of 0.21-0.45°C per decade. This rate of change is particularly high in northern climates. Widespread eutrophication is already a concern in many European countries.
Arctic and mountain ecosystems
The main drivers of change in arctic and mountain systems are rising temperatures and human use. Both systems are particularly susceptible to climate change as they experience faster warming than on average. Additionally, both systems have a long history of human use, from mining and reindeer herding in the Arctic to grazing in mountain grasslands. The current situation of these systems is one of contrasting extremes.
Both droughts and high water retention are becoming commonplace in the Arctic. This destabilises ecosystem function and the ecosystems provided. Mountains are getting less snowfall leading to glaciers receding and lower snowmelt feeding into rivers.
Unfortunately, these threats are projected to worsen with climate change, as the Arctic region warms faster than most places. Leading to the extinction of arctic species, disruption of livelihoods and disappearance of arctic and mountainous ecosystems.
Urban ecosystems
Though climate change puts more pressure on stressors affecting urban ecosystems like the heat island effect, drought and pollution, the impacts are less strong as urban species are more resilient and adaptable.
Nonetheless, increased urban stress still puts the system balance at risk. Conditions might become more favourable for invasive or alien species. Pests and diseases might also be favoured in these changing conditions. Many of these effects are already being felt across European cities, though it is highly context-dependent.
Future projections also show that on the one hand drought in some cities will become more extreme and in others, floods are to be expected. The rise in urban heat island effect in the future is particularly concerning for tree and shrub species already living at their temperature optimums.
Climate change-induced changes are fortunately not major drivers of change in agro-ecosystems. However, changes in agricultural practices are changing this ecosystem in unprecedented ways. What is certain, is that agro-ecosystems are facing many challenges. Many ecosystem services like pollination, pest control and water regulation are under threat and declining due to many different drivers.
One of the major changes in this system is the sharp decline in pollinators, a combination of agricultural intensification, climate change-induced phenological shifts and pesticide use are disrupting the intricate interactions between insects and plants. In the future climate change will surely become a major driver behind biodiversity loss in agroecosystems. Furthermore, climate impacts soil conditions, with more extreme droughts and soil erosion to be expected.
Not surprisingly, climate change is causing significant changes in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Marine and coastal ecosystems are disproportionately affected by these changes and thus require urgent action. Policy-wise, long-term prioritisation and planning are required to facilitate adaptive management. So how do we move forward? Stronger policy at the EU level is required and in addition, states must work together to tackle our shared risks posed by climate change.
More articles about biodiversity
The impact of climate change on terrestrial & freshwater ecosystems
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44%, that is the percentage of migratory species listed under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) on the path to extinction. The CMS recently published a first of its kind report on the state of the world’s migratory species. This landmark report shows us that we need to take immediate action in order to preserve these amazing animals that know no borders.
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Ashton Melfor

Emilie Tamo Kamguia
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What is the CMS?
The Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals is a United Nations (UN) treaty. The goal of this treaty is to promote the sustainable use and conservation of migratory species and their habitat throughout the world. Under this treaty governments and wildlife experts must collaborate to address the issues surrounding animals that make migratory journeys on land, in the air and sea. The Convention has 133 members spread across every continent, except North America.
Visual summary

Looking closer at the conservation status of migratory species.
We often hear the words critically endangered, endangered and many more terms thrown around, but what do these terms actually mean for the CMS species being categorised and their conservation?
Let’s explain with an example, the Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). After a major decline in population size to 450 individuals from 27,000, the western South Atlantic sub-population has reportedly recovered 93 % of its population size. This puts the global population of this majestic creature at around 80,000 individuals. For this reason the Humpback whale is classified as least concern. But the same can not be said for other sub-populations of the Humpback whale. Most are still endangered. So we must be careful when discussing threat level classifications. As global classifications do not always reflect regional or local conservation status of species.
Across the board, the extinction risk is rising for migratory species under the CMS. The report highlights that in the period of 1988 to 2020, 70 listed species experienced a deteriorating conservation status, hence leading to a higher Red List threat category. On the other hand only 14 listed species had a genuinely improving conservation status. Something very important that the report mentions is that, globally 399 migratory species are not listed under the CMS. These species are mostly fish and birds. This is an unfortunate fact as these species can not benefit from CMS protection. They deserve more investigation by the CMS countries and scientists.
Of the species listed under the CMS the future of migratory fish are particularly concerning. 97% of these fish are threatened with extinction. Furthermore, most have a declining population. Compared to fish, mammals and birds are doing a bit better overall. 78% of birds and 44% of mammals have a population of least concern. However, in reality this still means that 134 (14%) birds and 63 (40%) mammal species are still threatened with extinction.
For us here in Europe, there is some good news. As the report says that in the past 10 years, migratory species listed under the CMS in Europe have increased in numbers. Which means a more positive Red List threat status. Fortunately, this is also the case for migratory species in the Caribbean, South and Central American regions.
Revealing threats to migratory species: human activities in the spotlight
Navigating across vast distances, migratory species encounter significant challenges caused by human activities, not only during their journeys but also at pivotal locations for their feeding and reproduction processes. The CMS indicates that 58% of monitored sites, vital for CMS-listed species, are at risk due to anthropogenic reasons.
The report’s in-depth analysis exposes the two most pressing human-induced threats impacting migratory species:
Migratory species globally face the risk of overexploitation serving various purposes such as food consumption, transformation into products, pets, belief-based practices, and sport hunting. Their vulnerability intensifies as most species return to specific sites during predictable times of the year, impacting migratory terrestrial mammals and birds through unsustainable and/or illegal taking. The oceans, too, witness the consequences of overfishing and the unintended capture of non-target animals, posing a significant challenge to marine migratory species worldwide.
Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation
Migratory terrestrial and marine movements are increasingly restricted by both anthropic physical and nonphysical barriers, disrupting vital connectivity for a large range of species. The rapid expansion of energy and transport infrastructures emerges as a major concern regarding habitat fragmentation and its impact on migratory behaviours. In addition, agriculture expansion causing the loss of natural lands and intensification of practices to meet growing human food consumption are key threats to numerous migratory species.
The report reveals other pressures faced by migratory species such as climate change and pollution. These findings highlight the urgent need for immediate intervention to address these threats and ensure the survival of these species and the habitats they depend on.
Unifying efforts to protect migratory species : a wake-up call fo urgent action
After detailing the numerous pressures confronting migratory species, the CMS issues a clear call to immediate, collaborative and international action. Governments, communities, the private sector, and other stakeholders are urged to come together to ensure the survival of migratory species.
While the State of the World’s Migratory Species report presents a concerning scenario, it also highlights successful conservation efforts and policy changes from local to international, demonstrating that viable solutions exist. Achievements include multilateral initiatives to tackle illegal taking of migratory birds and the establishment of international task forces like the CMS Energy Task Force, aiming to reduce renewable energy projects impacts on migratory species. However the report emphasises the need to amplify and expand these efforts globally to achieve conservation objectives.
To combat overexploitation of migratory species, the report’s priority recommendations for action include implementing stricter national legislation, improving monitoring of legal developments, and reinforcing initiatives to tackle illegal, unsustainable taking along with mitigating incidental catch. Addressing habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation requires additional identification and effective protection of crucial sites for migratory species, getting further knowledge on the threats they face, ensuring their ecological connectivity and restoring them when necessary. Urgent attention should be directed towards nearly extinct species, especially CMS-listed fish species. Proposals also include completing the CMS listings with overlooked endangered migratory species, demanding national and international attention. The report finally advocates for implementing ambitious initiatives to tackle climate change and light pollution.
The alarming decline of migratory species populations and broader biodiversity loss due to numerous anthropic threats raises an urgent imperative: a collective and global acceleration of efforts to ensure their future existence is necessary. The CMS, serving as a worldwide cooperation platform, plays a critical role in providing solutions and mobilising forces at every level.
As youth we also have a role to play. Whether we are volunteering for local environmental organisations, advocating for the environment or getting involved in political discussions our voice can stimulate change!
More articles on Biodiversity
State of the world’s migratory species
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Stina Joanna Gremme

Hanna Træland Rostøl
About UKY4N
UK Youth 4 Nature (UKY4N) is the leading UK youth movement calling for urgent action on the nature crisis, and they have been cherished members of YEE since 2022. UKY4N’s mission is to mobilise and empower young people to advocate for decisive action on biodiversity in the UK, emphasising the importance of protecting and restoring nature and wildlife to address the consequences and issues of climate change. March 14th marks the International Day of Action for Rivers, and we find this the perfect occasion to put the spotlight on UKY4N and its creative river projects.
Started in 2019 as a simple Whatsapp group with the mission of bringing nature into stronger focus within political discussions, UKY4N has rapidly evolved into an active organisation with a solid volunteer base all across the UK. The organisation has strategically focused its campaigning efforts on nature rather than climate issues and has today successfully positioned itself as a prominent advocate for biodiversity. We have met with co-director Ellen Bradley, to hear more about UKY4N’s creative campaigning and imaginative projects on rivers, hoping to inspire others to take action on this important topic!
Check out UKY4N
How can you help freshwater?
Support nature-friendly farmers, where possible buy organic, local food.
Banish pesticides and herbicides from your garden!
Celebrate freshwater ecosystems and raise awareness of the threats, share a photo on social media, tag UKY4N and use the hashtag #NotSoFreshwater
Research and learn more about the state of freshwater in the UK, sign up for the UKY4Ns newsletter to keep up to date with our campaign.
Join the team! UKY4N is always looking for new members to help fight for nature. Email UKY4N at ukyouthfornature@gmail.com to find out more.
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Making waves for freshwater conservation
Freshwater ecosystems are the lifeblood of our planet. In the UK, around 3% of land is covered by freshwater and with an intricate network of 200,000 km of streams and rivers the freshwater ecosystems in the UK are of international importance. Thousands of lakes, ponds and ditches provide homes for diverse wildlife species, ranging from dragonflies to water voles. And yet, no rivers in England, Wales or Northern Ireland are considered to be in high ecological health, and in Scotland, as much as 92% of rivers do not meet these standards either.
Recently, freshwater systems gained more media focus on regulating sewage and plastic pollution, advancing freshwater protection. However, agricultural pollution, affecting 40% of all freshwater bodies in England, remains overlooked. In addition to that, targets for cleaning up waterways, such as the goal set for 2027, have been pushed back to 2063, giving the protection of freshwater systems in the UK an urgency that cannot be ignored.
With the campaign Not so Freshwater, UKY4N launched an awareness campaign giving agricultural pollution a much-needed spotlight. The goal is to cut the use of pesticides in half by 2023 as well as restore field margins and riverside ecosystems to reduce field run-off. Ellen emphasises creative campaigning to facilitate positive change, celebrating sustainable farmers and advocating for political action.
On the 23rd of May 2023, UKY4N was able to host a successful event, summoning a variety of politicians and NGOs. The Chemical Cocktail Bar was one of the highlights of the event, which received a big positive response and even more importantly, political attention. The concept behind the Chemical Cocktail Bar is simple, creative and yet effective. Cocktails, named after UK rivers like the Mersey and Thames, the bar creatively highlighted freshwater pollution. Presented as beautifully designed cocktail recipes, these cards added a lively touch with real added proof of the urgency of freshwater pollution, proving that campaigning for political change does not have to be boring or dry.

The event successfully brought together young people and politicians in a positive atmosphere, fostering constructive discussions on environmental challenges, as Ellen tells us. UKY4N maintained a balance of fun and passion, ensuring engagement while addressing urgent issues facing our natural world.
UKY4N offers practical guidance for individuals to make a difference in preserving freshwater systems, including a five-step guide for reducing pollution. Additionally, they provide a template for a letter to your regional Member of Parliament to advocate for improved chemical standards and freshwater regulation. Later this year, UKY4N will host The Senedd, an event in Wales, allowing young people to engage with Welsh politicians on nature and freshwater issues.
With its campaign Not So Freshwater and a creative, positive and fun approach UKY4N inspires us to get involved in the movement for cleaner waterways and a more sustainable future. Let yourself be inspired too!

Crafting change with creative campaigning
The fun and creative methods used in the Not So Freshwater project were not a one-off, but rather lie at the very heart of UKY4N’s approach to advocating for nature. Creative campaigning entails using creative and imaginative methods and employs artistic, cultural and interactive strategies to make an impact. Ellen tells us that the main goal of this approach is to get young people excited about an issue and encourage them to make a positive contribution, even if they are not experts on issues such as the environment, sustainability or politics. That way, different people can contribute in different ways, and that makes it more diverse and even more impactful!
Another example of UKY4N’s bold creative campaigning was in their project Nature Loss: Lines in the Sand. On March 23, 2022, a 50-metre drawing depicting biodiversity in Britain was created on Scarborough Beach, featuring four biologically significant species that are declining. This symbolic act aimed to address the alarming depletion of nature in the UK, urging authorities to prioritise conservation efforts. Their creative ways received public recognition and an international audience, and if you look at the pictures of this impactful mural it is easy to understand why!

UKY4N also regularly hosts workshops to introduce young people to creative campaigning, the next one to be held in Brighton on the 23rd of March 2024.
In addition, UKY4N is currently dedicating their time to work relating to the general elections coming up in the UK this year. With the voting turnout among people in the age between 18 to 24-years in the UK in 2019 reaching 47% (compared to over 74% in the group of over 65-year olds), getting young people more enthusiastic and interested in the election is a crucial issue. As Ellen shares with us, only 50% of young people in the UK think they learn sufficiently about politics in school, so another focus of UKY4N lies on knowledge-sharing and capacity-building on the voting system. In order to be able to navigate the different and sometimes confusing party manifestos, UKY4N explains each programme from relevant political parties for everyone to understand. The main reason for that is to underline the importance of casting your vote to support certain policies and causes, as they so aptly put it on their website, “[n]ature cannot vote in elections. But many of us can!” With important elections coming up across Europe this year, not to mention the European Parliament elections, this is something many of us can keep in mind!
And with that being said, it is easy to see the problems that unite us. UKY4N is tackling the problems of the depletion of nature in the UK, but we are seeing similar problems worldwide. Although freshwater ecosystems are so important to nature and human well-being, they are also the most threatened in the world. Since 1970 freshwater species have experienced an 83% decline – twice the rate experienced within terrestrial or marine sources. Let us therefore stand united on this International Day of Action for Rivers, and reflect on the importance each and every one of our actions plays in the protection of our water systems!
More about Biodiversity
Dive into action with UK Youth4Nature | Members’ Spotlight
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EU Marine Action Plan
More than a year since the EU Marine Action Plan was adopted, there is a critical need to ensure that both the European Commission and Member States are held accountable for its effective implementation. The success or failure of this initiative will hinge upon the national roadmaps to be submitted by each Member State by the end of March. The publication of these national roadmaps will be closely monitored, especially considering the tendency of Member State governments to oppose ocean protection matters, often favouring economic interests over environmental ones. This also became evident in the disappointing response of the European Parliament (EP) to the Communication, which rejected the majority of its content.
Youth and Environment Europe strongly supports the gradual phasing out of bottom trawling in all marine protected areas (MPAs) by 2030 as proposed in the Marine Action Plan. This would be in line with an agreement made between 196 countries, including the EU, during the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) to reach a 30% target of protected land and oceans by 2030 in a landmark agreement for the protection of biodiversity. The method of bottom trawling is notorious for its detrimental impact on marine ecosystems due to several reasons, one of which is significant by-catch, such as marine mammals, seabirds, and other fish species. Bottom trawling can also cause extensive damage to sensitive habitats, disrupting the balance of marine ecosystems and damaging biodiversity. Not least because of the use of bottom trawling, European seas are in a severe environmental crisis. The European Environment Agency recently reported that “almost all marine species groups appear to be in bad condition throughout Europe’s seas, with mixed recovery trends”.
The Parliament had a chance to advocate strongly for ocean conservation shortly before the elections and urge the EU Member States to align its fisheries with nature protection policies. They missed this opportunity: Their report on the Marine Action Plan takes a concerning stance towards the use of harmful fishing equipment, suggesting to continue using bottom trawling within MPAs. The European People’s Party (EPP) holds the view that the proposed ban of bottom trawling in MPAs puts the future of fishermen at risk, labelling the Action Plan “discriminatory”. While coastal communities and the impact of the Marine Action Plan on fishers must not be ignored, YEE believes that this pure focus on the economic impact is too short-sighted. The livelihoods of coastal communities ultimately depend on seas with good environmental status and healthy fish stocks, which can simply not be reconciled with the practice of bottom trawling in MPAs. We need cross-cutting and forward-thinking policymaking to address economic concerns in the fisheries sector alongside the climate and nature crises, including support to fishers in transitioning away from destructive fishing gear to minimise negative socio-economic effects.
As Youth Environment Europe, we call upon all EU Member States to commit promptly and effectively to implementation of the Marine Action Plan, and urge the Commission to conduct and publicly release science-based assessments of their national roadmaps. Furthermore, we demand that any identified weaknesses be addressed by Member States, and call for close monitoring and enforcement to ensure their timely implementation. Only through concerted effort and accountability can meaningful progress be made towards safeguarding our marine environment for future generations.
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EU Marine Action Plan
https://yeenet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/position.png 250 250 Eva Kloudová https://yeenet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/logo-yee-728x1030.png Eva Kloudová2024-03-06 14:45:302024-05-30 12:00:43EU Marine Action PlanNature Restoration Law: Youth needs your support

On behalf of European youth, we are reaching out to you as a coalition of youth organizations representing more than 20 million young Europeans with the European environment at heart. On Tuesday the 27th of February, the European Parliament plenary meeting will take place in Strasbourg. We want to underscore the absolute necessity to vote in favor of the provisional agreement on the Nature Restoration Law, for our future, and the future of our and your children.
As young people, we are inheriting a degrading environment and climate which makes us currently see a gloomy future ahead of us. Every day, we witness more species becoming extinct and ecosystems continuing to degrade. It is proof that existing measures so far have been critically insufficient. We are even more worried due to the recent and ongoing watering down of environmental policies and laws at the EU and national level.
This EU Nature Restoration Law is the only opportunity for us to get the chance to see nature improving across Europe and benefit from a healthy environment and climate.
Opposing or further weakening the law would mean condemning our future and fully ignoring all the good things that nature brings to our society. It would mean that young people and future generations, the least responsible for the current crises, will have to address environmental emergencies at a great cost and risk. This is extremely unfair from an intergenerational equity perspective.
On Tuesday, you will cast a vote on our future. The outcome will greatly impact generations of Europeans to come, so we need your vote in favor of the Nature Restoration Law.
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Learn more about the #restorenature campaign

The recent positive vote for the Nature Restoration Law by the European Parliament sends a strong message on the obligation to restore

The coalition of youth organisations released their statements about the necessity and urgency to adopt the Nature Restoration Law within the European

Join us and over 200 NGOs and ask your decision-makers to adopt a solid and urgent implementation of the law that can
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Nature Restoration Law: Youth needs your support
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YEE aims to unite environmental youth non-profit organisations in Europe in order to enhance international cooperation, increase knowledge about the climate crisis, raise awareness of environmental problems and to strengthen participation of youth in environmental decision-making.
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Financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe