Legal Seeds 3

Supporting and promoting legal engagement amongst young climate activists


Environmental Law



Youth Hub


EnvLaw Workshops (Web Cover Image)(3)

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This project is supported by the European Climate Foundation.​

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This is the third edition of our environmental law project, Legal Seeds, which aims to build capacity and raise awareness among young people on current environmental law challenges and opportunities! Legal Seeds 3 builds upon our previous projects, and this year we are focusing particularly on empowering young climate activists on climate litigation, and on strengthening youth participation in legal processes!

Main topics of discussion:

Who is the project for?

The project addresses young people, with or without a legal background, willing to get more involved in the processes behind the adoption of environmental laws and in climate litigation. The environmental law team is active in bridging the gap between youth activism and legal processes, especially at the Aarhus Convention and EU environmental advocacy levels.

Legal Seeds 3 is also tailored to create a network of young people who already include notions of climate litigation in their activism! The project aims to provide advocacy support to youth already engaged in climate litigation while helping young activists to establish connections and networks with other youth and non-youth legal actors.


Enriching the knowledge bank composed of articles, handbooks, podcast episodes and social media material to help youth being updated about current EU and international legal topics.

Advocating for more ambitious EU environmental laws and for systemic youth participation in environmental decision-making processes.

We want to create a network to discuss and share youth litigation opportunities, advocacy initiatives and campaign developments on the topics of climate & environmental law.

Increasing youth role in climate litigation.

Have a look at the updates from the project!

Going to court, again!

We have had the opportunity to speak with Fridays for Future Estonia, about their decision to go to court, again! Last year, these young activists won Estonia’s first ever climate...

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