Call for volunteers

Become an influential young leader.

7-10 h/ week



Start March 2025

I am interested in

Liaison Officers positions

While committed to specific and diverse tasks within their thematic portfolios, the volunteer liaison officers would effectively make a team - the Advocacy Working Group - intended to support and contribute to YEE advocacy efforts.

Regional Contact Persons positions

The role of the Regional Contact Persons is to connect and develop communities of YEE’s member organisations on the regional level and work together to strengthen the connections of young people through YEE.


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For any questions regarding the selection process, contact

Application deadline: 23rd February 2025

YEE’s Advocacy Working Group is looking for 10 motivated volunteers to join the team!

About YEE Advocacy Working Group

The Advocacy Working Group (AWG) is a leadership program intended to equip volunteers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mentorship to effectively advocate for environmental concerns during their tenure with YEE, and beyond. Volunteers are being mentored and engaging in peer-to-peer learning; while supporting the Advocacy Team in shaping YEE’s external advocacy positions.

YEE’s overall advocacy engagement aims to: 

  • Empower young people to raise awareness and advocate for environmental and climate issues.
  • Equip young people and youth movements with an environmental and climate justice understanding. 
  • Enable young people to access and influence environmental EU, European and international negotiation processes. 
  • Connect young people across Europe and beyond to form a unified voice in environmental and climate advocacy.

About Liason Officers (LOs)

The Liaison Officer (LO) is a volunteer position of one year term (March 2025 – March 2026).

All liaison volunteers will report to and be supported by the YEE advocacy team (Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator, Advocacy Manager and Project Leads) and the YEE Youth Scientific Advisory Board.

While committed to specific and diverse tasks within their thematic portfolios, the volunteer liaison officers would effectively make a team – the Advocacy Working Group – intended to support and contribute to YEE advocacy efforts.

Moreover, each LO will form a small sub-team with the YEE Youth Scientific Advisory Board Task Force working on their topic.

The average commitment of the position is between 7-10 hours a week, including meetings every two weeks with the YEE Scientific Advisory Board, Regional Contact Persons, External Relations Officer, Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator, Advocacy Manager and Project Leads.

What you will gain:

This volunteer position offers valuable insights into working for a large European network of youth-led environmental NGOs, as well as in-depth knowledge of relevant organisations and institutions.

Some of the tasks expected include strengthening communication and advocacy with our partner organisations as well as creating new initiatives and campaigns. 

It also provides access to a network of young green activists and professionals and helps develop transferable skills such as time management, organisation, and communication, which can boost your CV.

LOs positions available

The Biodiversity Team is active in EU advocacy, international advocacy (CBD) and advocacy in the context of the Bern Convention (Council of Europe). The Liaison Officers on Biodiversity will work closely with the YSAB members and Alex, Biodiversity Coordinator.

The aim of the portfolio is threefold:

  1. Education: the primary aim of our biodiversity portfolio is to raise awareness among youth about biodiversity-related issues. We want to educate young people on topics that are often misunderstood or challenging to access, focusing on current affairs, policy and science.
  2. Advocacy: we strive to amplify the voice of youth in advocating for policies and laws that positively impact biodiversity and preserve it for future generations. 
  3. Representation: our commitment extends to active participation in various stakeholder meetings to ensure that young perspectives are represented and heard. We believe that youth representation in decision making is of utmost importance for inclusive democratic processes and safeguard intergenerational equity.

The Liaison Officers will support in the implementation of the portfolio activities. Examples of these activities will include:

  • 🟢 Participate in weekly calls with Alex and the YSAB Task Force.
  • 🟢 Support in the organisation of 3 non-formal education workshops for youth participation in Nature Restoration Plans.
  • 🟢 Support in the youth campaign on coexistence with Large Carnivores.
  • 🟢 Liaise with other European youth environmental organisations with which we collaborate in the context of the Nature Restoration Law/Plans.

The Liaison Officer on Environmental Law will work closely with the Environmental Law Team – Emma, Alex and Sara. Our team advocates in the context of EU laws – National Energy and Climate Plans and the EU Climate Law, the Aarhus Convention and the Council of Europe.

The Liaison Officer will support in the implementation of the activities related to the Legal Seeds project.

Examples of these activities will include:

  • 🟢 Support in the implementation of the “Race to 2040” campaign, related to the EU Climate Law.
  • 🟢 Liaise with other youth organisations working on environmental law matters at EU level.
  • 🟢 Support the advocacy in the context of the Aarhus Convention, with an emphasis on youth public participation.
  • 🟢 Support in organising interviews with environmental defenders.

This new portfolio will bring YEE to work more directly on the relation between climate, health, and ecosystems.

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members and the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator.

To address planetary health risks, the goals of this portfolio will align with the broader One Health framework:

  1. Advocacy: build a solid youth voice in advocating for reducing environmental pollutants, enhancing ecosystem resilience and strengthening public health systems.
  2. Raise public awareness: promote education and behavior change through related campaigns and environmental stewardship.

Our focus will be on:

  • Supporting regulatory advancements to address emerging environmental health risks, such as those outlined in the Water Framework Directive and REACH Regulation.
  • Advocating for stronger global agreements, such as the WHO’s One Health agenda and the UN’s Plastic Pollution Treaty, to mitigate cross-border environmental health risks.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB Task Force on the implementation of the activities. These activities will include:

  • 🟢 Join health-related working groups: actively participate in health-focused working groups within existing networks YEE is already a member of  and map additional relevant networks to explore potential collaborations and synergies.
  • 🟢 Support policy advocacy: identify opportunities to provide technical input and youth perspectives to strengthen environmental health policies at national, regional, and global levels.
  • 🟢 Advance regulatory updates: advocate for and support the acceleration of amendments to key EU frameworks, such as the Water Framework Directive and REACH Regulation, to address emerging pollutants and environmental health risks.
  • 🟢 Engage communities and youth: mobilise youth and local leaders (especially from, but not limited to, our members) through education, restoration activities, and citizen science initiatives to drive grassroots action and awareness, emphasizing the connections between environmental health and planetary health.
  • 🟢 Build capacity through training and campaigns: organise workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to highlight the connections between climate, health, and ecosystems, fostering knowledge and action at all levels.

This new portfolio will bring YEE to work more directly on the relation between agriculture, food production and ecosystems. 

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members and the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator.

The aims of the portfolio are:

  1. Advocacy
    1. engage with policymakers: facilitate dialogue between youth representatives and policymakers by co-organising youth-led panels, workshops, and side events at international level (e.g., COPs, GFFA, EU forums, World Food Forum).
    2. advocate for CAP reforms, stronger alignment of agricultural policies with biodiversity, climate, and socio-economic objectives, and youth-inclusive policies through articles, position briefs, social media campaigns, and strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations.
  2. Youth empowerment: collaborate with existing youth networks to amplify voices and share best practices.
  3. Farmer-consumer partnerships: launch local campaigns to encourage young people to support community-supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives and local markets.
  4. Education and communication:
    1. organise workshops and awareness-raising publications, materials on regenerative agriculture, food waste management, and sustainable diets for youth and local communities.
    2. use social media platforms to run awareness campaigns targeting young Europeans on sustainable food systems and healthy diets.
    3. create content (e.g., videos, infographics) to explain complex policies, funding opportunities, and practical solutions in an engaging way.
    4. co-develop online guides to educate young farmers and aspiring entrepreneurs on digital tools and innovative solutions for regenerative farming.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB  in implementing the activities, which will include:

  • 🟢 Become members and follow the work of bigger network organisations.
  • 🟢 Organise a roundtable discussion on Biodiversity and Agriculture.
  • 🟢 Conducting research and publishing an article on how the Nature Restoration Law affects agricultural production and farmers’ income. The article will aim to provide information and recommendations to policymakers, farmers, and youth advocates, ensuring synergy with the biodiversity group’s work on the NRL.
  • 🟢 Organise an online consultation session with rural youth to understand their concerns about the green transition.
  • 🟢 Collaborate with youth organizations and NGOs and produce a joint report highlighting European youth voices, concerns and demands to policymakers regarding the future of agriculture.

The Liaison Officers on Just Transition and Resource Justice will continue our work in Just Transition, while bringing YEE to work more on Resource Justice.

The Liaison Officers will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members, the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator and the Advocacy Manager.

The aim of this working group is to build a youth advocacy community working on overconsumption and resource justice. 

The aim is to:

  1. Just Transition
    1. Support the Just Transition Platform Working Groups by engaging with key stakeholders and youth organizations to ensure youth perspectives are integrated into discussions on coal phase-out, green jobs, and social justice.
    2. Collaborate with European institutions and CSOs to advocate for stronger just transition policies prioritising stakeholder engagement, equal opportunities and environmental sustainability.
    3. Provide capacity-building opportunities for young people by organizing knowledge-sharing sessions on best practices for implementing just transition strategies.
    4. Contribute to policy monitoring and analysis to track the progress of Just Transition initiatives at the EU level.
    5. Develop communication materials (briefs, infographics, articles) to simplify and disseminate complex just transition policies to young audiences.
    6. Develop resources, such as helping create toolkits and materials to support advocacy and awareness on Just Transition.
  2. Resource Justice
    1. Join efforts with other NGOs to advocate for the European Commission to start a legislative proposal on a directive on Sustainable Resource Management. 
    2. Build capacity among YEE member organisations through organising workshops where to discuss the unsustainable use of environmental resources, and raise awareness about possible solutions to this problem.

The Liaison Officers will work with the YSAB members to implement the activities, which will include:

  1. Just Transition
    • 🟢 Develop reports and recommendations on best practices in just transition across different regions in Europe.
    • 🟢 Raise awareness by writing articles and social media content on the importance of just transition.
    • 🟢 Organise online and onsite capacity-building sessions on just transition for the YEE team and member organisations.
  2. Resource Justice
    • 🟢 Advocacy
      1. Join already existing coalitions
      2. Organise meetings with policymakers 
      3. Write and disseminate position papers 
    • 🟢 Awareness raising
      1. Write one to three articles on the topic of resource justice, beyond growth and overconsumption
      2. Write small summaries from main policy developments happening at the EU and UN levels.
    • 🟢 Capacity building
      1. Organise one online workshop part of the YEE addressed to youth leaders, focusing on resource justice, overconsumption and beyond growth. 
      2. Organise one onsite workshop for YEE member organisations to deliver during the General Assemblies.
      3. Organise three online regional workshops for YEE MOs to introduce them to the topic.

The Liaison Officer on Climate Justice will support the work of the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice project and the team advocacy work towards COP30.

The Liaison Officer will work closely with the Youth Advisory Scientific Board (YSAB) members in developing content material related to climate justice topics – integrating the concept of climate justice into mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. The LO will be supported by the Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator and the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice Lead.

The work on climate justice for 2025 will particularly focus on COP30, however the LO will map other relevant international fora as well.

The activities will include:

  • 🟢 Support in the creation of advocacy position papers towards COP30
  • 🟢 Support the Global Dialogues for Climate Justice Lead in the creation of training materials for the project – presentations, toolkits, articles…
  • 🟢 Support the YSAB in researching climate justice, mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage
  • 🟢 Help the YEE team to liaise with European and international youth organisations working on climate justice 
  • 🟢 Support the YSAB in identifying youth groups particularly affected by climate change in Europe
  • 🟢 Identify international negotiation processes where YEE shall advocate for climate justice

YEE’s Membership Team is looking for 4 passionate volunteers to join the team!

About YEE Membership Team

The Regional Contact Persons (RCPs) are an integral part of YEE’s Membership team, which actively works on engagement and collaboration with our members, and to expand our network and reach in the different regions of Europe. As an RCP, you will play a key role in strengthening YEE’s network by building meaningful relationships with Member Organisations (MOs), supporting their work, and encouraging collaboration across regions. This is a great opportunity to gain leadership experience, develop valuable skills in facilitation and networking, and contribute to youth-led environmental action on a larger scale.

About Regional Contact Persons (RCPs)

The RCP mandate is a volunteer position of a one-year term (March 2025 – March 2026).

All RCPs will report to and be supported by the Membership team (Membership Coordinator, Member Organisations Officer, Secretary General), and also be in contact with the rest of the YEE volunteers.

The role of the RCPs is to connect and develop communities of YEE’s member organisations on the regional level and work together to strengthen the connections of young people through YEE.

They act as the point of contact between YEE and the member organisations in their region, hosting meetings for the representatives of the member organisations, and linking them with any relevant projects and opportunities from YEE. They also work to strengthen YEE’s presence in and knowledge of their region, contributing with invaluable information for our expanding network.

The average commitment of the position is between 4-7 hours a week, including bi-weekly meetings with the Membership Team, and bi-weekly meetings with other YEE volunteers, including the YEE Scientific Advisory Board, Liaison Officers, and relevant staff. These meetings will occur on alternating weeks, so you can expect at least one meeting weekly. 

What you will gain:

This volunteer position offers valuable insights into working for a large European network of youth-led environmental NGOs, as well as in-depth knowledge of relevant organisations and institutions in your region.

It also provides access to a network of young green activists and professionals and helps develop transferable skills such as time management, organization, and communication, which can boost your CV.


RCPs positions available

We are looking for three volunteers to join us in the mandate of RCP for the East, North, South and West regions*.

Your tasks will include:

  • 🟢 Collaborating closely with the membership team to plan, enhance and implement our member engagement strategy;
  • 🟢 Organising and chairing online members’ meetings on topics of interest;
  • 🟢 Staying updated on the member organisations in your region and give regular updates to relevant staff;
  • 🟢 Write articles about our members and topics they work on;
  • 🟢 Be a part of the Membership Committee and assess incoming applications to our network;
  • 🟢 Co-organise and host open meetings for organisations interested in joining YEE;
  • 🟢 Reaching out to and enhancing collaboration with youth movements in your region;
  • 🟢 Stimulating and supporting member engagement in YEE activities and projects.

*YEE’s regional division of Europe is based on the UN geoscheme of Europe, but also including the Caucasus. The regions are consequently defined as follows:

East Region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia,  Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine.
North Region:  Åland Islands, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands,  Finland,  Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway,  Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
South Region:  Albania,  Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Malta,  Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia,  Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye.
West Region:  Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein,  Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Switzerland.


Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 23rd February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for a remote interview.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact

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Call for volunteers

Project assistant

304 hours in total To be distributed unequally*

16.46 EUR per hour (gross)

remote within EUROPE

until October 2025

Start March 2025

Project lead for a short-term assistant on the triple planetary crisis

YEE is seeking a project assistant to support a project lead of a short-term project called Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE).

*This remote position involves an uneven workload from 1st March to 31st October 2025, with the following working periods:

  • March-May 2025: 76 total hours (app. 25 per month distributed unevenly with an average remuneration of 411.5 EUR per month);
  • August-October 2025: 228 total hours (76 per month distributed unevenly with an average remuneration of 1250.96 EUR per month).
Application deadline: 19th February 2025


The project Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE) addresses the triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—focusing on how young people across Europe experience and respond to its varied impacts.

Recognising that these crises transcend borders, the initiative aims to raise awareness, foster solidarity, and empower young people through education, cooperation, and advocacy. By enhancing cross-border knowledge sharing and promoting the right to a healthy environment (RTHE), the project seeks to build a united and strategic youth response to environmental challenges, emphasising the importance of regional and social contexts.

Key objectives include raising awareness of regional differences in experiencing these crises, equipping young people with the skills to advocate for environmental rights, fostering collaboration among youth organisations, and encouraging local and global environmental actions. The project prioritises rural and vulnerable young people across Europe, ensuring inclusivity and diverse representation. Innovative approaches, such as cross-geographical dialogue and visual storytelling, will showcase the role of youth in driving environmental change and strengthen their contributions to a sustainable future.


The project assistant will support the project lead in carrying out the project activities including:

Candidates we are looking for

The ideal profile:


Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 19 February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for a remote interview during the week of 24 to 28 February.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact

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Call for a project assistant

Project lead

with experience in communications

20 hours/week

1431.8 EUR per month (gross)

remote within EUROPE

until November 2025

Start March 2025

Project lead for a short-term project on the triple planetary crisis

YEE is seeking a project lead for a short-term project called Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE).

This position is remote and requires an average of 20 hours per week of work until November 30th, 2025.

Application deadline: 19th February 2025


The project Understanding the Triple Planetary Crisis through the Lens of the Right to a Healthy Environment (RtHE) addresses the triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—focusing on how young people across Europe experience and respond to its varied impacts.

Recognising that these crises transcend borders, the initiative aims to raise awareness, foster solidarity, and empower young people through education, cooperation, and advocacy. By enhancing cross-border knowledge sharing and promoting the right to a healthy environment (RTHE), the project seeks to build a united and strategic youth response to environmental challenges, emphasising the importance of regional and social contexts.

Key objectives include raising awareness of regional differences in experiencing these crises, equipping young people with the skills to advocate for environmental rights, fostering collaboration among youth organisations, and encouraging local and global environmental actions. The project prioritises rural and vulnerable young people across Europe, ensuring inclusivity and diverse representation. Innovative approaches, such as cross-geographical dialogue and visual storytelling, will showcase the role of youth in driving environmental change and strengthen their contributions to a sustainable future.


The project lead will be responsible for carrying out all the project activities including:​

Candidates we are looking for

The ideal profile:


Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 19 February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for a remote interview during the week of 24 to 28 February.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact


Call for a part-time project lead

Intersectionality expert

with experience in non-formal education

short-term contract

€1,775 – 2,150 in total (gross)

remote within EUROPE

until May 2025

Start March 2025

Intersectionality expert with with experience in non-formal education

YEE is seeking an expert who can bring depth to the training by addressing specific challenges faced by marginalised communities, sharing best practices, and fostering meaningful dialogue among participants. 

This position requires remote preparation and travelling to Prague to deliver and facilitate the training in April 2025.

Application deadline: 16th February 2025


Empowering the Unheard is a Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) project centred on intersectionality with a core mission to support young individuals with fewer opportunities in their entry into the climate movement.

Over the past year, the project has supported 10 initiatives across Europe, engaging marginalised and vulnerable communities in environmental actions. As the project nears its conclusion, we are organising a 5-day training to bring together project participants. This training will create a space for sharing regional experiences, exchanging expertise, and building participants’ capacities to continue working with marginalized youth in their communities.




Candidates we are looking for

The ideal profile:



This is a paid position with a fixed compensation range 1,775 – 2,150€. The final amount will be determined based on the selected candidate’s level of experience and the specific extent of their contributions to the training and handbook development.

Payment will be issued upon invoice submission.

Equal Opportunity

YEE is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Selection Process

Interested candidates should submit the application form by 16 February 2025 to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will be asked for an online interview.

For any questions regarding the selection process, contact


Call for an intersectionality expert

Czech-speaking researcher

10 working days (FTE) distributed unequally

30 000 CZK gross (in total)

remote, in Czechia

short-term contract

Start ASAP

Researcher for Participatory Methods in the “Energy Literacy for Youth (ELY)” Project

We are seeking a Czech-speaking researcher based in the Czech Republic to contribute to the ELY project’s implementation and evaluation in Czechia.

This position is remote, and requires 10 days of work (full-time equivalent) in total until the 31st March 2025.


The “Energy Literacy for Youth (ELY)” project is a 31-month capacity-building initiative funded by ERASMUS+. Its aim is to empower young people to become active citizens in addressing climate change and promoting renewable energy solutions. By developing and testing an adaptable and replicable energy literacy curriculum through local trainings, the project focuses on reaching and engaging marginalized youth across diverse socio-cultural contexts in Poland, Czechia, Cyprus, Denmark, and Germany.

Objective of the Position

The researcher will play a key role in designing and conducting participatory research with marginalised youth in Czechia to inform and adapt the energy literacy curriculum to local socio-cultural contexts. This includes mapping various marginalised youth groups in Czechia, analysing their unique needs and barriers, and strategising which groups the project should prioritise for engagement to ensure inclusivity and impact.

Work Arrangements

  • Location: The researcher will be based in the Czech Republic, with travel to local training sites as needed. The work will be performed remotely within the country.
  • Reporting: The researcher will report to ELY’s Project Lead and YEE Education Department head.
  • Collaboration: The researcher will work closely with the ELY project team and local partners in Czechia.

Your responsibilities

  • ⚬ Identify and build relationships with marginalised youth groups and local stakeholders in Czechia.
  • ⚬ Organise a research event with local stakeholders
  • ⚬ Implement participatory research methods tailored to marginalised youth in Czechia
  • ⚬ Facilitate participatory research based on the developed research design to gather insights on local needs and barriers to energy literacy.
  • ⚬ Collect qualitative and quantitative data through participatory methods.
  • ⚬ Analyse data to identify key themes and actionable recommendations for adapting the energy literacy curriculum.
  • ⚬ Provide research findings to support the design and localisation of the energy literacy curriculum.
  • ⚬ Prepare a comprehensive report in English summarising research findings and their implications for the project.


Candidates we are looking for

Extra assets

Application Process

Interested candidates should submit the form to be considered for the position. Applications should be sent by 12 January 2025. Early applications are encouraged as the position may close once a suitable candidate is identified.

Equal Opportunity

The ELY project is committed to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages applications from individuals of all backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups.

Application deadline: 12th January 2025

Czech-speaking researcher​

Call for a Communications and Campaigns Coordinator

to join our Communications team.

18 h/ week

12 EUR/hour


1 year contract

Start 1st August 2024

YEE is seeking a Communications and Campaigns Coordinator

YEE is looking for a part-time Communications and Campaigns Coordinator, to work with the organisation’s advocacy portfolios. The work will be mainly centred on the deliverables of the Environmental Law Portfolio.

The Communications and Campaigns Officer will be responsible for creating content for the organisation’s social media platforms and the website, for developing communication strategies and campaigns, and for helping the advocacy projects produce various visual content such as infographics and designs for articles/booklets.

This position is remote, and requires 18 hours of work per week, with a gross salary of 12 EUR/hour. The position will run from 01/08/2024 to 31/07/2025 (with possible extension upon funding). 

Application deadline: 10th July 2024

Your responsibilities

  • ⚬ Create and produce informational content about events, resources and activities of the different advocacy portfolios
  • ⚬ Consistently create social media content for Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok
  • ⚬ Proof-read and publish articles and handbooks on topics related to the projects
  • ⚬ Work closely with the Communications team to develop communications material
  • ⚬ Create and design infographics nd visual designs to support policy briefs and handbooks
  • ⚬ Participate in weekly department-, project- and staff meetings
  • ⚬ Support the Advocacy Working Group’s campaigns and projects by helping with articles, creating social media posts and advising on communication strategies
  • ⚬ Update the visual identity and communications strategy for the Environmental Law project
  • ⚬ Filming and producing reels, short videos and TikToks related to topics of Environmental Law
  • ⚬ Recruiting and collaborating with influencers to create content
  • ⚬ Producing social media content related to Environmental Law and Climate Litigation
  • ⚬ Working on communications material for the Climate Law Hub (which YEE is a founder of)
  • ⚬ Assist the YEE team in conducting the communications deliverables assigned to YEE for our communications contributions to the BeLIFE consortium

Candidates we are looking for


Call for a Communications and Campaigns Coordinator​

Call for internal auditors 2024/2025





Start 1st August 2024

Open call for the Internal Auditors 2024/2025

Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is pleased to announce the open call for internal auditors 2024/2025. The internal auditors will be voted in during our Annual Meeting 2024.

Internal auditors are independent individuals with the function of providing an objective assessment of the organisation.

How to apply?

All interested candidates are invited to fill in the application form including a CV by the 11th July 2024, 23:59 CEST.

Application deadline: 15th June 2024

The Internal Audit (IA) is a monitoring organ. The aims of the IA are:

The IA is conducted once per year. The internal auditors are expected to carry out the audit at the YEE office for 2 full days at least 60 days before the following General Assembly.

Internal Auditors are entitled to receive 100% reimbursement of travel costs (as long as YEE Travel Policy is respected), accommodation, and vegetarian food for the days when the IA is carried out.


Call for internal auditors 2024/2025​

Call for board members 2024/2025

5 h/ week




Start 1st August 2024

Open call for the Executive Board 2024/2025

Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is pleased to announce the open call for the Executive Board 2024/2025. The members of the board will be voted in during our Annual Meeting 2024.

The Executive Board is responsible for making all the decisions between the Annual Meetings and the implementation of the Work Plan accepted by the General Assembly, together with the Secretariat.

How to apply?

All interested candidates are invited to fill in the application form including a CV and nomination letter from any of YEE member organisations by the 15th June 2024, 23:59 CEST.

Application deadline: 15th June 2024

By assuming the position of a Board Member you will:

Who are we looking for:

The position of a Board Member of YEE is voluntary and remote. All members of the Board assume responsibilities according to the position they take.

The positions are as follows:

  • • Chairperson – governance and chairing of the Board, 
  • • Treasurer – fundraising, External Relations Officer – external partnerships and visibility,
  • • Project Officer – YEE projects,
  • • Communications Officer – YEE newsletter and social media,
  • • Member Organisations Officer – Regional teams and membership management. 
  • • External Relations Officer – Partnerships

Learn more about each position in our Board Members Policy.


Call for board members 2024/2025​

Call for Eco-Anxiety Experts

to lead our Training of Trainers.


200 EUR/day

Prague, CZ


Start ASAP

YEE is seeking 2 experts on Eco-Anxiety

YEE is looking for experts between who can host training sessions during a training of trainers on how to deal with eco-anxiety.

About the Training of Trainers

Through non-formal education methods, we aim to equip the participants of the training with knowledge on eco-anxiety and mental health impacts of climate change, enabling them to take meaningful action on these issues in their own communities.

We want to create a platform for discussions, knowledge-sharing, and active participation, empowering participants to collectively learn about this important topic.

Application deadline: 1st April 2024

Your responsibilities

  • ⚬ Plan the training sessions together with the Project Coordinator.
  • ⚬ Attend two preparatory online meetings with the other trainer and YEE staff to plan the sessions.
  • ⚬ Carry out 5 days of interactive training sessions using non-formal education methods.
  • ⚬ Support the participants’ understanding and development.
  • ⚬ Assist in training activities and facilitation.

Candidates we are looking for

Apply now

Call for Eco-Anxiety Experts | Call for Trainers

Call for Finance Manager

to lead our Finance team.

40 h/ week

2800 EUR/month


Remote possible

Start 1st April 2024

YEE is seeking a Finance Manager

YEE is excited to announce the opening of a full-time Finance Manager (40 hours/week) from April 2024 to April 2025 (potential extension) to lead our Finance team.

Responsibilities include budgeting and financial planning, grant management, expense management, and team management. The selected candidate must have language proficiency in English (Czech language is a plus). Ideal candidates have experience in budgeting, grant management, nonprofit accounting, and strong communication skills.

Remuneration is 2 800 EUR/month gross salary.

Your responsibilities

  • Develop, implement, and monitor annual budgets. Prepare forecasts and financial budgets to guide organisational decision-making.
  • Prepare accurate and timely financial reports, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Present financial information to the Coordination team and the Board, offering insights and recommendations for strategic planning.
  • Monitor grant budgeting and reporting processes to ensure compliance with funder requirements. Work closely with project managers and department managers to align financial activities with project goals and objectives.
  • Monitor organisational expenditures and implement cost-saving strategies.  Review and approve expenses, ensuring transparency and consistency to budget and organisational policies
  • Coordinate audits and assist in the preparation of audit materials.
  • Meet with the funders on a regular basis to update them on the financial progress.

Cash Flow Management: Manage cash flow and liquidity to ensure the organisation’s financial stability.

Tax Compliance: Ensure compliance with tax regulations.. Stay updated on tax laws and regulations.

Team Leadership and Development: Lead the finance team, providing guidance, support, and professional development opportunities. 

Collaboration and Communication: Work collaboratively with departments to achieve organisational goals, promoting financial literacy and transparency across the organisation.

Leading the travel arrangements such buying tickets, booking accommodations and reimbursements when required. 

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Call for Finance Manager | Full-time Opportunities