Local Actions – ACT NOW!

This is the fourth activity of a long term project that consisted of a series of local actions. Applicants who have previously participated in the International Seminar Know Your Grassroots” and/or Training Course “Create Your Grassroots” received funding from YEE to organise local actions to foster positive change throughout September and October 2019. 

The local actions were aimed to support and empower local initiatives to organise local grassroots actions as the final stage of the project. It is a chance for young people to put their ideas into practice and address real environmental problems.

There were 8 organisations from Latvia, Georgia, Russia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova that have participated in this phase of the project.

The objectives for the local actions were:

– Mobilize local youth and get them engaged into organising / forming grassroots movements;

– Promote environmental grassroots movements;

– Address local authorities and stakeholders in charge of the subject of the local actions.

Check our organisations’ local actions down below!