Entries by YEE

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Call for volunteers

Call for volunteers

Become an influential young leader.

7-10 h/ week



Start March 2025

I am interested in

Liaison Officers positions

While committed to specific and diverse tasks within their thematic portfolios, the volunteer liaison officers would effectively make a team - the Advocacy Working Group - intended to support and contribute to YEE advocacy efforts.

Regional Contact Persons positions

The role of the Regional Contact Persons is to connect and develop communities of YEE’s member organisations on the regional level and work together to strengthen the connections of young people through YEE.


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Have questions?

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact yee@yeenet.eu

Application deadline:

23rd February 2025

YEE’s Advocacy Working Group is looking for 10 motivated volunteers to join the team!

About YEE Advocacy Working Group

The Advocacy Working Group (AWG) is a leadership program intended to equip volunteers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mentorship to effectively advocate for environmental concerns during their tenure with YEE, and beyond. Volunteers are being mentored and engaging in peer-to-peer learning; while supporting the Advocacy Team in shaping YEE’s external advocacy positions.

YEE’s overall advocacy engagement aims to: 

  • Empower young people to raise awareness and advocate for environmental and climate issues.
  • Equip young people and youth movements with an environmental and climate justice understanding. 
  • Enable young people to access and influence environmental EU, European and international negotiation processes. 
  • Connect young people across Europe and beyond to form a unified voice in environmental and climate advocacy.

About Liason Officers (LOs)

The Liaison Officer (LO) is a volunteer position of one year term (March 2025 – March 2026).

All liaison volunteers will report to and be supported by the YEE advocacy team (Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator, Advocacy Manager and Project Leads) and the YEE Youth Scientific Advisory Board.

While committed to specific and diverse tasks within their thematic portfolios, the volunteer liaison officers would effectively make a team – the Advocacy Working Group – intended to support and contribute to YEE advocacy efforts.

Moreover, each LO will form a small sub-team with the YEE Youth Scientific Advisory Board Task Force working on their topic.

The average commitment of the position is between 7-10 hours a week, including meetings every two weeks with the YEE Scientific Advisory Board, Regional Contact Persons, External Relations Officer, Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator, Advocacy Manager and Project Leads.

What you will gain:

This volunteer position offers valuable insights into working for a large European network of youth-led environmental NGOs, as well as in-depth knowledge of relevant organisations and institutions.

Some of the tasks expected include strengthening communication and advocacy with our partner organisations as well as creating new initiatives and campaigns. 

It also provides access to a network of young green activists and professionals and helps develop transferable skills such as time management, organisation, and communication, which can boost your CV.

LOs positions available

The Biodiversity Team is active in EU advocacy, international advocacy (CBD) and advocacy in the context of the Bern Convention (Council of Europe). The Liaison Officers on Biodiversity will work closely with the YSAB members and Alex, Biodiversity Coordinator.

The aim of the portfolio is threefold:

  1. Education: the primary aim of our biodiversity portfolio is to raise awareness among youth about biodiversity-related issues. We want to educate young people on topics that are often misunderstood or challenging to access, focusing on current affairs, policy and science.
  2. Advocacy: we strive to amplify the voice of youth in advocating for policies and laws that positively impact biodiversity and preserve it for future generations. 
  3. Representation: our commitment extends to active participation in various stakeholder meetings to ensure that young perspectives are represented and heard. We believe that youth representation in decision making is of utmost importance for inclusive democratic processes and safeguard intergenerational equity.

The Liaison Officers will support in the implementation of the portfolio activities. Examples of these activities will include:

  • 🟢 Participate in weekly calls with Alex and the YSAB Task Force.
  • 🟢 Support in the organisation of 3 non-formal education workshops for youth participation in Nature Restoration Plans.
  • 🟢 Support in the youth campaign on coexistence with Large Carnivores.
  • 🟢 Liaise with other European youth environmental organisations with which we collaborate in the context of the Nature Restoration Law/Plans.

The Liaison Officer on Environmental Law will work closely with the Environmental Law Team – Emma, Alex and Sara. Our team advocates in the context of EU laws – National Energy and Climate Plans and the EU Climate Law, the Aarhus Convention and the Council of Europe.

The Liaison Officer will support in the implementation of the activities related to the Legal Seeds project.

Examples of these activities will include:

  • 🟢 Support in the implementation of the “Race to 2040” campaign, related to the EU Climate Law.
  • 🟢 Liaise with other youth organisations working on environmental law matters at EU level.
  • 🟢 Support the advocacy in the context of the Aarhus Convention, with an emphasis on youth public participation.
  • 🟢 Support in organising interviews with environmental defenders.

This new portfolio will bring YEE to work more directly on the relation between climate, health, and ecosystems.

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members and the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator.

To address planetary health risks, the goals of this portfolio will align with the broader One Health framework:

  1. Advocacy: build a solid youth voice in advocating for reducing environmental pollutants, enhancing ecosystem resilience and strengthening public health systems.
  2. Raise public awareness: promote education and behavior change through related campaigns and environmental stewardship.

Our focus will be on:

  • Supporting regulatory advancements to address emerging environmental health risks, such as those outlined in the Water Framework Directive and REACH Regulation.
  • Advocating for stronger global agreements, such as the WHO’s One Health agenda and the UN’s Plastic Pollution Treaty, to mitigate cross-border environmental health risks.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB Task Force on the implementation of the activities. These activities will include:

  • 🟢 Join health-related working groups: actively participate in health-focused working groups within existing networks YEE is already a member of  and map additional relevant networks to explore potential collaborations and synergies.
  • 🟢 Support policy advocacy: identify opportunities to provide technical input and youth perspectives to strengthen environmental health policies at national, regional, and global levels.
  • 🟢 Advance regulatory updates: advocate for and support the acceleration of amendments to key EU frameworks, such as the Water Framework Directive and REACH Regulation, to address emerging pollutants and environmental health risks.
  • 🟢 Engage communities and youth: mobilise youth and local leaders (especially from, but not limited to, our members) through education, restoration activities, and citizen science initiatives to drive grassroots action and awareness, emphasizing the connections between environmental health and planetary health.
  • 🟢 Build capacity through training and campaigns: organise workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to highlight the connections between climate, health, and ecosystems, fostering knowledge and action at all levels.

This new portfolio will bring YEE to work more directly on the relation between agriculture, food production and ecosystems. 

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members and the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator.

The aims of the portfolio are:

  1. Advocacy
    1. engage with policymakers: facilitate dialogue between youth representatives and policymakers by co-organising youth-led panels, workshops, and side events at international level (e.g., COPs, GFFA, EU forums, World Food Forum).
    2. advocate for CAP reforms, stronger alignment of agricultural policies with biodiversity, climate, and socio-economic objectives, and youth-inclusive policies through articles, position briefs, social media campaigns, and strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations.
  2. Youth empowerment: collaborate with existing youth networks to amplify voices and share best practices.
  3. Farmer-consumer partnerships: launch local campaigns to encourage young people to support community-supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives and local markets.
  4. Education and communication:
    1. organise workshops and awareness-raising publications, materials on regenerative agriculture, food waste management, and sustainable diets for youth and local communities.
    2. use social media platforms to run awareness campaigns targeting young Europeans on sustainable food systems and healthy diets.
    3. create content (e.g., videos, infographics) to explain complex policies, funding opportunities, and practical solutions in an engaging way.
    4. co-develop online guides to educate young farmers and aspiring entrepreneurs on digital tools and innovative solutions for regenerative farming.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB  in implementing the activities, which will include:

  • 🟢 Become members and follow the work of bigger network organisations.
  • 🟢 Organise a roundtable discussion on Biodiversity and Agriculture.
  • 🟢 Conducting research and publishing an article on how the Nature Restoration Law affects agricultural production and farmers’ income. The article will aim to provide information and recommendations to policymakers, farmers, and youth advocates, ensuring synergy with the biodiversity group’s work on the NRL.
  • 🟢 Organise an online consultation session with rural youth to understand their concerns about the green transition.
  • 🟢 Collaborate with youth organizations and NGOs and produce a joint report highlighting European youth voices, concerns and demands to policymakers regarding the future of agriculture.

The Liaison Officers on Just Transition and Resource Justice will continue our work in Just Transition, while bringing YEE to work more on Resource Justice.

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members, the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator and the Advocacy Manager.

The aim of this working group is to build a youth advocacy community working on overconsumption and resource justice. 

The aim is to:

  1. Just Transition
    1. Support the Just Transition Platform Working Groups by engaging with key stakeholders and youth organizations to ensure youth perspectives are integrated into discussions on coal phase-out, green jobs, and social justice.
    2. Collaborate with European institutions and CSOs to advocate for stronger just transition policies prioritising stakeholder engagement, equal opportunities and environmental sustainability.
    3. Provide capacity-building opportunities for young people by organizing knowledge-sharing sessions on best practices for implementing just transition strategies.
    4. Contribute to policy monitoring and analysis to track the progress of Just Transition initiatives at the EU level.
    5. Develop communication materials (briefs, infographics, articles) to simplify and disseminate complex just transition policies to young audiences.
    6. Develop resources, such as helping create toolkits and materials to support advocacy and awareness on Just Transition.
  2. Resource Justice
    1. Join efforts with other NGOs to advocate for the European Commission to start a legislative proposal on a directive on Sustainable Resource Management. 
    2. Build capacity among YEE member organisations through organising workshops where to discuss the unsustainable use of environmental resources, and raise awareness about possible solutions to this problem.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB members to implement the activities, which will include:

  1. Just Transition
    • 🟢 Develop reports and recommendations on best practices in just transition across different regions in Europe.
    • 🟢 Raise awareness by writing articles and social media content on the importance of just transition.
    • 🟢 Organise online and onsite capacity-building sessions on just transition for the YEE team and member organisations.
  2. Resource Justice
    • 🟢 Advocacy
      1. Join already existing coalitions
      2. Organise meetings with policymakers 
      3. Write and disseminate position papers 
    • 🟢 Awareness raising
      1. Write one to three articles on the topic of resource justice, beyond growth and overconsumption
      2. Write small summaries from main policy developments happening at the EU and UN levels.
    • 🟢 Capacity building
      1. Organise one online workshop part of the YEE addressed to youth leaders, focusing on resource justice, overconsumption and beyond growth. 
      2. Organise one onsite workshop for YEE member organisations to deliver during the General Assemblies.
      3. Organise three online regional workshops for YEE MOs to introduce them to the topic.

The Liaison Officer on Climate Justice will support the work of the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice project and the team advocacy work towards COP30.

The Liaison Officer will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members in developing content material related to climate justice topics – integrating the concept of climate justice into mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. The LO will be supported by the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator and the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice Lead.

The work on climate justice for 2025 will particularly focus on COP30, however the LO will map other relevant international fora as well.

The activities will include:

  • 🟢 Support in the creation of advocacy position papers towards COP30
  • 🟢 Support the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice Lead in the creation of training materials for the project – presentations, toolkits, articles…
  • 🟢 Support the YSAB in researching climate justice, mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage
  • 🟢 Help the YEE team to liaise with European and international youth organisations working on climate justice 
  • 🟢 Support the YSAB in identifying youth groups particularly affected by climate change in Europe
  • 🟢 Identify international negotiation processes where YEE shall advocate for climate justice

YEE’s Membership Team is looking for 4 passionate volunteers to join the team!

About YEE Membership Team

The Regional Contact Persons (RCPs) are an integral part of YEE’s Membership team, which actively works on engagement and collaboration with our members, and to expand our network and reach in the different regions of Europe. As an RCP, you will play a key role in strengthening YEE’s network by building meaningful relationships with Member Organisations (MOs), supporting their work, and encouraging collaboration across regions. This is a great opportunity to gain leadership experience, develop valuable skills in facilitation and networking, and contribute to youth-led environmental action on a larger scale.

About Regional Contact Persons (RCPs)

The RCP mandate is a volunteer position of a one-year term (March 2025 – March 2026).

All RCPs will report to and be supported by the Membership team (Membership Coordinator, Member Organisations Officer, Secretary General), and also be in contact with the rest of the YEE volunteers.

The role of the RCPs is to connect and develop communities of YEE’s member organisations on the regional level and work together to strengthen the connections of young people through YEE.

They act as the point of contact between YEE and the member organisations in their region, hosting meetings for the representatives of the member organisations, and linking them with any relevant projects and opportunities from YEE. They also work to strengthen YEE’s presence in and knowledge of their region, contributing with invaluable information for our expanding network.

The average commitment of the position is between 4-7 hours a week, including bi-weekly meetings with the Membership Team, and bi-weekly meetings with other YEE volunteers, including the YEE Scientific Advisory Board, Liaison Officers, and relevant staff. These meetings will occur on alternating weeks, so you can expect at least one meeting weekly. 

What you will gain:

This volunteer position offers valuable insights into working for a large European network of youth-led environmental NGOs, as well as in-depth knowledge of relevant organisations and institutions in your region.

It also provides access to a network of young green activists and professionals and helps develop transferable skills such as time management, organization, and communication, which can boost your CV.


RCPs positions available

We are looking for three volunteers to join us in the mandate of RCP for the East, North, South and West regions*.

Your tasks will include:

  • 🟢 Collaborating closely with the membership team to plan, enhance and implement our member engagement strategy;
  • 🟢 Organising and chairing online members’ meetings on topics of interest;
  • 🟢 Staying updated on the member organisations in your region and give regular updates to relevant staff;
  • 🟢 Write articles about our members and topics they work on;
  • 🟢 Be a part of the Membership Committee and assess incoming applications to our network;
  • 🟢 Co-organise and host open meetings for organisations interested in joining YEE;
  • 🟢 Reaching out to and enhancing collaboration with youth movements in your region;
  • 🟢 Stimulating and supporting member engagement in YEE activities and projects.

*YEE’s regional division of Europe is based on the UN geoscheme of Europe, but also including the Caucasus. The regions are consequently defined as follows:

East Region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia,  Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine.
North Region:  Åland Islands, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands,  Finland,  Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway,  Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
South Region:  Albania,  Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Malta,  Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia,  Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye.
West Region:  Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein,  Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Switzerland.


Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 23rd February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for a remote interview.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact yee@yeenet.eu.

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Feedback on National Restorations Plans’ format

Feedback on National Restorations Plans’ format

National Restoration Plans (NRPs) are a cornerstone of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), outlining how Member States (MS) will implement the regulation to achieve its overall targets for 2050 and intermediary targets for 2030 and 2040. The European Commission has proposed a uniform format for NRPs, and this draft is open for public feedback until 7 February 2025.


What are NRPs?

National Restoration Plans (NRPs) explain how each EU country will implement the Nature Restoration Law and how it achieves its targets for 2030, 2040, and 2050!

What is the problem?

  1. The proposed format fails to recognise youth participation.
  2. It does not offer countries the space to connect nature restoration with intergenerational equity.

What are our recommendations?

Youth Participation

  • Add a “Youth Participation” section
  • Ensure youth voices are documented
  • Promote youth-led initiatives

Youth Contributions to Restoration Targets

  • Recognise youth-led restoration projects
  • Ensure youth have resources to contribute effectively

Intergenerational Equity

  • New section: “Consideration of Future Generations”
  • Make intergenerational equity a required principle in decision-making

Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

  • Public funds shouldn’t support activities that harm biodiversity
  • Concrete plans to phase out harmful subsidies
  • Alignment with EU biodiversity commitment

The European Commission’s proposed uniform format for National Restoration Plans (NRPs) represents a thoughtful and comprehensive framework to support member states (MS) in achieving the ambitious targets set by the Nature Restoration Law (NRL). Nevertheless, reference to a core aspect that is key to the success of this Regulation is missing: youth. This omission is particularly significant, as young people will inherit the long-term consequences of environmental policies and have a crucial role to play in driving innovation, advocacy, and community engagement for successful restoration efforts. We therefore highly recommend the inclusion of the following:

Recognition of Youth Input in the Participation Process for NRPs

We propose adding a distinct priority under section 2.1, titled “Youth Participation,” within the “Public Participation” section. Young people’s lack of participation in environmental decision-making has been evident in the creation of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). However, the NRL, and in particular, the NRPs, offer a valuable opportunity to address this gap by ensuring clear and dedicated participation pathways for young people within the NRL framework.

Following this, and for the purposes of Article 15(3(w)), we recommend more specificities to be added under Public Participation, such as subsections categorising the involvement of different stakeholders and the inputs they put forward. This way, the NRPs could provide a detailed explanation of the views expressed per category of stakeholder. We further recommend the addition of a section detailing the participation methods that the states followed (such as public consultations, multi-stakeholder group meetings, deliberations, etc…) and a short summary of each.

Youth Contributions to Restoration Targets

In addition to youth involvement in public consultations, we recommend that the NRP format include specific sections that highlight youth contributions to project implementation, citizen science, and advocacy efforts for restoration. For example, we suggest adding a new point (e.g., 14.5.5) to the format: “Describe the role of young people in the implementation of this measure.” This inclusion would support the alignment of restoration activities with national environmental citizen service programs or youth environmental corps, ensuring that young people are actively contributing to these important efforts.

Intergenerational Equity

We propose requiring MS to explicitly document how their plans address the rights of future generations. Intergenerational solidarity is recognised as a fundamental principle within the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. To incorporate this in NRPs and contribute to intergenerational equity, we suggest the following:

  • Section 4.1.4: Include “intergenerational equity” as an example under “Other potential co-benefits.” Additionally, we support making this section mandatory instead of optional.
  • Section 2.4: Introduce a new section titled “Consideration of Future Generations” to emphasize the importance of long-term planning.
  • Section 14.3.4: Add a new section titled “Intergenerational Benefits” to highlight the advantages of prioritizing sustainability for future generations.

Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

In addition to Section 4.3.2, which gives an indication of the harmful subsidies that may negatively impact the achievement of the goals set under the regulation, we would like MS to explicitly include what actions are being taken to phase out the subsidies in question. We recommend expanding the section to include Subsection titled “Actions taken to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies not in line with meeting the goals of the regulation”. In a parenthesis, examples can be included, such as “…(e.g. market-based instruments and green budgeting and financing tools)”. A reference to the supportive actions a state takes to phase out the specific subsidies, in line with the NRL Article 15(3(v)), would also be a useful addition to the format. This would also contribute to fulfilling Decision (EU) 2022/591 Art 3(2(h)),  according to which MS “shall identify other environmentally harmful subsidies and report them regularly to the Commission”. Incorporation of more information about environmentally harmful subsidies in the NRL would therefore have multiple positive effects. In support of the latter, we would also like to draw attention to Recommendation 9 of a joint CSO statement on the EU budget for biodiversity, which calls for the harmonisation of the identification of environmentally harmful subsidies, and of a reporting mechanism. Lastly, we would like to draw attention to point 3.2 of NAT/926 of the EESC’s own initiative opinion titled “A comprehensive strategy for biodiversity at COP16”, which highlights the urgency of phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies for the purposes of biodiversity governance.

Help us spread the word! Share this statement.

This feedback was jointly developed by

Learn more about the EU Nature Restoration Law

National Restoration Plans (NRPs) are a cornerstone of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), outlining how Member States (MS) will implement the regulation

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YEE and other youth organisations have sent this letter to European Parliament Members, ahead of the plenary vote on the Nature Restoration

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Join us and over 200 NGOs and ask your decision-makers to adopt a solid and urgent implementation of the law that can

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Call for a project assistant

Project assistant

304 hours in total To be distributed unequally*

16.46 EUR per hour (gross)

remote within EUROPE

until October 2025

Start March 2025

Project lead for a short-term assistant on the triple planetary crisis

YEE is seeking a project assistant to support a project lead of a short-term project called Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE).

*This remote position involves an uneven workload from 1st March to 31st October 2025, with the following working periods:

  • March-May 2025: 76 total hours (app. 25 per month distributed unevenly with an average remuneration of 411.5 EUR per month);
  • August-October 2025: 228 total hours (76 per month distributed unevenly with an average remuneration of 1250.96 EUR per month).

Application deadline:

19th February 2025


The project Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE) addresses the triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—focusing on how young people across Europe experience and respond to its varied impacts.

Recognising that these crises transcend borders, the initiative aims to raise awareness, foster solidarity, and empower young people through education, cooperation, and advocacy. By enhancing cross-border knowledge sharing and promoting the right to a healthy environment (RTHE), the project seeks to build a united and strategic youth response to environmental challenges, emphasising the importance of regional and social contexts.

Key objectives include raising awareness of regional differences in experiencing these crises, equipping young people with the skills to advocate for environmental rights, fostering collaboration among youth organisations, and encouraging local and global environmental actions. The project prioritises rural and vulnerable young people across Europe, ensuring inclusivity and diverse representation. Innovative approaches, such as cross-geographical dialogue and visual storytelling, will showcase the role of youth in driving environmental change and strengthen their contributions to a sustainable future.


The project assistant will support the project lead in carrying out the project activities including:

Candidates we are looking for

The ideal profile:


Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 19 February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for a remote interview during the week of 24 to 28 February.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact yee@yeenet.eu.

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Reflections on INC-5: A Delayed Milestone, not a Failure

Reflections on INC-5: A Delayed Milestone, not a Failure

This session was supposed to be the “end of the beginning,” when the world would step out with the first-ever global plastic treaty.

Written by



In treaty negotiations, brackets indicate text that is still under discussion and might be added, deleted or revised. They help show areas where agreement has not been found yet. This allows negotiators to know which part of the text needs more debate.

A non-paper is an informal document used in diplomatic negotiations to propose ideas, outline potential solutions, or highlight issues without a formal position.

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Expectations ran high as delegates convened in Busan, South Korea, from 25 November to 1 December 2024. They met for the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

This session was supposed to be the “end of the beginning,” when the world would step out with the first-ever global plastic treaty, which did not happen. However, calling INC-5 a failure would overlook the complexities of negotiating and treaty-making and the leap forward that took place at INC-5.

Laying the Foundation for INC-5

The intersessional period between INC-4 and INC-5 was busier than ever, marked by the agreed-upon intersessional work of two working groups. With the revised zero text widely declared unworkable due to the text mostly being bracketed, INC Chair Luis Vayada technically went beyond his mandate with good intention by issuing informal drafts called non-papers which aimed to bring member states to an agreement. The final one, non-paper three, outlined a treaty with proposed ways forward to INC-5 and COP-1. As a result, there was a lot of uncertainty over which paper would be used as a starting point for negotiations.

Familiarity with the past at the beginning of INC-5

As the plenary opened in Busan, familiar obstacles emerged. Low-ambition countries applied delay tactics, resurrecting the ever-prolonged debate over the still-in-draft form rules of procedure. Hours of discussion yielded few breakthroughs, but eventually, the chair and most member states agreed to continue with the draft rules of procedures, meaning all decisions would still require consensus. There was also a debate about whether negotiations should start from the revised zero draft or non-paper three. The consensus ruled in favour of starting at non-paper three as the negotiating text with the caveat the Member States could propose additional text. This allowed delegates to break into contact groups earlier than in previous sessions, a small but important step to keep discussions focused on substantive issues. Two new drafts of the treaty (non-papers) were produced throughout INC-5 with an agreement to resume session 5 with the “Chair’s Text” agreed by member states. 

From an outsider’s perspective, the negotiations may have appeared to spin in circles. This was further reinforced by major news reporting INC-5 as a failure with headlines such as, “U.N. treaty talks collapse”, “Countries fail to reach agreement in the UN plastic talks”, or “Negotiators fail to reach an agreement on a plastic pollution treaty”,  painting a picture of deadlock and disappointment. Such characterisations, however, miss a critical nuance: incremental progress often defines the rhythm of international treaties. Expectations to finalise the first-ever global plastic treaty within two and a half years of UNEA Resolution 5/14 at UNEA 5.2 in March 2022 were always ambitious, as they should be to address the urgency of this crisis. Naturally, there was disappointment. Many people who had been working on this process for a long time knew in the back of their minds that INC-5 was going to be a steep uphill battle to finalise a treaty and that additional INCs were likely.

Despite these challenges, INC-5 marked a subtle, yet significant turning point. For the first time, we saw a clear majority emerge with more than 100+ countries uniting in wanting a treaty that addresses the full lifecycle of plastics that includes production limits. This is in addition to many stakeholders and observers including youth, children, scientists, businesses, indigenous, frontline communities and rights holders having voiced this from the very beginning of negotiations, if not long before the treaty negotiations began. This emerging consensus on reduction-oriented measures contrasts sharply with the minority of member states wanting strictly a waste-management treaty, an approach that has been long favoured and known by less ambitious member states and industry stakeholders. Had negotiators settled for a weaker, waste management-focused deal in Busan, the world might have walked away with a quick agreement, but at the cost of ignoring scientists and jeopardising lasting solutions to protect vulnerable groups from the impacts of plastic pollution. Growing voices argue that no treaty is better than a weak one. 

Lessons from History

It is critical to look at these negotiations in the history of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Building on decades of advocacy and awareness around plastic pollution, these negotiations are moving at a pace that reflects both urgency and complexity. While addressing the plastic crisis with this treaty is extremely urgent with current predictions seeing plastic production triple by 2060 without intervention negotiations are still going at a swift pace compared to other MEAs. Notably, the Paris Agreement took 6 years to negotiate, building from the momentum of decades of climate talks. The most recent High Seas Treaty, finalised in 2023, took nearly two decades of discussions and five years of formal negotiations. Countless other MEAs have taken more than two years to be negotiated. Even though the plastic treaty negotiations are being extended to 2025, if countries can agree, it would remain one of the fastest global environmental agreements ever forged. Based on INC-5 and the unity that has converged it is possible for countries to agree by the end of 2025, if not sooner.

Challenges and looking ahead

Negotiations are still expected to overcome plenty of challenges before reaching a conclusion. Observers were locked out for nearly half of the negotiations and must be included in all negotiations going forward. Youth delegates (35 and younger) continue to lack power and decision-making authority over their own future. Whether part of government delegations or observers, young people and future generations are set to be the most impacted by the plastic crisis. Some of the most contentious sections of the treaty include those addressing hazardous chemicals in plastics (Article 3), sustainable production (Article 6), and funding mechanisms (Article 11)., yet are some of the most important articles in the treaty. They must be ambitious with bold targets and robust funding mechanisms. Ultimately, this treaty will have a significant impact on our generation and those to come. It is up to us to decide how we want to change history.

While we await when and where session 5 will reconvene, it is evident the debate is no longer confined to the technicalities. It is a fundamental question of whether the treaty will embrace meaningful reductions in plastic production, supply, and demand and provide strong protection for vulnerable communities and ecosystems. Resisting compromise on ambitious goals and ensuring active engagement from all stakeholders, including youth, will determine the treaty’s trajectory. History suggests it will take time, and INC-5, far from failure, may be remembered as another critical stepping stone toward a strong, science-based, ambitious global plastics treaty. 

There are still many unresolved questions and concerns, including procedural matters and the critical issue of determining which document will serve as the basis for negotiations in section 5.2. Options include using the Chair’s text, combining different drafts, or allowing countries to make further changes to the text. A final critical question remaining from INC-5: Is multilateralism the right path forward for this treaty? While consensus has been foundational for treaty-making, the urgency of addressing the plastic crisis is a reason to look at alternative approaches such as voting on unresolved issues. Although untraditional in the treaty-making process, it could speed up the progress towards reaching an agreement.

The path forward requires bold and daring action to keep up the momentum by reconvening as soon as possible for session 5.2 because our generation and those to come are on the line if we do not get an ambitious treaty as soon as possible. 

More articles about marine pollution

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Why we left X

Why we left X

Today, we’re leaving X as an act of solidarity and a commitment to our values. This platform no longer aligns with our mission for transparency, equity, and sustainability.

As a youth-driven environmental NGO, our mission has always been rooted in transparency, accountability, and solidarity. After careful deliberation, we have made the decision to leave X (formerly Twitter). This choice reflects our commitment to aligning our actions with our values and taking a stand for ethical digital spaces.

X’s current environment no longer supports meaningful engagement or equitable advocacy and remaining in the space would only lend credibility to a platform that actively undermines principles of transparency and accountability—principles core to our mission. Staying would require us to divert valuable resources into a platform that is increasingly misaligned with our purpose.

We are leaving X as a political statement and an act of solidarity with others who are advocating for responsible and ethical alternatives. We remain steadfast in our mission and will continue to amplify our voice on other platforms where we can engage meaningfully.

We invite you to follow us on other platforms and subscribe to our newsletter to stay connected as we continue to fight for a just and sustainable future.


Czech-speaking researcher​

Czech-speaking researcher

10 working days (FTE) distributed unequally

30 000 CZK gross (in total)

remote, in Czechia

short-term contract

Start ASAP

Researcher for Participatory Methods in the “Energy Literacy for Youth (ELY)” Project

We are seeking a Czech-speaking researcher based in the Czech Republic to contribute to the ELY project’s implementation and evaluation in Czechia.

This position is remote, and requires 10 days of work (full-time equivalent) in total until the 31st March 2025.


The “Energy Literacy for Youth (ELY)” project is a 31-month capacity-building initiative funded by ERASMUS+. Its aim is to empower young people to become active citizens in addressing climate change and promoting renewable energy solutions. By developing and testing an adaptable and replicable energy literacy curriculum through local trainings, the project focuses on reaching and engaging marginalized youth across diverse socio-cultural contexts in Poland, Czechia, Cyprus, Denmark, and Germany.

Objective of the Position

The researcher will play a key role in designing and conducting participatory research with marginalised youth in Czechia to inform and adapt the energy literacy curriculum to local socio-cultural contexts. This includes mapping various marginalised youth groups in Czechia, analysing their unique needs and barriers, and strategising which groups the project should prioritise for engagement to ensure inclusivity and impact.

Work Arrangements

  • Location: The researcher will be based in the Czech Republic, with travel to local training sites as needed. The work will be performed remotely within the country.
  • Reporting: The researcher will report to ELY’s Project Lead and YEE Education Department head.
  • Collaboration: The researcher will work closely with the ELY project team and local partners in Czechia.

Your responsibilities

  • ⚬ Identify and build relationships with marginalised youth groups and local stakeholders in Czechia.
  • ⚬ Organise a research event with local stakeholders
  • ⚬ Implement participatory research methods tailored to marginalised youth in Czechia
  • ⚬ Facilitate participatory research based on the developed research design to gather insights on local needs and barriers to energy literacy.
  • ⚬ Collect qualitative and quantitative data through participatory methods.
  • ⚬ Analyse data to identify key themes and actionable recommendations for adapting the energy literacy curriculum.
  • ⚬ Provide research findings to support the design and localisation of the energy literacy curriculum.
  • ⚬ Prepare a comprehensive report in English summarising research findings and their implications for the project.


Candidates we are looking for

Extra assets

Application Process

Interested candidates should submit the form to be considered for the position. Applications should be sent by 12 January 2025. Early applications are encouraged as the position may close once a suitable candidate is identified.

Equal Opportunity

The ELY project is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Application deadline:

12th January 2025


What does inclusivity in communication really mean for organisations?

What does inclusivity in communication really mean for organisations?


Inclusive language shapes how we connect, collaborate, and take action. Yet, it’s often overlooked or taken for granted. What does inclusivity in communication really mean for organisations? To find out, we reached out to diverse groups within and beyond the climate movement. Their insights reveal best practices, challenges, and ways to amplify marginalised voices for stronger, more equitable action.


Politics4Her is an intersectional feminist youth-led NGO advocating for the inclusive participation of young women and girls in politics, civil society, and decision-making processes. Politics4Her is a movement driven by the belief that young women and girls hold the power to create a more equitable and just world. Their platform is a place where every girl and woman can be heard, valued, and recognised as an agent of change.

What is inclusive language to you?​

Politics4Her Europe believes that inclusive language is one of the many tools society has to create an environment where everyone feels seen, respected, and acknowledged, no matter their identity, background, or experiences. Our inclusive language avoids terms that might reinforce stereotypes, biases, or discrimination, and instead uses vocabulary that embraces diversity.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

At Politics4Her, we’ve developed comprehensive guidelines that emphasise the use of inclusive language across all levels of communication, both internal and external. These guidelines include recommendations for gender-neutral language. Additionally, our communication strategy focuses on respecting cultural diversity and neurodivergent individuals. In our campaigns, we also include content warnings (TW) for topics like sexual violence or mental health, allowing our audience to emotionally prepare before engaging with potentially distressing content.

What best practices and communication approaches can you share with other NGOs?

At Politics4Her, we’ve learned that effective communication isn’t just about sharing information—it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and understood.

Based on our experience, here are some easy-to-follow tips:

– Avoid making assumptions about the values and cultural traditions of the person or group you’re engaging with. Take the time to understand the communities you work with and adapt your communication methods to align with their values, beliefs, and traditions.

– Use accessible language that avoids jargon and complex concepts. When working with multilingual and multicultural teams, it’s important to ensure the message is understandable for everyone, including those with varying levels of literacy or education.


CAN Europe is a regional node of Climate Action Network, the world’s largest environmental network with over 1,700 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) active in more than 130 countries, driving collective and sustainable action to fight the climate crisis and to achieve social and racial justice by convening and coordinating civil society at the UN climate talks and other international fora.

What is inclusive language to you?​

Inclusive language means using comprehensible words and expressions that embrace and include the diversity of all individuals, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, ability, religion, or any other characteristic. Using inclusive language in internal and external communications helps foster an environment free from stereotypes and assumptions and where individuals are able to participate fully. Our approach to inclusive language is rooted in principles of intersectionality, acknowledging how overlapping systems of oppression and discrimination shape individual experiences, and decoloniality, challenging colonial legacies in language and narratives.

Examples: Using inclusive language includes for example: avoiding unnecessary jargon, or abbreviations and acronyms, using clear and readable fonts, keeping sentences short and using open files, captions and accessible formats.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

A key example of how our commitment to inclusive language is reflected in our daily practices, is the ongoing development of an editorial style guide, which is designed to mainstream inclusive language throughout the organisation. The guide is also rooted in the mentioned principles of decoloniality and intersectionality, highlighting the importance of challenging colonial legacies in language, amplifying marginalised voices, and acknowledging the overlapping systems of oppression that shape individual experiences. This allows our approach to language to be not only inclusive but also transformative, contributing to a just and equitable transition where no one is left behind.

Can you share an example where language barriers impacted your ability to communicate with your audience?

Concretely, within the communications team we have drafted an action plan which includes a checklist on inclusive & intersectional communication. We aim to ensure that our content is accessible (using open files, captions, accessible formats). We also make sure to use inclusive images when communicating about climate, showing the realities of climate change in diverse communities. Finally, one of othe key areas of our communications strategy is to amplify marginalised voices and ensure that climate and energy policies are intersectional, inclusive and diverse.

How do you make complex environmental issues accessible to your audience?

We recognise that complex climate issues need to be communicated in a way that is accessible, engaging and actionable for our diverse audiences. Some in place strategies are the following: Simplifying without oversimplifying: We break down technical and policy-heavy topics into clear, concise messages while preserving the depth and nuance necessary to understand the issue. Tailor content for diverse formats: We recognise that our audiences might consume information differently, we try to adapt our content for various platforms, from detailed reports for policymakers to infographics, videos, and social media posts for broader audiences. We use short formats, avoid jargon and create graphics that make our content more attractive and easy to digest.

Our Instagram account is a good example of how we are trying to make our content more accessible, by using relatable language, real-life examples and adding a touch of humour or surprise.

Use of storytelling: We highlight human-centred narratives that make climate challenges and solutions relatable. We strive to make policies and processes relatable by highlighting local initiatives and success stories.

How do you ensure that the voices of marginalised communities are included?

Ensuring that the voices of marginalised communities are included is central to our work. One example is our collaboration with local members and partners to support coal-dependent communities in the Western Balkans during the transition to renewable energy. These communities often face significant economic and social challenges, making their perspectives critical to shaping fair and inclusive policies. We work closely with local organisations, such as environmental NGOs and grassroots groups. We also provide ongoing support to our local members, equipping them with resources and platforms to amplify these voices. Furthermore, we engage our members consistently, especially when promoting grassroots stories and highlighting local impacts.

Uniting Bridge

Uniting Bridge SNGO promotes non-formal education, cultural diversity, rural development, and youth inclusion, focusing on empowering vulnerable groups and creating opportunities for young people. It was inspired by the 2014 initiative “Come to Oshakan,” which highlighted the village’s natural and cultural assets while encouraging environmental awareness in rural communities. The organisation addresses social and economic barriers in the Aragatsotn region by implementing programmes and campaigns to challenge stereotypes and empower youth aged 14–30 across Armenia and beyond.

What is inclusive language to you?​

The organisation’s working language at local programs is Armenian, which is unique in that the language doesn’t have gender distinctions. That said pronouns and grammatical forms are universal for all genders. We are committed to ensuring that the organisation avoids using labelling or discriminatory expressions since the region where the organisation is located is home to communities of ethnic minorities. Additionally, the organization is currently implementing programs with displaced youth, and is important to extinct discriminatory language about them. Overall, by working with marginalised groups of youth, one of the organisation’s strategic goals is to create opportunities for these groups and to create a safe and inclusive environment for them.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

These are the main steps that our organisation uses in communication to promote inclusivity.

1. Armenian, as the main working language, avoids gender distinctions so that communication does not exclude or discriminate based on gender.

2. Avoid labelling expressions, particularly given the diverse ethnic communities in the region.

3. focusing on creating opportunities for marginalised youth and creating a safe environment for them.

Can you share an example where language barriers impacted your ability to communicate with your audience?

Unfortunately, our main beneficiaries often only speak their local language, which creates a barrier for them to participate in international programs and sometimes leaves their opinions excluded from mainstream youth movements. Sometimes it can be problematic even during the project application phase because of the complex questions and the need to write long answers or essays.

How do you make complex environmental issues accessible to your audience?

Since environmental problems in the region and the changes caused by climate change often create psychological pressure on young people, our organisation places importance on creating a safe and supportive environment during projects and training sessions. This encourages young people to express their fears and solutions openly and empathize with one another. During our last environmental program, we had a workshop about Eco-anxiety and explored some practices to help address these challenges. Currently, we are developing a package of environmental policies for the organisation that will play a role in the organization’s future work. This policy will guide not only our daily operations but also the design and implementation of our projects, ensuring that sustainability will be the core of our projects.

How do you ensure that the voices of marginalised communities are included?

Uniting Bridge SNGO located in Oshakan village mainly works with marginalised youth from rural areas. We work closely with local governments of the region to create opportunities for young people to take part in decision-making. One of our project’s aims is to create youth councils where young people can share their ideas and concerns directly with local leaders. We also organise capacity-building programs to give them the skills and confidence to take part in community decision-making processes.

For example, last year we had a project to support women in local government, helping them become stronger leaders for their communities. By connecting marginalised youth with local authorities, we help them feel included and ensure their voices are part of important decisions that affect their lives. This year we ran a project for the local and displaced youth and their parents. During the project, they closely work with the psychologist and have training for capacity building and their smooth engagement with the community.

Clear Global

CLEAR Global, formerly known as Translators without Borders, is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to breaking down language barriers to ensure that everyone, regardless of the language they speak, has access to critical information and the ability to express themselves. With a network of over 80,000 linguists and cutting-edge language technology solutions, CLEAR Global supports marginalised communities worldwide. The organisation focuses on developing multilingual tools, offering training for translators, and conducting research to enhance two-way communication in underserved languages, especially during crises.

What is inclusive language to you?​

For us there are two separate issues in inclusive language:

Language inclusion – the systematic efforts to reach speakers of all languages, including speakers of sign languages, and people who may have lower literacy. Efforts in this area might include mapping exercises to identify which languages are used by a certain group or in a certain area, and building monitoring systems to identify the extent to which speakers of minority languages are being included in programming, feedback systems, or communications.

Inclusive language – this would be attention to specific terminology within each language. It would include choosing terms carefully to make a clear positive statement about how an organisation welcomes diversity and using the preferred terms for different groups within society based on the preference of that group of people.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

Our organisation is focused on inclusive communications. We research how people access information, what types of phrasing and registers help them understand and trust what they read, what terms they use to discuss specific topics, and what are the power dynamics around language. We gather and share data so our partners can see maps of who speaks which language in the places where they work. We translate millions of words into hundreds of languages, and we build language and voice technology solutions to help people who speak marginalised languages get access to the information they need and be heard even when they might have low literacy.

What best practices and communication approaches can you share with other NGOs?

There are three areas that can help a lot. The first is to assume that many people accessing your information might be reading it in their second (or third, fourth, or fifth) language. So the simplicity and clarity of what you write should reflect that. Using plain language principles in your writing can reduce the comprehension effort for everyone and help you communicate more effectively. Even first-language speakers are likely to thank you for making a document easy to read.

The second point is that when you have made translated resources available, test them with your audience. Does it speak to people in the right way? Was the content clear? Did it sound too formal, or have stigmatising terms? And of course, don’t depend on the written word, try to make audio and pictorial content a standard part of your communication plan if you know literacy levels may be low for some people.

Can you share an example where language barriers impacted your ability to communicate with your audience?

Many of our conversations with communities are about unfamiliar concepts, so they often start with long conversations to understand how a concept can be discussed in that language. Essentially, they start with the exploration of a language barrier. How do you discuss ‘nutrients’ in Rohingya, or what does ‘vulnerability’ imply in this language? For different audiences, they will have precise meanings, but not always the same, and the words can carry different emotional content. Sometimes we bring experts together to discuss and agree on vocabulary for their sector – for example, how do you say ‘Safeguarding’ in Arabic. They will discuss the most precise term for the concept, but also the term most likely to be understood.

What challenges has your organisation faced in addressing language inclusivity, and how have you worked to overcome them?

People working in humanitarian emergencies often lack information about what languages are spoken in that context. Even local staff may be unaware of marginalised groups in the geographical area where they work. Our language data sets and maps help organizations plan their communications strategy to make sure they can get the most effective reach, or focus on the most marginalised groups. It also helps them monitor if they are achieving this.

We applied this approach with partners in the humanitarian response in northeast Nigeria. We worked with partners to gather and share the data on who speaks what languages were in the affected area. Then we built up translation communities to cover the top 9 languages. When we began the work, only about 31% of the population was getting life-saving information in their own language, while now, by adding just 9 more languages, we are supporting partners to reach over 80% of the community in their primary language. We are now applying this process to help get the best reach for climate warnings in Bolivia.


7Arte is a cultural organisation based in Mitrovica, Kosovo, established in 2006 to empower youth, foster inclusivity, and promote sustainable development through arts and culture. With a mission to support Kosovar artists and advocate for cultural heritage, 7Arte creates and organises educational, artistic, and recreational spaces that inspire critical thinking, professional growth, and participation in decision-making. Dedicated to building a harmonious and inclusive society, the organisation integrates environmental stewardship and multiethnic collaboration into its diverse programs, shaping a vibrant, sustainable future for the region.

What is inclusive language to you?​

One of the most inclusive languages we use at 7Arte is English, recognised as an international language that bridges communication gaps across the globe. Its widespread use enables people from diverse backgrounds to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas on a common platform.

However, as a language of expression, we turn to art. Art transcends barriers—be they cultural, linguistic, or social—and speaks a universal language that everyone can understand. Through various forms of artistic expression, such as movies, art installations, exhibitions, and video art, we address important issues and advocate for change. Art allows us to educate, inspire, and connect with individuals from all walks of life, creating shared spaces where ideas and emotions flow freely. Its ability to simplify complex topics, evoke empathy, and ignite conversations makes it one of the most powerful tools for communication, advocacy, and inclusion, regardless of where you are or who you are.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

Inclusivity is an important part in 7Arte, 7 Arte takes inclusivity with seriosity and sees it as a key priority. A great example of this is the Zana International Literature Festival, where we bring together artists from diverse communities—Albanians, Serbians, and even international participants. Their poems and writings are translated into three languages—Albanian, Serbian, and English—and published either as multilingual books or a single book featuring all three languages. This process not only ensures that the festival’s work reaches a wide audience but also promotes cultural exchange and mutual understanding. We also extend inclusivity to our other activities and communications.

Can you share an example where language barriers impacted your ability to communicate with your audience?

Language barriers are a challenge we continuously work to overcome. One example comes from the Visit Trepça Tour, where participants included individuals from various linguistic backgrounds. While we strive to accommodate everyone by offering live translation or multilingual support, there have been times when barriers still made it difficult to connect fully. To address this, we integrate inclusive methods into all our activities.

For example, during workshops under initiatives like 7 Arte on Wheels, we use art and movies as universal tools to convey messages without relying on language. Drawing, visual art, and other creative activities allow participants to express themselves and understand complex ideas in an inclusive way. In cases where language remains a need, local professors or school representatives often step in to help us ensure the message reaches everyone. While challenges remain, our focus on inclusivity in design and delivery ensures that we are always learning and improving.

How do you make complex environmental issues accessible to your audience?

At 7Arte, we believe that making environmental issues accessible starts with creativity and simplicity. Art is our go-to tool for breaking down these complex topics into something engaging and understandable. During the Green Festival, for example, we showcased visual and physical art installations that highlighted themes like sustainability and environmental protection. These installations transformed abstract issues into experiences that audiences could connect with on a personal level.

We also run hands-on workshops, especially for children, where participants create pictures, sculptures, and drawings inspired by environmental themes. These interactive sessions make learning fun and relatable, turning serious topics into creative exploration. Additionally, we host movie screenings on environmental themes that require no language skills, ensuring accessibility for everyone. By combining art, interaction, and visual storytelling, we help people of all ages and backgrounds understand and engage with environmental challenges.

How do you ensure that the voices of marginalised communities are included?

7Arte actively works to include the voices of marginalized communities through initiatives like 7 Arte on Wheels. This project engages students from underserved schools, including those in rural areas and minority groups such as Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian, and Serbian youth. Through activities like creating large posters, personal drawings, and other forms of art, participants express their unique perspectives and concerns.

These artworks are showcased in community spaces (mainly the school walls where the activity is held at), but also exhibitions happen from time to time with these artworks from time to time, giving visibility to their voices and fostering dialogue across diverse groups. By integrating these communities into our programs, we ensure representation, promote inclusion, and build bridges within Mitrovica’s multiethnic society.

Young Improvers for Youth Development

Young Improvers for Youth Development (YIYD) is a youth organisation based in Smolyan, Bulgaria, dedicated to empowering young people through inclusive and sustainable initiatives. We focus on engaging marginalised communities, promoting environmental education, and fostering social inclusion by creating opportunities for youth to actively participate in shaping their future. Through diverse projects and partnerships, we aim to build a stronger, more connected community where every voice is valued and heard.

What is inclusive language to you?​

At YIYD, inclusive language goes beyond simply choosing the right words—it’s about creating a culture of respect, belonging, and empowerment. For us, one of the most meaningful ways we embody this is by valuing and endorsing the use of the Rhodopean dialect of the Bulgarian language. Many of our volunteers speak this dialect, and it holds significant cultural and personal value for them. Unfortunately, the Rhodopean dialect is often met with prejudice, with some outsiders mocking or dismissing it as “incorrect” or “unpolished.” Such attitudes can alienate individuals, making them feel excluded or undervalued.

We actively work to counter this by celebrating the dialect as a vital part of our organizational identity and communication. We ensure that our projects, materials, and events are inclusive of the Rhodopean dialect and any other variations in accent or speech. By doing so, we create a safe space where everyone feels respected, regardless of how they speak. To us, inclusivity in language is about recognizing the beauty of diversity in expression, fostering acceptance, and breaking down barriers that hinder connection and collaboration. By endorsing the Rhodopean dialect, we send a clear message: no one should be excluded or judged for the way they express themselves. Instead, we celebrate the richness it brings to our work and the sense of pride it inspires in our volunteers and communities.

What steps has your organisation taken to promote inclusivity in communication?

At YIYD, promoting inclusivity in communication is central to how we connect with and empower communities. We believe that inclusive communication starts with breaking down barriers that prevent people from expressing themselves freely and being understood. Here are some of the key steps we’ve taken to ensure inclusivity: We actively encourage our volunteers and community members to speak in their natural dialects, including the Rhodopean dialect of Bulgarian. By normalising and celebrating the use of dialects, we challenge the stereotypes and biases often associated with regional speech patterns. This approach creates an environment where individuals feel proud of their linguistic heritage, rather than pressured to conform to a standard that doesn’t reflect their identity.

We prioritise engaging with elderly members of the community in their preferred style of communication, which often includes using traditional dialects and phrases. These dialogues not only respect and preserve their linguistic and cultural knowledge but also foster intergenerational understanding. Through these efforts, we emphasise that every voice, regardless of age or background, matters in shaping a more inclusive society.
Our events and campaigns are designed with inclusivity in mind.

Whether through multilingual materials, accessible formats, or embracing diverse speech styles in presentations, we ensure that no one feels excluded. We provide training for our team and volunteers to recognise and respect the diversity of speech, accents, and expressions. This helps to create a culture of sensitivity and openness that extends to all our interactions.
We use our platforms to showcase stories and contributions from individuals across different regions, dialects, and generations. By doing so, we highlight the unique perspectives and richness that diversity in language and communication brings to our work. YIYD fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect, ensuring that everyone—regardless of how they speak or where they come from—can participate fully and meaningfully in our initiatives. For us, inclusivity in communication is not just a value; it is a practice that strengthens our communities and makes our mission more impactful.

Can you share an example where language barriers impacted your ability to communicate with your audience?

At YIYD, we’ve seen firsthand how language barriers can create challenges in communication and inclusion. One personal example that stands out is when Rahim, one of our key team members, faced challenges due to language differences in his interactions with our community members. Rahim is originally from a Pomak village in the Smolyan region, where the community primarily speaks Pomak, a dialect influenced by Turkish. When he joined our youth projects in Smolyan, he encountered difficulties in communicating with young people who spoke more standard Bulgarian. Despite his fluency in both languages, the nuances of Pomak, especially in informal settings, were often misunderstood. At times, he would find himself explaining his thoughts multiple times, as some of the expressions he used didn’t translate directly into Bulgarian.

One memorable instance occurred during a community meeting about an environmental project. Rahim was sharing ideas about sustainability with a group of youth from urban areas, but his dialect, rich with cultural references and expressions unique to his village, left some participants confused. They were not used to hearing such expressions, and Rahim noticed that a few of the young people were reluctant to ask for clarification, not wanting to appear uninformed. To address this, Rahim took the initiative to create more inclusive spaces where dialects like his own were embraced. He started incorporating bilingual communication, using both Pomak and Bulgarian terms to make the concepts more accessible. He also organised smaller discussions where young people could ask questions without feeling embarrassed, promoting an open dialogue where everyone’s language was valued. This experience highlighted the importance of inclusivity in language and communication. Rahim’s dedication to bridging the gap helped the community understand that language diversity should not be a barrier but an asset. It reinforced the value of respecting each person’s linguistic background and the role it plays in fostering stronger connections and a more inclusive environment.

By integrating dialects into our communication efforts, we’ve seen a transformation in the way young people from diverse backgrounds interact. For Rahim, this experience reinforced the power of language in creating a shared space where everyone can contribute, regardless of their dialect or accent.

How do you make complex environmental issues accessible to your audience?

At YIYD, we recognise that while we live in the heart of the mountains, many of us have lost a deep, personal connection with nature over time. This disconnection can make understanding and engaging with complex environmental issues feel abstract or overwhelming. To bridge this gap, we use a unique approach that ties modern environmental challenges to the cultural traditions and linguistic heritage of our region.

One of our key strategies is reviving forgotten traditions and words related to nature. By tapping into the rich cultural memory of our communities, we bring environmental concepts closer to people’s everyday lives and identities. 
The Rhodope region has many unique dialectal terms that describe elements of the natural world—specific types of weather, land formations, or traditional ecological practices. By incorporating these words into our environmental campaigns, we make the issues feel more relevant and rooted in local history.
We organize workshops and events that reintroduce traditional ways of living sustainably, such as crafting, foraging, or seasonal rituals tied to the land. These activities create a hands-on connection to the environment while showcasing how our ancestors lived in harmony with nature.
We share stories and folklore that highlight the relationship between people and the natural world. These narratives help audiences understand that caring for the environment isn’t a new or distant idea—it’s something embedded in our heritage.
We explain complex issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, or waste management by using analogies and examples drawn from rural life, farming traditions, or the rhythms of the mountain seasons. This makes scientific concepts feel more approachable and less intimidating.

By connecting modern environmental issues to traditions and language that resonate deeply with our audiences, we make these challenges not only understandable but also personally meaningful. This approach inspires people to view nature not as something separate but as an integral part of their lives and identities, motivating them to take action in ways that honor both their heritage and the planet.

How do you ensure that the voices of marginalised communities are included?

At YIYD, we are deeply committed to amplifying the voices of marginalised communities in the Rhodope region and ensuring they are heard, respected, and not judged in spaces where decisions that affect their lives are made. This is particularly important in places like municipal buildings and state institutions in Smolyan, where such voices are often underrepresented or dismissed due to biases related to dialect, social background, or perceived lack of formal education.

We actively support members of marginalised communities, including youth and elderly individuals from rural villages like Chepintsi, in presenting their concerns and ideas to local authorities. This involves organising meetings and providing guidance to help them articulate their needs confidently and clearly.

For example, we have worked with local residents to voice concerns about inadequate public services in rural areas at municipal council meetings in Smolyan. By accompanying and mentoring them through the process, we help ensure their contributions are taken seriously.
We advocate for a shift in attitudes within institutions to reduce stigma against people who speak in dialects or with distinct accents. Through our campaigns, we highlight the value of linguistic diversity, encouraging officials to focus on the content of what is being said rather than how it is said.
We use storytelling as a tool to connect marginalised voices with decision-makers. For instance, we’ve shared narratives of elderly residents describing the challenges of environmental degradation in the mountains, helping bridge the gap between their lived experiences and policy discussions. These stories have been presented at public forums to humanize the issues and foster empathy among officials.

Education is key to inclusion. We hold workshops on civic engagement, teaching marginalised groups about their rights and how to effectively advocate for change. These workshops emphasize that their voices matter and equip them with the tools to speak confidently in spaces like municipal hearings.

One of our most impactful moments was helping a group of volunteers from a small Rhodope village bring their concerns about waste management and pollution to the Smolyan municipality. These individuals, who initially felt hesitant due to their dialect and rural background, spoke powerfully about their experiences and successfully secured commitments for better waste collection services in their area. By creating opportunities for marginalized voices to be heard in the “highest places,” YIYD ensures that inclusivity is not just a principle but a practice that drives meaningful change in our local context.

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Statement on lowering the protection status of wolves

Statement on lowering the protection status of wolves

As European youth, we hold all relevant decision-makers accountable for this grave backsliding in European conservation law. We call for the return of scientific reason and intergenerational fairness on the decision-making table. We wish to see this decision not to be applied in EU law, and to be reversed as soon as possible.

Green light to wolf hunting in Europe: youth, science and civil society go unheard.

As young people, we are beyond baffled to see that European countries support lowering the protection status of wolves in Europe, paving the way for increased wolf hunting in the 21st century. After almost a year since the Commission’s proposal to downgrade the wolf status in Europe, the final vote has been cast, flushing decades of conservation work, money and science down the drain. And, once again, it is us, young people, who will face the consequences of this unscientific and irresponsible decision.

On December 3rd, at the 44th Standing Committee Meeting of the Bern Convention in Strasbourg, the proposal to downlist the wolf was welcomed with a staggering 38 countries voting in favour. We must also acknowledge the following countries for opposing this proposal, voicing their concern regarding the evidence presented (or lack thereof), and noting the troubling precedent this decision sets: The United Kingdom, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Monaco, Albania and Montenegro. We urgently call upon these same countries to again voice their opposition before this decision comes into force in 3 months and for others to join them.

Fearmongering, hate and the spread of misinformation in Europe seem to have become common in narratives around conservation. Coexistence measures and modern technology, in which many young Europeans are now involved, are effective means of reducing human-wildlife conflict across the continent, and this is what European institutions should promote.

It is disconcerting how easily the European Union has ignored repeated calls to reason by citizens and scientists alike, in favour of political interests. Even today in Strasbourg, interventions made by multiple NGOs present as observers in the 44th Standing Committee Meeting went ignored (Pro Natura, Birdlife International, Born Free Foundation).


Full statement

The fact that wolves are now present in nearly all EU member states is in no small part thanks to conservation efforts and the legal protection provided by instruments like the Bern Convention. This proposal to lower the protection status of wolf populations can’t be justified based on current scientific evidence relating to the threats wolves still face. In addition, for wolves to effectively fulfil their ecological function, they must persist in ecologically sufficient numbers. Current data also indicates no notable increase in livestock damages or public safety risks caused by wolves since 2022. When a proposal to lower the protective status was brought to this committee. 

The Swiss proposal in 2022 to downlist wolves I am referring to, was rejected by the Standing Committee, based on a report by the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) highlighting the conservation status of European wolf populations at the time.  The LCIE again released a statement on November 13th expressing their concern and highlighting what seems to be a cherry-picking of scientific evidence in the current proposal.

In justifying their decision to vote against the Swiss proposal the EU said the following, and I quote. 

“Based on current data, lowering the protection status of all wolf populations is not justified from a scientific and conservation point of view. The conservation status of the species remains divergent across the continent, with a favourable conservation status assessment in only 18 out of 39 national parts of biogeographical regions in the Union. Continuing threats to the species, including emerging ones such as border fences and wolfdog hybridisation, also call for maintaining the strict protection status.”

This begs the question, what has changed 2 years since? The answer is virtually nothing. At least as far as the wolves are concerned. What has changed however is the political climate.

So, the European Union’s current decision to propose downlisting wolves appears inconsistent with its earlier stance. The same arguments that prompted the EU to oppose the Swiss proposal two years ago remain relevant today, raising concerns about the rationale behind the EU’s shift in position.

In light of ecological reasoning and prior political commitments, the proposed downlisting of wolves threatens to undermine the progress made in their conservation and sets a troubling precedent for future proposals for downgrading the protected status of other species in Appendix II. Given the fact that the convention does not set out specific science-based guidelines for such an action.

Downgrading the protective status of the wolf will make it easier to implement lethal control measures which are already being implemented with questionable reasoning. The science is clear on this, the decision to kill, legally or not, individuals of a protected species, such as wolves, risks diminishing their perceived value and undermining conservation efforts. As a young person from a country where most of my generation did not grow up with these amazing animals, this is not the right step toward coexistence with large carnivores, and nature as a whole, I want to see.

This move, which makes the wolves scapegoats and will not fix the struggles of rural areas finding it difficult to coexist with these animals, not only jeopardises the ecological functioning of European ecosystems but also sets a very dangerous precedent on how fragile European laws and democracy are in front of lobbying by few.

As European youth, we hold all relevant decision-makers accountable for this grave backsliding in European conservation law. We call for the return of scientific reason and intergenerational fairness on the decision-making table. We wish to see this decision not to be applied in EU law, and to be reversed as soon as possible.

Read the first youth position here.

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Landmark adoption: First international soft law on youth and climate action

Landmark adoption: First international soft law on youth and climate action

The first international soft law instrument on climate action and young people was officially adopted by the Committee of Minister! This is a Recommendation that has been in the drafting process for more than two years and comes after many years of the Advisory Council working to put climate and young people on the agenda of the CoE.

Historic news for the international community and more specifically for young people and climate action. The first international soft law instrument on climate action and young people was officially adopted by the Committee of Minister! This is a Recommendation that has been in the drafting process for more than two years and comes after many years of the Advisory Council working to put climate and young people on the agenda of the CoE. After hard negotiations in April 2024 during the 50th Joint Council meeting (CMJ), the CMJ agreed on the text. Then, on October 23rd this text with some last-minute amendments by the States, was officially adopted by the Committee of Ministers.

Youth and Environment Europe feels very proud to have played an active role in this process.
Our Secretary General Pegah Moulana was the Rapporteur of the drafting group for the past years and our Advocacy Manager, Agni (Agnes) Gkoutziamani, elected member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the CoE, has been the lead of the climate portfolio since January 2024 and represented the Advisory Council on Youth in the final negotiations processes in the CMJ meetings.

Key points mentioned in the recommendation:

Rights. The rights of young environmental defenders should be defended.
Participation. Young people should be able to participate in climate-related decision-making processes, and barriers to this engagement should be removed.
Education. Tailored climate resources should be provided for all education methodologies.
Health. Youth-friendly health services should be provided to young people experiencing health issues due to climate change.
Information. Member states should ensure full access to climate-related information and data
Discrimination. Member states should address all forms of discrimination young people experience in relation to the climate crisis and their activism.
Needs. When climate measures are implemented, the specific needs of young people should be considered (especially marginalised people etc).
Local dissemination. This should be translated, and shared, and the local and regional authorities should be invited to implement it.

We invite civil society and youth organisations to spread the word, disseminate the recommendation and its key points to your ministries, to the regional and local authorities and keep the recommendation relevant and alive, integrated into every aspect of your work. This is the moment to institutionalise the rights of young people in climate action.

We invite member states to respect the essential commitments they have made. We now look forward to seeing how the Council of Europe and member states will turn words into action,

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The EU’s Deforestation Law: Why the delay matters

The EU’s Deforestation Law: Why the delay matters

Despite the law’s importance in combating deforestation, the European Union recently announced a 12-month delay.

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Where do the products we consume in Europe really come from? Alarmingly, studies reveal that around 10% of EU consumption is linked to global deforestation, particularly in industries like palm oil and soy production. As we face the urgent threats of climate change and biodiversity loss, this issue cannot be ignored. In response, the European Union introduced the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which came into force on June 29, 2023.

What is the EUDR?

This landmark regulation is a significant step toward reducing global deforestation. The EU is addressing its responsibility as a major contributor to deforestation through the consumption of products like cattle, wood, cocoa, soy, palm oil, coffee, rubber, and their derivatives such as leather, chocolate, tyres, and furniture.

The European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is a key component of the EU Green Deal, specifically supporting its environmental and climate goals by addressing deforestation linked to global supply chains.

The EUDR seeks to ensure that these products, traded and consumed within the EU and globally, no longer contribute to deforestation and forest degradation. Companies dealing in these products are now required to perform due diligence, ensuring that the goods they sell in, or export from the EU are not sourced from land deforested or degraded after December 31, 2020.

However, despite the law’s importance in combating deforestation, the European Union recently announced a 12-month delay in its full implementation, which has drawn significant criticism from civil society. Originally set to take effect on December 30, 2024, the delay responds to concerns raised by international trading partners and industries, particularly during the UN General Assembly in New York.

What led to the delay?

Pressure from international trade partners and industries, especially those in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia – which produce 85% of the world’s palm oil – argue that the regulation is discriminatory and disproportionately affects small-scale farmers. Many smallholders lack the resources to comply with the EU’s new due diligence requirements. Critics note that the EU barely consulted external stakeholders before adopting the EUDR.

Yet, there is strong support for the EUDR among small-scale farmers in countries like Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. A coalition of over 120 civil society organizations and farmers’ groups representing more than 700,000 cocoa producers has backed the regulation. They see it as an opportunity to improve their livelihoods and promote sustainable supply chains. This support emphasises that, with adequate resources, small-scale farmers can meet the required standards, highlighting the importance of solidarity and EU assistance.

Why is the delay so serious?

Forests are vital carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of CO₂ from the atmosphere. Current deforestation levels are dangerously high, threatening forests’ potential to act as carbon sinks. Every month of inaction allows for more forest destruction, worsening the climate crisis, accelerating the extinction of species dependent on these ecosystems, and violating Indigenous peoples’ rights.

For example, the Malaysian state of Sarawak is at high risk of being cleared for timber and oil palm plantations supplying international markets, with the EU being the third-largest destination for Malaysian palm oil exports.

The EUDR is essential not only to address environmental degradation but also to combat human rights and labor violations often associated with deforestation. The delay also disregards the efforts of companies and EU trading partners who have invested resources to comply with the EUDR on time. Many of these companies are striving to adopt sustainable practices, and the postponement undermines their initiatives. The delay also fails to protect vulnerable communities in the Global South who rely on threatened ecosystems for their livelihoods.

The EU’s global environmental commitments are also at stake. This isn’t the first time critical climate regulations have faced delays. The Fit for 55 climate package, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, and other key pieces of the European Green Deal have also encountered setbacks. Such delays raise doubts about the EU’s ability to achieve its long-term climate goals, threatening transparency and accountability.

What are the next steps?

The responsibility now lies with the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers to navigate international tensions and finalise the regulation’s implementation by 2025 through a formal vote. Further negotiations will likely involve compromises with trading partners and domestic industries, but it is crucial that the EUDR’s core environmental objectives remain intact.

There is also a crucial window of opportunity to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the transition to sustainable supply chains. To prevent these countries from being left behind, the EU should increase financial and technical assistance, enabling LDCs to develop the necessary infrastructure and capacity to comply with the regulation, with a focus on supporting smallholder farmers. Most importantly, the EU must engage in continuous dialogue with LDC governments and stakeholders to address challenges and ensure a smooth, equitable transition.

What can you do?

Ensuring that the EUDR goes into full effect without further delay is essential to maintaining momentum in the fight against deforestation. As young citizens, we must ensure the EU remains committed to its environmental responsibilities. Here are some actions you can take:

  • 〇 Contact your Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and urge them to prioritise the swift implementation of the EUDR.
  • 〇 Support environmental campaigns and create or sign petitions.
  • 〇 Learn more about this issue
  • 〇 Raise awareness about the importance of deforestation laws, sharing information with others to keep the pressure on decision-makers.

The time for action is now. Together, we can demand a future that protects both the environment and people.

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